You misunderstand. I know what it supossed to be based on the recipe. But you never really know for sure until testing comes back. I dont know what your problem with me is. You love bashing me for some reason.
I just like things black and white man. In the beginning I hoped the best for you and you're learning. Ill give you that. But as for brewing i been there done that for personal batches. Based on the recipe you know exactly what the mg/ml will be, so no, you don't need testing to know what dosage per bottle it is if you do it right.
Testing tells you 2 things.
Quantitative-- obviously to tell you amount of mg/ml is actually there.
Qualitative-- to tell you whats actually in the oil and what the quality of raws are that is in it
When it comes to what you think youre saying it comes across that you have no idea how many is there per bottle which is not great to hear
Bake a chocolate cake using a recipe it makes exactly what it says it will. Same for gear. The only difference with gear is you dont know how much youll lose in ml due to it sticking on the beaker, lost in tubing, broken bottles, whatever
Im only on you because you make no sense. If you typed things up. Waited a bit, reread them and then posted it after some serious thought we wouldn't have these issues. The issues we have here is you're talking to someone who has way more experience than you and im calling you out on it. I don't want to. I just want you to take time and do it right and stop replying right away with things that have no merit. Start thinking more about what you type and the ways that it can be taken or attacked. Make it clean and professional or don't reply at all.
I will again say that after Riz posted his BW I give you some respect man. That was solid gear. I know you're not doing anything on purpose. You're just still learning. And unfortunately coming onto meso is like throwing one to the wolves.
But you're getting better on it so at least thats good. If you can survive this then you might be able to stick around this game awhile longer than I initially thought