Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

you folks are coming in hot. With a good testing credit system in place and sending batches out for testing to Jano on your own, youre gonna do well here!

Keep main Peps/oils/tabs items in stock Domestic US and maintain a high level of customer service to good reship policy for intl shipments and youre golden. If you want to separate yourselves keep shit in stock that other vendors dont.
Can you guys get actual TB500 frag or only TB4? cant remember if i saw methyltrenbolone on the list?

at a min keep these domestic
Peps (Kits, 10x vials)
HGH 24iu, Tirz 15, 30, 60mg, Sema, Reta, BPC, TB4, HCG
Test Cyp, Test Prop, Tren E, Tren A, Nandrolone Deca, Nandrolone Phenyl prop, Metenolone Enan, Drostanolone Prop, Drostanolone Enan., Boldenone Und.
Clen, Clomid, dianabol, proviron, T3, Anavar, Anadrol, Turinabol, Tamoxifen, Anastrozole, Sildenafil, Tildalifil, DNP, tesofensine

Also would be good to keep Raws in stock in US warehouse
only TB4 ,Thank you for your very good advice, give us a little time and we will do it
Hey guys
Im bought from them since 2022. Quality and delivery to EU was always perfect. I tested also few products from them. HGH i had igf1 numbers of 420 on only 2iu. Also got good blood levels from the testo raws. Hcg also tested positiv with a hcg pregnancy test.
Sent also a sample of Test P to jano and came back at 96%+ purity.

I can share also some pictures of my test if someone is interested in it.

Best service with micli on telegram.
Telegram: miclix
I placed a small order for orals. Will report back after receiving the order. For this moment everything was express.
Hey guys
Im bought from them since 2022. Quality and delivery to EU was always perfect. I tested also few products from them. HGH i had igf1 numbers of 420 on only 2iu. Also got good blood levels from the testo raws. Hcg also tested positiv with a hcg pregnancy test.
Sent also a sample of Test P to jano and came back at 96%+ purity.

I can share also some pictures of my test if someone is interested in it.

Best service with micli on telegram.
Telegram: miclix
You are a regular customer of ours. We look forward to more cooperation with you
@SigmaAudley China Peptide i was think of placing an order last night but onr of the products i wanted was 20$ higher than a couple of my other sources.. then i wake up this morning and you have raised the price even higher.. you have the bpc 157 10mg priced at 80 $ is this a typo or are you for real?
Not a good sign to come in here , get everyones attention and then start raising prices on things that are already cheaper elsewhere.. What a let down
@SigmaAudley China Peptide BPC price on 10mg is too high. maybe you guys typically bump prices on certain things when stocks are running low but this tactic wont fly well here.

on another note spot checking other stuff came down

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Not a good sign to come in here , get everyones attention and then start raising prices on things that are already cheaper elsewhere.. What a let down
Regarding bpc, we will adjust the price again. However, the reason for the price adjustment of other products is that we increased the content of the product, and we increased the cost to solve the problem of insufficient peptide content before.
Regarding bpc, we will adjust the price again. However, the reason for the price adjustment of other products is that we increased the content of the product, and we increased the cost to solve the problem of insufficient peptide content before.
i will be checking back this evening to see.. if your price is completive i will place an order for some things and try you out.. i just cant bring myself to pay60 to70% more for a product i can and have been getting somewhere else. you have some other products that i want to get so we shall see what you come up with!
Hello beautiful people, how're you doing today?

I got good news for everyone, we got a lil pastebin for you guys to read ;)

Have a beautiful day!


It’s great to see you have adjusted the weight of compounds on steroid raws sold, maybe if you can also make some of the more expensive and lower mg compounds in 10g increments that would be great.

Most small time homebrewers like myself wouldn’t need 100g of tren ace or primo right of the bat.