Source here trading contact info with other sources without prior consent?


New Member
I contacted a source from here via email and asked for the price of raws almost 2 weeks back. I didn't proceed with them because my country has strict customs especially in the area I live in and because I was told different prices on email and on TG and because they shared me a tracking code of a delivery made in my country where I could see the person who accepted the delivery and that person was in the news couple of years back for peddling white dust.

Yesterday I received an email from another raws and peptides supplier who when I contacted via TG and asked about the price list they sent me "product catalog" which they labelled it as "hot-selling".

I use one email to contact maximum of three sources. I also use it as account registration for other services like discord or other forums. The email of mine was used to contact only two sources here and to create an discord account.

One of those sources is has a rep who known for tren induced responses and the other is a raws and peptides supplier who also happens to share a "product catalog" labelled as it is "hot-selling".

When I asked how they got my email, I was told they searched the internet and found my contact info just like they found other emails because they contact hundreds of people.

Is sharing my information such common practice? I would have posted this under steroid underground but I don't see post thread button.
Not common to share Information like that, learn from that and dont buy from sources with poor OPSEC and Data protection.
I am definitely not buying from them. Once I can post in the steroid underground forum I am directly going to ask them in their thread about their practices.
I am definitely not buying from them. Once I can post in the steroid underground forum I am directly going to ask them in their thread about their practices.

If a source sent you a tracking number for another person so casually, they have dangerously inadequate opsec practices.

Name and shame.
How is this connected with QSC?
I use one email address for contacting maximum of three sources. QSC was one of them. AASraw is the other source. I never contacted any other source with the email I used to contact QSC and AASraw.
I realize this is not a good thing and it's nice to have an idea who shared BUT ita not uncommon. If your a source, even low key, you will get a lot of random emails from different raw and wholesale sources. I'm sure some are actually different companies. I'm also sure that a lot of "companies" operate under several names, for multiple reasons. It may be the same source under a different name contacting you. MAYBE.

Best to just not link that email to yourself as a person and consider it a throw away email. Some folks delete emails and register a new one every so often.

Just things to think about
This is a common practice that the chinese do. I've seen sources do it before, you can call them out on it but it won't change anything. You're in charge of your own opsec