Something smells here.. Guacamole like


New Member
So am I crazy and only one noticing something fucked up is going on with some of the sources here?

Axle and Musclecandy. Both have worked together… both had openly beefed on this board… both websites go down around the same time… both stop responding around the same time… then magically the websites are functioning again around the same time (both sources). Axle pack gets “lost” in shipment with usps… website goes down around the same time… I am not going to provide dates or details as it’s all in plain view on here and on SST for Musclecandy. I’d be interested to see how this plays out in the next few weeks.

This is all just pure speculation and nothing more but for pure entertainment of my paranoia.
So am I crazy and only one noticing something fucked up is going on with some of the sources here?

Axle and Musclecandy. Both have worked together… both had openly beefed on this board… both websites go down around the same time… both stop responding around the same time… then magically the websites are functioning again around the same time (both sources). Axle pack gets “lost” in shipment with usps… website goes down around the same time… I am not going to provide dates or details as it’s all in plain view on here and on SST for Musclecandy. I’d be interested to see how this plays out in the next few weeks.

This is all just pure speculation and nothing more but for pure entertainment of my paranoia.
Watch out, they'll delete your thread if you talk about a source here. You've got a few whiny hens out there.
This is old news and been covered quite a lot on here.

Plenty of solid sources out there. No need to roll the dice with shitty ones.
This is old news and been covered quite a lot on here.

Plenty of solid sources out there. No need to roll the dice with shitty ones.
Is it appropriate to ask if you could DM me with some suggestions. Just to see if I’m on the right path so far with sources here. If not I totally understand. Thank you for your response either way.
Is it appropriate to ask if you could DM me with some suggestions. Just to see if I’m on the right path so far with sources here. If not I totally understand. Thank you for your response either way.

I wouldn’t take anybody’s word when it comes to sources, especially strangers online.

Look at how long they’ve been around. See how often they are testing batches and how close they are getting to advertised (210mg but advertised as 250? Probably not testing raws or just shitty brewing) . Make sure they incentivize blind testing. See how they handle issues.

Then make a decision based on what you find and your own risk tolerance
I wouldn’t take anybody’s word when it comes to sources, especially strangers online.

Look at how long they’ve been around. See how often they are testing batches and how close they are getting to advertised (210mg but advertised as 250? Probably not testing raws or just shitty brewing) . Make sure they incentivize blind testing. See how they handle issues.

Then make a decision based on what you find and your own risk tolerance
Solid answer. Thanks for the reaffirming what I’ve been already doing so far. Risk is always there, all about tolerance and constant research. Thanks once again.