Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

Do they have good stealth on peptides?

I have only made a order from another chinese seller where it says on the package so be someting else and not Tirzepatide for example. Same here?
Dunno I only had tren giving me that, I nicked a capillar/vein with other substances like test or primo etc. the only thing I got was a raspy scratch feeling in My throat and maybe I coughed on purpose trying to make it go away.

Teen... Well tren will let you know it's happening before it does and you can't stop it, it's brutal lol

First time I thought I was gonna pass out for too much coughing xD
Been there when I was using tren (ages ago) the first time I coughed so much that I dropped on my knees lol

Felt like when Walter White had a cough attack that knocked him down the stairs unconscious.

That tren cough!
I just found your contact on meso_rx and would like to know how you handle orders to Spain as sometimes there are problems with customs! And if you could give me a price list? Thank you