Shorter Ester = Bigger Sides?


New Member
So looks like I’m going to have to be on trt for a while after a nandrolone cycle, but I’d like to use prop just because if i decide to stop it I want it out of my system as fast as possible, instead of waiting over a month for enanthate or cyp.

A friend told me that using shorter esters like prop will cause more sides due to higher peaks, which i do not want because I don’t want spikes in dht (bc hair).

I don’t believe this to be true but just making sure, shorter ester does not produce bigger spikes in blood levels, correct? (Plan is to pin ed regardless of ester)
I believe your friend is wrong. Pinning everyday like you plan on will provide very stable blood levels. Pinning test prop once or twice a week would cause the spikes he is talking about. He probably knows just enough to be dangerous as they say. Good luck my friend
So looks like I’m going to have to be on trt for a while after a nandrolone cycle

You want to - but probably don't need to. It's just an excuse to which you convinced your self to.

Context: op stopped a cycle of npp and Tc app 6 weeks ago, never did PCT and now because, purportedly his hair is falling out due to low estrogen, he decided to go on TRT at 22 years of age. He convinced him self he can't pct due to npp's lingering metabolites.

Did I sum it up right thomas?
You want to - but probably don't need to. It's just an excuse to which you convinced your self to.

Context: op stopped a cycle of npp and Tc app 6 weeks ago, never did PCT and now because, purportedly his hair is falling out due to low estrogen, he decided to go on TRT at 22 years of age. He convinced him self he can't pct due to npp's lingering metabolites.

Did I sum it up right thomas?
Yes but there is a lot of evidence that suggests that doing a pct will probably be useless after a nandrolone cycle bc it could keep me suppressed for 6, 12, maybe even 18 months and throwing pct drugs at it isn’t going to do anything. This is why ppl say don’t use 19-nors if you aren’t going to bnc, I only used it bc nandrolone isn’t harsh on the hair, but I did not expect to lose hair post cycle like this. (I dont care how shitty I feel being suppressed, just my hair).

I’m going to wait another couple weeks and get blood work done but If I’m still suppressed then I’m going to need trt for who knows how long, I don’t really have a choice here. Nobody seems to actually know how long 19-nors will keep you suppressed/ if the metabolites that stick around actually keep you suppressed. Some people like you say just pct and you’ll be fine, others say you need to be on trt for a long time.

If I’m being honest I don’t know what to do but doing a pct is useless and I can’t sit around for a year suppressed with my hair continuing to fall out, hoping to bounce back.
Yes but there is a lot of evidence that suggests that doing a pct will probably be useless after a nandrolone cycle bc it could keep me suppressed for 6, 12, maybe even 18 months and throwing pct drugs at it isn’t going to do anything. This is why ppl say don’t use 19-nors if you aren’t going to bnc, I only used it bc nandrolone isn’t harsh on the hair, but I did not expect to lose hair post cycle like this. (I dont care how shitty I feel being suppressed, just my hair).

No, you definitely can PCT after npp use. The information you got is wrong. You might have a harder time bouncing back (key word "might") but you definitely wont stay suppressed for 6 - 18 months. There is a plethora of people whom PCTed after npp use just fine, yes, including me.

I’m going to wait another couple weeks and get blood work done but If I’m still suppressed then I’m going to need trt for who knows how long,

No, jezus, what the hell are you talking about!? Start taking a serm now and then check your bloods 4 weeks later, or two weeks later if you just want to make sure you are recovering/on the right track.

Your conclusions and summations are, no pun intended, wrong and just pure moronic.

What are you expecting though? That you'll bounce back to normal without a PCT in such a quick time? The whole point of pcting is to quicken the recovery and to optimize it. It could take you months, maybe even after a year, your levels would still be suboptimal without a pct.

As you can see, I'm really perplexed by your logic here. You either want to continue cycling and thus wanting to stay on trt, or you are really just uninformed ...
Can you further explain this please? I’m not understanding how and others seem to disagree.
The of proprionate is 2 days. So you have to inject eod at least to have somewhat smoother levels. Longer esters have a smother peak and higher valley if administered 2x week.

Eod injections on trt are getting old fast when you are in trt and most tend to miss injections.
@thomas21 …. Jin and Narta are speaking from a place of knowledge and experience. Please listen to them. You are too young to go TRT and further complicate/suppress your system for long durations unless you plan to compete and B/C for life
The of proprionate is 2 days. So you have to inject eod at least to have somewhat smoother levels. Longer esters have a smother peak and higher valley if administered 2x week.

Eod injections on trt are getting old fast when you are in trt and most tend to miss injections.
Ok but I already said I’ll be pinning ed regardless of the ester so I don’t understand your point. All I want to know is will there be bigger peaks from using prop vs using enanthate or cyp when I’m pinning ed for all scenarios.
No, you definitely can PCT after npp use. The information you got is wrong. You might have a harder time bouncing back (key word "might") but you definitely wont stay suppressed for 6 - 18 months. There is a plethora of people whom PCTed after npp use just fine, yes, including me.

No, jezus, what the hell are you talking about!? Start taking a serm now and then check your bloods 4 weeks later, or two weeks later if you just want to make sure you are recovering/on the right track.

Your conclusions and summations are, no pun intended, wrong and just pure moronic.

