Imma play devils advocate just a little here. Fyck EO is right, that shit skyrocketed my CPR to almost 7. It's funny cause I read a guy on here the other day saying he knew sime oil he bought had EO cause it smelled like flowers??? I ssinr have the time at that moment but when I did i broke out a bottle of Ethyl oleate opened it up and stuck my nose in it and for the life of me it has zero smell at full concentration... zero.. People be tripping sometimes.. none the less I am not a fan of EO.Fuck guaiacol and EO. Always make my inflammation markers go crazy.
Guiacol on the other hand I only use in one thing and only at 5%. I am not advocating for the use of guaiacol no means. What i can say is it does not effect my crp at 5%. I use it in my tne just cause. I can also make it without. I'm just saying I'm sure we can find a study to where an abundance amount of consumption. Of bannanna gi es a person a toxic amount od potassium?? Of some shit like that..
A small amount of alcohol can be good for a person but to much and you get alcohol poison... like I said I'm all about whatever a people feels comfortable doing.