Some interesting reads on if hgh is worth it by knowledgeable people

That's essentially what he means

"Growth hormone promotes proliferation and mitosis of various tissues including cancer lines. It upregulates cell turnover which in effect is like photocopying copies of photocopies. Rather than cells spending more time in rest and repair phase of the cell cycle, they are quickly pushed through the cycle proliferating errors."

Well thanks for making this thread, i deff have a different opinion on gh after reading all this and will have to rethink using gh moving forward.
Also, kinda opens my eyes to the scummbaggery going on with the so called anti- aging clinics as they sell gh to people at ridiculous prices all the while stating that it turns back the clock lol!!
Well thanks for making this thread, i deff have a different opinion on gh after reading all this and will have to rethink using gh moving forward.
Also, kinda opens my eyes to the scummbaggery going on with the so called anti- aging clinics as they sell gh to people at ridiculous prices all the while stating that it turns back the clock lol!!
No probs, I posted it because I thought that while we all have our own opinions, experiences etc and can disagree with a few things in the articles I think they're still very interesting reads very well presented. It definitely challenges a lot of what we previously thought about hgh so it's great for discussion.

Honestly in regards to the anti aging stuff I think there could be some merit to those that are hgh deficient and go on simply replacement dosages. However for us interested in the performance enhancing game and body building I think that's when the pro aging effects can become pronounced. Still however I do think the anti aging word is a scam and it's more I guess "aging maintenance" (can't think of a better word lol) as in it maintains a more steady aging/health process. But yeah those companies are definitely scumbags playing on people with marketing and play on words, definitely doesn't turn back any clock lol. As we've seen good diet, exercise and a healthy overall lifestyle will do a lot more for "anti aging" and quality of life than hgh
As i mentioned before, if we sat here and listed the potential side effects and dangers of all PEDs the majority will never pick up a syringe or swallow a pill again.

Simply stated, whenever we increase (or suppress) hormone levels outside of their intended endogenous ranges, unexpected things tend to happen at an increased rate.
Definitely an interesting read. Makes me wonder. From my own experiences with it, the article is pretty believable
I love how the studies were conducted for short periods of time with excessively large amounts of growth hormone.
"Wow that's crazy, a month of growth hormone use doesn't help gain muscle.... also you won't Sprint faster unless you take anabolic steroids with it."
All in all I'm glad I read the articles but a piece of me wants 15 minutes of my life back. won't Sprint faster unless you take anabolic steroids with it

One of the few potential performance benefits of GH is its impacts on anaerobic capacity sans AAS. However, studies of this nature are quite limited as it relates to healthy subjects...and I've seen quite a few studies where no anaerobic improvements were seen, so far from conclusive.

"The athletic significance of this improvement in sprint capacity is uncertain. We do not know how an improvement in Wingate test performance translates to performance in the sporting field, but we speculate that the approximately 4% increase in sprint capacity that we observed could translate to an improvement of 0.4 second in a 10-second sprint over 100 meters or of 1.2 seconds in a 30-second swim over 50 meters."

Meinhardt U, Nelson AE, Hansen JL, Birzniece V, Clifford D, Leung KC, Graham K, Ho KK. The effects of growth hormone on body composition and physical performance in recreational athletes: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2010 May 4;152(9):568-77.