New Member
Hello meso community
Ok so I’ll explain a bit about myself , first I am french and I think it’s still important to mention it as the way I am writing can sound different for you haha
so I’ve got a gyno like 5 years ago from Diana et proprio start and tried to deal with it directly but I had bunk Ai/sarms i believe
so I have ordered Letrozole and nolvadex to try to deal with it 1 month straight after the first day I’ve got the gyno .
It had working clearly but not enough to get ride of the gland .
my nipples was finally flat and not having any puffiness.
So I was living in Thailand for the last 4 years and it was really convenient for me to get my stuff from many pharmacy there .
I am now in the UK London , and I had to do my first professionnel thaï fight in Europe not long time ago and had to loose weight .
I loosed my weight to fast due to the intensive training twice a day and suddenly felt the same as when I’ve got the gyno the first few months so it seems to be active now .
And growing even , it’s took the double size already .
I’ve ordered letrozole and some nolva pharma grade this time and hoping i will MAYBE deal something with it again But really hopeless as it’s been now 5 years ...
I need to mention that I am smocking weed , for the last 4 years as well but it was affecting my gyno only when I was high but the next day it was already back to normal as my œstrogènes levels fall down .
So for my fight I had to stop cuz it was an important fight into a big organisation ( drug test ..)
And like 2 or 3 Weeks after weed off I had the gyno active again and growing again .
I plan to do a surgery as it is even free in my country but it’s not clearly the moment with the covid and anyway I need to be back in my country and dealing with administration to get my social health right back .
So I plan to stop smocking when i will receive the stuff and adapting my diet to helps as well .
I will do a blood test again as soon as I can but I already did a mammography and everything 5 years ago just before to get my ass in Thailand and even finally decided to stay there as an expat . So finally I haven’t get my surgery done and now has to be back in my country and having a long way to be able to get an appointment with surgeon/anesthesiologist/endocrinologist to end finally with the surgery .
i will start from 0.25 mg/d and I’ll increase it til I reach 2.5 mg and I’ll stick to it for a few weeks to see if it’s good enough to shrink the gyno even a bit I’ll be happy . i know many gonna tell me that letro it’s not a joke and that I am gonna feel really low . But I already experienced it in the past so I am ok to deal with it another time .
i was wondering if nolvadex while taking letro is it ok ? cuz I heard that nolva can be a bad choice mix with letro . I wanted to takes nolva while using letro as 10mg daily and I’ll continue after letro off with 20mg/d
I hope i was clear enough and yeah it’s maybe a bit long haha .
thank you guys !!! 

Ok so I’ll explain a bit about myself , first I am french and I think it’s still important to mention it as the way I am writing can sound different for you haha
so I’ve got a gyno like 5 years ago from Diana et proprio start and tried to deal with it directly but I had bunk Ai/sarms i believe
so I have ordered Letrozole and nolvadex to try to deal with it 1 month straight after the first day I’ve got the gyno .
It had working clearly but not enough to get ride of the gland .
my nipples was finally flat and not having any puffiness.
So I was living in Thailand for the last 4 years and it was really convenient for me to get my stuff from many pharmacy there .
I am now in the UK London , and I had to do my first professionnel thaï fight in Europe not long time ago and had to loose weight .
I loosed my weight to fast due to the intensive training twice a day and suddenly felt the same as when I’ve got the gyno the first few months so it seems to be active now .
And growing even , it’s took the double size already .
I’ve ordered letrozole and some nolva pharma grade this time and hoping i will MAYBE deal something with it again But really hopeless as it’s been now 5 years ...
I need to mention that I am smocking weed , for the last 4 years as well but it was affecting my gyno only when I was high but the next day it was already back to normal as my œstrogènes levels fall down .
So for my fight I had to stop cuz it was an important fight into a big organisation ( drug test ..)
And like 2 or 3 Weeks after weed off I had the gyno active again and growing again .
I plan to do a surgery as it is even free in my country but it’s not clearly the moment with the covid and anyway I need to be back in my country and dealing with administration to get my social health right back .
So I plan to stop smocking when i will receive the stuff and adapting my diet to helps as well .
I will do a blood test again as soon as I can but I already did a mammography and everything 5 years ago just before to get my ass in Thailand and even finally decided to stay there as an expat . So finally I haven’t get my surgery done and now has to be back in my country and having a long way to be able to get an appointment with surgeon/anesthesiologist/endocrinologist to end finally with the surgery .
i will start from 0.25 mg/d and I’ll increase it til I reach 2.5 mg and I’ll stick to it for a few weeks to see if it’s good enough to shrink the gyno even a bit I’ll be happy . i know many gonna tell me that letro it’s not a joke and that I am gonna feel really low . But I already experienced it in the past so I am ok to deal with it another time .
i was wondering if nolvadex while taking letro is it ok ? cuz I heard that nolva can be a bad choice mix with letro . I wanted to takes nolva while using letro as 10mg daily and I’ll continue after letro off with 20mg/d
I hope i was clear enough and yeah it’s maybe a bit long haha .
thank you guys !!!