Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

I'm annoying @SigmaAudley China Peptide in their discord now to try to get their excipient recipe on HGH. I think it has great purity and dimer results. If they use a pH buffer I might pull the trigger on a large batch. Atm this UGL HGH seems to be the best purity for the money
The pH value after reconstitution is confirmed to be 7.0±0.5. The ingredients, growth hormone, sucrose and phosphoric acid, are confidential formulas. It is not convenient to disclose. It contains pH buffer ingredients.
The pricelist mentions that acetic acid was added to the AOD9604 vials: "Added acetic acid."
I assume this means acetic acid was added to help with dissolving during reconstitution.
Am I wrong? Should it be an instruction like "Add acetic acid," instead?
I couldn't find a discussion on this topic in this thread.
Does anyone have experience with this formulation from SSA?
@SigmaAudley China Peptide can you comment on the acetic acid question?
The pH value after reconstitution is confirmed to be 7.0±0.5. The ingredients, growth hormone, sucrose and phosphoric acid, are confidential formulas. It is not convenient to disclose. It contains pH buffer ingredients.
Are you confirming that it contains sucrose and phosphoric acid or are you stating that "if it did contain" those ingredients then "it would be confidential"?

I guess this is as good of an answer as we can expect since you guys don't actually produce it you probably can't find out from the manufacturer. It's odd that every single other pharmaceutical producer lists the excipients list.Screenshot_20250315_213621_Instagram.webp
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Are you confirming that it contains sucrose and phosphoric acid or are you stating that "if it did contain" those ingredients then "it would be confidential"?

I guess this is as good of an answer as we can expect since you guys don't actually produce it you probably can't find out from the manufacturer. It's odd that every single other pharmaceutical producer lists the excipients list.

Pfizer publishes their recipe but UGL keeps it a secret?

Well, I don't see why anyone would have a problem not knowing what they're injecting....

Seems like you didnt read my post. If it were the material, I should have seen similar differencec in the HGH vials. Of course there is always the possibility that exactly these HCG vials were from a bad vials batch and the HGH vials were not.
What? You weighed your all your GH vials then they were similar in weight? Even if you use a high-end scale, this doesn't mean anything.

I don't know what you are trying to prove or disprove with this weird pointless information. If you want to know what you have, you need to get an hplc test. Nothing you're going to do in your bathroom is going to give you much useful info.
Pfizer publishes their recipe but UGL keeps it a secret?

Well, I don't see why anyone would have a problem not knowing what they're injecting....
Yeah I mean it's pretty laughable at this point a UGL keeping their excipient recipe a secret lol.

There are plenty of people fervently defending keeping their heads up their asses in this regard. "No one gives a fuck" is pretty much a rallying cry in some of the discords
Yeah I mean it's pretty laughable at this point a UGL keeping their excipient recipe a secret lol.

There are plenty of people fervently defending keeping their heads up their asses in this regard. "No one gives a fuck" is pretty much a rallying cry in some of the discords
I'm wondering if it isn't some sort of security thingy, after all, UGL GH is made by real companies. Publishing excipients is like leaving breadcrumbs leading to the main producer and ultimately exposing them to local "inspections"?
So It's essentially extra risk with not that much if an increase in benefit?
I'm wondering if it isn't some sort of security thingy, after all, UGL GH is made by real companies. Publishing excipients is like leaving breadcrumbs leading to the main producer and ultimately exposing them to local "inspections"?
So It's essentially extra risk with not that much if an increase in benefit?
Yes the CCP will be kicking in doors over bulk sucrose purchases
Pfizer publishes their recipe but UGL keeps it a secret?

Well, I don't see why anyone would have a problem not knowing what they're injecting....
^ this. Its 2025. We, the people spending money on this deserve to know what we inject. Tired of UGLs hiding their "secret" recipes for brews, peptides, oils and all that. Same goes for testing their own raws, finished products and proper filtering.
What? You weighed your all your GH vials then they were similar in weight? Even if you use a high-end scale, this doesn't mean anything.

I don't know what you are trying to prove or disprove with this weird pointless information. If you want to know what you have, you need to get an hplc test. Nothing you're going to do in your bathroom is going to give you much useful info.
Dude i dont know what you wnat to tell me. I just gave some feedback information. I had 30vials. 15 of them had a difference in weight of up to 0.2g which were the hcg vials.