What are you expecting though? That you'll bounce back to normal without a PCT in such a quick time? The whole point of pcting is to quicken the recovery and to optimize it. It could take you months, maybe even after a year, your levels would still be suboptimal without a pct.

As you can see, I'm really perplexed by your logic here. You either want to continue cycling and thus wanting to stay on trt, or you are really just uninformed ...
Here’s why I have a hard time accepting what you’re saying.. Derek from mpmd and many other people have all said that you can’t just pct after a nandrolone cycle and expect to bounce back. Majority of people say if you use a 19-nor you have to be on trt for a while because there’s no way you can pct and come back to normal. So it’s hard to accept you, one person, who maybe just is lucky enough to be able to recover after a pct when 95% of people say otherwise.

I’m not saying I’ll be on trt forever, I just think it might be a good idea to cruise for a few months and then try to pct.
No, you definitely can PCT after npp use. The information you got is wrong. You might have a harder time bouncing back (key word "might") but you definitely wont stay suppressed for 6 - 18 months. There is a plethora of people whom PCTed after npp use just fine, yes, including me.

No, jezus, what the hell are you talking about!? Start taking a serm now and then check your bloods 4 weeks later, or two weeks later if you just want to make sure you are recovering/on the right track.

Your conclusions and summations are, no pun intended, wrong and just pure moronic.

What are you expecting though? That you'll bounce back to normal without a PCT in such a quick time? The whole point of pcting is to quicken the recovery and to optimize it. It could take you months, maybe even after a year, your levels would still be suboptimal without a pct.

As you can see, I'm really perplexed by your logic here. You either want to continue cycling and thus wanting to stay on trt, or you are really just uninformed ...

But I’m not completely dismissing your idea either, do you think hcg + clomid for 4 weeks will be enough.
19nor at 22? Why didn't you at least stick to dht derivatives?

I would run clomid longer. Clomid is commonly a pre trt trail run to see if it's enough. Hope you know what bloodwork is, instead of just guessing. I'm leaning toward the latter unfortunately.
Ok but I already said I’ll be pinning ed regardless of the ester so I don’t understand your point. All I want to know is will there be bigger peaks from using prop vs using enanthate or cyp when I’m pinning ed for all scenarios.
put your dosage into steroidplotter and find out?
Here’s why I have a hard time accepting what you’re saying.. Derek from mpmd and many other people have all said that you can’t just pct after a nandrolone cycle and expect to bounce back. Majority of people say if you use a 19-nor you have to be on trt for a while because there’s no way you can pct and come back to normal. So it’s hard to accept you, one person, who maybe just is lucky enough to be able to recover after a pct when 95% of people say otherwise.

I’m not saying I’ll be on trt forever, I just think it might be a good idea to cruise for a few months and then try to pct.

There are a couple things worth considering in relation to this query. I’m not going to claim to have the answer, but things worth considering as you make a plan to move forward.

Is taking advice from More Plates More Dates the best idea?

Is further suppression the answer if you are looking to recover?

On the topic of your previously proposed PCT.
HCG and Clomid for 4 weeks at the same time is not the way that combo should be run.

You want to be looking at HCG first and on it’s own (lots of options of different protocols can be found)
Then, after you have discontinued HCG use, wait a few days before starting SERMs. These two categories of drugs should not be run at the same time.

If you are serious about recovery, run both clomid and nolva together for 4 weeks after your hcg. It also wouldn’t hurt to look into using HMG in conjunction with HCG.

Good Luck
Here’s why I have a hard time accepting what you’re saying.. Derek from mpmd and many other people have all said that you can’t just pct after a nandrolone cycle and expect to bounce back. Majority of people say if you use a 19-nor you have to be on trt for a while because there’s no way you can pct and come back to normal. So it’s hard to accept you, one person, who maybe just is lucky enough to be able to recover after a pct when 95% of people say otherwise.

I’m not saying I’ll be on trt forever, I just think it might be a good idea to cruise for a few months and then try to pct.

You can run a pct after npp, period. Idk what you heard and maybe put it out of context, but you surely can run a pct after npp. The most logical thing for you, if you don't believe what I'm saying, would be to do more research, right? And then make a decision. You can't base something as important as this on one internet source.

If nothing else, create a new topic and ask how many have pcted after npp use. You'll get plenty of answers there.

And don't confuse npp with deca as they have a substantially different half life. For deca you'd have to wait a long time yes.

Regarding hcg and serms, no, you do not need to use them together. You've been of cycle for long enough and you are probably half way recovered already. HCG should be used during the cycle and then a little larger dosages before pct as the hormones are clearing out. Then you start with one serm, no need for two serms. And for the love of god don't use clomid. Use enclomiphene and if you can't source it use tamox. And don't use large dosages, you'll just suffer sides. Use 25mg enclom or 20mg tamox. As I said, you are probably half way recovered already so no need for large dosages.
@thomas21 seriously, this has been discussed and it has been studied - the suppression of npp that is. No need to listen to some stupid youtube characters.

Here is your answer: NPP Clearance time

Edit: nvrmind, I just saw you already posted in that thread. I see you either skipped Type's post or you don't believe him. If posting an actual proper scientific study, delving directly in to npp's suppression, isn't enough for you, and you still believe mpdm over it, well ... then I can't help you further. I'll let natural selection do it's job. Best of luck.
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