Sharing My Peptide Stack - What's Yours?


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm interested in comparing notes and learning more about the different peptide stacks everyone is using. Here's the breakdown of my current regimen:

AOD 9604
- Dosage: 300mcg
- Time of Day:Morning, 30 minutes before eating
- Frequency: 5 days on / 2 off

- BPC-157
- Dosage: 300mcg
- Time of Day: Evening
- Frequency: 5/2

- CJC-1295
- Dosage: 250mcg
- Time of Day: Before bed, 2 hours after eating - Frequency: 5 days on, 2 days off

- Epithalon
- Dosage: 1mg
- Time of Day: Morning, 30 minutes before eating
- Frequency: 5/2

- Dosage: 200mcg
- Time of Day: Anytime
- Frequency: Daily

- Ipamorelin
- Dosage: 250mcg
-Time of Day: Evening, 2 hours after eating
- Frequency: 5 days on, 2 days off

- Dosage: 1mg
- Time of Day: Anytime
- Frequency: 3 times weekly

- TB-500
- Dosage: 300mcg
- Time of Day: Evening
- Frequency: 5/2

- Tesamorelin
- Dosage: 1.5mg
- Time of Day: Before bed, 2 hours after eating
- Frequency: 5 days on, 2 days off

- Tirzepatide
- Dosage: 4mg
-Time of Day: Morning, 30 minutes before eating
- Frequency: Once weekly (Friday)

I'm eager to hear about your experiences and the stacks you're running. What dosages and schedules work best for you?
Sheeeeeesh. That's a lot

I do
3.33mg tirzepatide/week (one shot, but have been debating splitting it to 2x a week)
6iu gh/day (3iu am fasted/3iu bedtime)
Fat loss phase
-GH 2.75 iu ed
-Tirz .5mg ed (daily dosing 3.5mg/week makes it work a lot better for me)
-1 Bd syringe

How many pins u use a day bro?
Too many, about 10 a day, 5 days a week. I need to start combining tandem peptides like TB-500/BP-157 into one vial.
Hello everyone,

I'm interested in comparing notes and learning more about the different peptide stacks everyone is using. Here's the breakdown of my current regimen:

AOD 9604
- Dosage: 300mcg
- Time of Day:Morning, 30 minutes before eating
- Frequency: 5 days on / 2 off

- BPC-157
- Dosage: 300mcg
- Time of Day: Evening
- Frequency: 5/2

- CJC-1295
- Dosage: 250mcg
- Time of Day: Before bed, 2 hours after eating - Frequency: 5 days on, 2 days off

- Epithalon
- Dosage: 1mg
- Time of Day: Morning, 30 minutes before eating
- Frequency: 5/2

- Dosage: 200mcg
- Time of Day: Anytime
- Frequency: Daily

- Ipamorelin
- Dosage: 250mcg
-Time of Day: Evening, 2 hours after eating
- Frequency: 5 days on, 2 days off

- Dosage: 1mg
- Time of Day: Anytime
- Frequency: 3 times weekly

- TB-500
- Dosage: 300mcg
- Time of Day: Evening
- Frequency: 5/2

- Tesamorelin
- Dosage: 1.5mg
- Time of Day: Before bed, 2 hours after eating
- Frequency: 5 days on, 2 days off

- Tirzepatide
- Dosage: 4mg
-Time of Day: Morning, 30 minutes before eating
- Frequency: Once weekly (Friday)