The other 15 HGH (NOT HCG) vials had a differnece only in the 0.001g range. Do you understand this is in fact a signifikant difference?
Now could this be due to different vial batches? Yes it could. Could it be due to differnet amount of powder in the vials (doesnt matter it most of it is filler) yes it could.

We dont know. I just wanted to share this information. I really dont understand what your problem is
Dude i dont know what you wnat to tell me. I just gave some feedback information. I had 30vials. 15 of them had a difference in weight of up to 0.2g which were the hcg vials.

The other 15 HGH (NOT HCG) vials had a differnece only in the 0.001g range. Do you understand this is in fact a signifikant difference?
Now could this be due to different vial batches? Yes it could. Could it be due to differnet amount of powder in the vials (doesnt matter it most of it is filler) yes it could.

We dont know. I just wanted to share this information. I really dont understand what your problem is
So some feedback, ordered some HCG and HGH about two weeks ago. Everything went great,had to wait a couple of days for the tracking code but everything arrived a lot faster than i expected.

Some feedback though: i weighted the HCG vials with a fine scale and this is the result:
View attachment 321138

Thats btw in g (convert it im eagles per freedom if necessary).
So the tze difference between the most heavy and most light vial is more than 0.2g.

Then i thought maybe the empty vials and caps arent that uniform so i also weighted the HGH vials but there the most heavy vial weighted 5,685g and the most light 5,603g.
So everything in the range of 5,6g.
I appreciate your enthusiasm to be helpful, and in the future, by all means, keep trying.

However, at this point, you should learn more about the dynamics of this forum and feedback before making posts like this. Here's why...

Weighing your vials and sharing the discrepancies does not provide the community any feedback of value. In fact, it's a waste of time to read and have to explain this to you. We have other topics of importance that would benefit from applying limited resources there.

Taking the weights YOU measured, and applying math—because thats all we have to go on—I calculate that your lightest HCG vial is "under-dosed" by 2.5%... and, actually even less if we knew the weight of the vials without contents. If you ask any experienced member on this forum, that's considered an acceptable "variance."

Here's my math...
Assuming you are weighing 5000iU vials of HCG (because YOU did not provide that information), I calculate as follows:
5000iU/3.669(weight of heaviest vial) = 1,362.7691469065 (per gram of vial).
3.577 (weight of lightest vial) x1,362.7691469065 = 4,874.6252384846.
4,874.6252384846/5000i =
0.9749250477. Converted to % and rounded = 97.5%.
97.5% of 5000iU = 4874iU. Your lightest vial contains 4874iU HCG.

If you were planning on taking—lets keep it an even number—500iU per injection... it would actually be 487.4iU.

Do you think your testicles are going to notice a difference in 12.6iU HCG? Do you see how this brings no value? Do you see how this was a waste of time?

Those are all rhetorical questions, we all know the answers.
I appreciate your enthusiasm to be helpful, and in the future, by all means, keep trying.

However, at this point, you should learn more about the dynamics of this forum and feedback before making posts like this. Here's why...

Weighing your vials and sharing the discrepancies does not provide the community any feedback of value. In fact, it's a waste of time to read and have to explain this to you. We have other topics of importance that would benefit from applying limited resources there.

Taking the weights YOU measured, and applying math—because thats all we have to go on—I calculate that your lightest HCG vial is "under-dosed" by 2.5%... and, actually even less if we knew the weight of the vials without contents. If you ask any experienced member on this forum, that's considered an acceptable "variance."

Here's my math...
Assuming you are weighing 5000iU vials of HCG (because YOU did not provide that information), I calculate as follows:
5000iU/3.669(weight of heaviest vial) = 1,362.7691469065 (per gram of vial).
3.577 (weight of lightest vial) x1,362.7691469065 = 4,874.6252384846.
4,874.6252384846/5000i =
0.9749250477. Converted to % and rounded = 97.5%.
97.5% of 5000iU = 4874iU. Your lightest vial contains 4874iU HCG.

If you were planning on taking—lets keep it an even number—500iU per injection... it would actually be 487.4iU.

Do you think your testicles are going to notice a difference in 12.6iU HCG? Do you see how this brings no value? Do you see how this was a waste of time?

Those are all rhetorical questions, we all know the answers.
Will you help me do my taxes.:)