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Smart Phone Tools


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  • http://chrisballinger.info/apps/chatsecure/ is an encrypted chat client for Android and iPhone.
  • iPGMail (iOS): app to send and decrypt PGP-encoded messages.
  • https://code.google.com/p/k9mail/ (Android): open source mail app for android that supports PGP.
  • Signal (Android): open source application for encrypted voice and text communications.
  • SilentCircle (iOS, Android): encrypted voice, video, text, and file communications
  • Telegram (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC, Mac, Linux): encrypted messaging
  • Wickr (iOS, Android): encrypted, self-destructing text, picture, audio and video messages.
Mobile Web
  • DuckDuckGo Search and Stories (Android): Secure, anonymous searches with Tor/Orbot integration.
  • https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=info.guardianproject.browser is an exceptionally privacy-focused web browser for Android, based on Tor.
Other Mobile Resources
  • Encrypt your Android phone.
  • http://www.cyanogenmod.org/about (CyanogenMod) open-source alternative: to avoid leaving your phone vulnerable to your carrier's customization of the Android OS, consider replacing the firmware (on select phone models) with CyanogenMod.
  • https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.thialfihar.android.apg is an OpenPGP implementation for Android phones.
Wickr is a nice chat program too and I use it. If you use ProtonMail there's an app for that too.

What also are some good VPN clients for IOS/Android you recommend?
What do you think about black phones?
The "black phones" are hella pricey but I am sure they are worth it if you are really paranoid about mobile device security, especially if you use your phone a lot in conducting secure transactions over untrusted phone carrier networks.
Yeah I use my phone often. I have two VPN services on my phone.

I'll check those out. Thanks.

Secure voice communications is another good thing to have as well so if your phone ever was tapped LE will never get the content of that call.
Thank you.
No problem. When I need to i connect to vpn, then connect to tor through orbot, then use orfox as my browser. Orbot and orfox is free. Orfox is like Firefox except configured to be able to connect to tor (.onion) sites.
Edit* if you do this with a prepaid phone, always pay for your prepaid cards with cash, never register the phone, keep your location and gps off, get rid of all google apps. I think it would be very difficult to track you down short of using cell tower triangulation that would give them the general location but they shouldnt want to track it because they cant see what you are doing anyways.
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You should also be using tor with your phone. Just make sure you turn your vpn on before connecting to tor or your service provider can see that you are using it.
Same goes if you are going to use tor on your laptop or desktop computer. Otherwise, boot the computer with a usb that has TAILS installed on it. Tails is a Linux distro that is tor and vpn enabled out of the gate and also leaves no evidence on your computer's hard drive. It's great for secure chat and email as well as browsing tor network.
Always use Linux. On phones dont use apple of google phones. I use android with Linux. If you have google stuff on your phone it will leak your IP if you do a deep search. No way to fix it except get rid of google.
Always use Linux. On phones dont use apple of google phones. I use android with Linux. If you have google stuff on your phone it will leak your IP if you do a deep search. No way to fix it except get rid of google.
Duck Duck Go is a great alternative to Google.

My home computers are all running Debian Linux and I hardly use Windows as Windows is a security risk in itself. I would never use Tor and VPN on Windows.
You don't even have to have tails installed, boot from USB. Puppy Linux is another good one to boot from USB, very light weight. Or go gangster and rock Kali Linux.
I tested a phone with a vpn installed that also had google play services. The results showed my IP was in Germany or Netherlands but upon doing a beeper search my real IP came back. It was being leaked out from google. The only other problem with it is someone could tell I really wasnt in EU because my system time didnt match the EU IP address time but I dont know if anyone could figure that out without actually having my phone or if there is anyway to fix that.
You don't even have to have tails installed, boot from USB. Puppy Linux is another good one to boot from USB, very light weight. Or go gangster and rock Kali Linux.
Right that is what I meant. I use an old laptop with Tails or Kali (i used it before for security testing), and booting it from usb or dvd is what I do.