I'm eager to hear about your experiences and the stacks you're running. What dosages and schedules work best for you?
What is overall goal accompanying all this?
Serostim. Save your money on peptides and buy more GH. Metformin or Semaglutide if you need it for BG control otherwise waste of money on all the peptides.
Serostim. Save your money on peptides and buy more GH. Metformin or Semaglutide if you need it for BG control otherwise waste of money on all the peptides.
Thanks. I'll need to do some research on Serostim, I'm not very familiar with GH. I started exploring peptides earlier this year, beginning with Tirzepatide, and it's been quite a deep dive into this world. That's actually how I stumbled upon MESO-Rx.
Ever consider just replacing the tesa, ipa, cjc, and aod with a couple ius of gh?
Thanks for the suggestion! I haven’t delved much into GH yet, but I'm finding the IPA, CJC, and AOD are working so far. As for Tesa, I’m particularly keen on keeping it in my regimen since it’s been targeting stomach fat effectively.
Thanks for the suggestion! I haven’t delved much into GH yet, but I'm finding the IPA, CJC, and AOD are working so far. As for Tesa, I’m particularly keen on keeping it in my regimen since it’s been targeting stomach fat effectively.
I have used all of the peptides you have listed and never saw more than a 50pt increase in my igf-1 through serial blood work spanning 1.5 years. I tried 3 times a day morning, midday, and night shots with IPA tes and cjc and all I got was odd and intermittent side effects. All while monitoring blood glucose and trying to plan pins before or long enough after eating. The month I took them all out and put in gh my igf went to 378 on 4 units a day I felt a ton better, and I can do 1 shot before bed and it made my blood glucose control better. If they work for you keep on keeping on but if you are not adverse to trying gh I would say definitly try it as you might save yourself a ton of money, hassle, and shots. I was adverse to using gh for a long time because of rumors warning of "increased rates of cancer" and "unwanted organ and nose/ear/foot/hand growth". It's all a bunch of bs from my current perspective, gh will make cancer grow faster if you already have it. But we do blood work and you can check for that shit. TypeIIx has some articles that are very informative and helpful, but you might need to read them 3 or 4 times to get the gist, they are quite in depth with data.
I have used all of the peptides you have listed and never saw more than a 50pt increase in my igf-1 through serial blood work spanning 1.5 years. I tried 3 times a day morning, midday, and night shots with IPA tes and cjc and all I got was odd and intermittent side effects. All while monitoring blood glucose and trying to plan pins before or long enough after eating. The month I took them all out and put in gh my igf went to 378 on 4 units a day I felt a ton better, and I can do 1 shot before bed and it made my blood glucose control better. If they work for you keep on keeping on but if you are not adverse to trying gh I would say definitly try it as you might save yourself a ton of money, hassle, and shots. I was adverse to using gh for a long time because of rumors warning of "increased rates of cancer" and "unwanted organ and nose/ear/foot/hand growth". It's all a bunch of bs from my current perspective, gh will make cancer grow faster if you already have it. But we do blood work and you can check for that shit. TypeIIx has some articles that are very informative and helpful, but you might need to read them 3 or 4 times to get the gist, they are quite in depth with data.
I had a very similar experience. Was hesitant to do gh, now I think I was conned by bs pseudoscience into thinking gh peptides were less dangerous than hgh when the reality is hgh is incredibly safe and there’s vanishingly little science behind the secretagogues in comparison. Never saw a huge igf 1 increase. Tried hgh, never going back.
I have used all of the peptides you have listed and never saw more than a 50pt increase in my igf-1 through serial blood work spanning 1.5 years. I tried 3 times a day morning, midday, and night shots with IPA tes and cjc and all I got was odd and intermittent side effects. All while monitoring blood glucose and trying to plan pins before or long enough after eating. The month I took them all out and put in gh my igf went to 378 on 4 units a day I felt a ton better, and I can do 1 shot before bed and it made my blood glucose control better. If they work for you keep on keeping on but if you are not adverse to trying gh I would say definitly try it as you might save yourself a ton of money, hassle, and shots. I was adverse to using gh for a long time because of rumors warning of "increased rates of cancer" and "unwanted organ and nose/ear/foot/hand growth". It's all a bunch of bs from my current perspective, gh will make cancer grow faster if you already have it. But we do blood work and you can check for that shit. TypeIIx has some articles that are very informative and helpful, but you might need to read them 3 or 4 times to get the gist, they are quite in depth with data.
Dude this is fascinating and thank you for sharing. I am taking ipamorelin because I was persuaded to try it by some fascinating insights from Taeian Clarke and also because I found GH made me carry water (eg bloated cankles) and experience tingling in fingers etc.

Apparently that goes away.

I have noticed nothing from the Ipamorelin but I have no bloodwork to confirm so who knows?

I’m thinking now I will try igf-1 but still trying to understand the pros and cons v GH.

To the OP - get yourself a 30ml vial of LCARN and use it to reconstitute your peptides before putting them all back into the original vial. Works great
Dude this is fascinating and thank you for sharing. I am taking ipamorelin because I was persuaded to try it by some fascinating insights from Taeian Clarke and also because I found GH made me carry water (eg bloated cankles) and experience tingling in fingers etc.

Apparently that goes away.

I have noticed nothing from the Ipamorelin but I have no bloodwork to confirm so who knows?

I’m thinking now I will try igf-1 but still trying to understand the pros and cons v GH.

To the OP - get yourself a 30ml vial of LCARN and use it to reconstitute your peptides before putting them all back into the original vial. Works great
The bloat can be individual id start start with manipulating sodium/electrolyte/carb intake, changing a portion of daily steps to HIIT cardio, if that all fails I know folks who ended up taking 6.25mg of HCTZ to finally drop the water but eventually remove it once they are lean enough or the body gets used to the gh . But when I started HGH the water left on its own after 3 weeks on. Some people react well to the ghrh/secretagogues. There are a couple really young guys (21 and 23) at my gym who go to a local trt clinic who want to stay legal and they get a 80-90pt increase from their stack of peps . Seems the younger guys on a small amount of AAS get the most out of those peps from my experience, but its all individual. Im a little older and on a little more AAS, gh was the ticket for me. I would implore you to get bloodwork my friend, its much easier to reliably improve that which you accurately track!
How would a newbie go about getting HG, could someone PM a source from this thread. Greatly appreciate!
That’s how you’ll get conned by someone giving you faulty info. What’s best is to use the search function to ask about comparisons of different brands and reading reviews in the underground. There are *so many* international and domestic sources of hgh now that’s in honestly crazy, and the vast majority have solid third party testing showing purity % and dimer amount (little or no dimer is what you’re looking for). Find a source with good testing and solid reviews and you’re set. It will be very easy to find who the popular vendors are. God speed!
Too many, about 10 a day, 5 days a week. I need to start combining tandem peptides like TB-500/BP-157 into one vial.
You’re clearly pretty new to this. You won’t be able to continue that protocol.

You should really cut down to no more than 1 a day. Your tissues are going to be taking a ridiculous amount of damage if you don’t. Take that as a warning my friend.