wow! you made some sense and didn't get flamed that bad, how bout that. I said that the other day, it's an unmoderated forum but it's voluntarily moderated more heavily than any other forum i've seen. At least the mods can't remove posts here, i'm sure they will be along to fully flame you eventually though. IT's a hell of a mod team too, I've been reading alot and i got it figured out. They are like a hybrid between the little rascals and a late 90's boyband. cbs tryin to be the smart one, johnny ballz trying to be the cool one, big ben is the tough one grrrr and brutus is the rape obsessed one. Just like new kids on the block. I hear all the time that there are several thousand members on the board but it's the same 10 or so guys who post every day so the #'s seem inflated to me. Maybe that's how many have joined but just until they come in and realize how restricted they will be or they get their first flaming for answering a question.

I would predict that there will be no more meso in 2 years if it keeps going that way, any forum needs new members. Most people join a forum with an underground looking for a source or advice about a source. Sources get flamed out of here immediately so you can forget that angle. Next is the advice about at source, since they say every single source from every single forum is a scammer with little or no evidence. the credibility of this place is just gone and will be as long as these kids continue to run amok. What motivation is anyone going to have to join this forum if there is no aas to be found and no advice on the acquisition of aas to be found? It is definetly a nobe experiment but when you give to much freedom inevitably degenerates and bullies will eventually take advantage of it and horde all of the freedom for themselves by taking it from everyone else.
If Meso is so bad why are you still a member, why do continue to post? I bet you hang around because the info Meso produces is so informative that you can't leave. You stick around and lurk because you need info and this is the best data bank available!

Big Mike
So hard not to feed that damn troll... Anyway, I'll update this list with the suggestions. I hope everyone realizes the purpose of this thread is simply a warning to sources who are going to attempt and set up shop here. It's also a good educational tool for new members on what to expect from a source and how our community operates regarding testing, etc. These statements are a collection of what I feel we all want to say to these guys, but instead we typically flame the shit out of them when they show up. That's why I was hoping someone would take it and run with it. Regardless, don't misconstrue it as an attempt at another SCOC or anything, simply a few statements every source should know before coming here.
I think people HB on meso is unstoppable...and they've been around long enough they've made personal freindships with other members and you can't stop what may go on there. KGO i think what you just did by blasting two members is fucking wrong, selfish, and just plain out gd stupid...there goes any chance of you finding a dependable reliable source for yourself in the future because i will make sure that i will bring that post up everytime someone comes along...just to let them know the loud mouth crying little baby shit you are.
I think people HB on meso is unstoppable...and they've been around long enough they've made personal freindships with other members and you can't stop what may go on there. KGO i think what you just did by blasting two members is fucking wrong, selfish, and just plain out gd stupid...there goes any chance of you finding a dependable reliable source for yourself in the future because i will make sure that i will bring that post up everytime someone comes along...just to let them know the loud mouth crying little baby shit you are.

I would just like to quote this one before you delete it like your last post.

This is a great example of what not to do when someone doesn't share your opinion.

Just for fun, I'd love to hear why the statements I posted are wrong and selfish.
First and foremost, Meso is NOT a source board. We do not encourage sourcing as we are strictly an informational board. However, Meso is also uncensored. Should you choose to open up shop on this board, there are a few things you should be aware of:

1) We are a very diligent testing community. If you plan to source here and have not tested your raws or finished product, it would be in your best interest to source elsewhere. If our members decide to give you an opportunity to provide your service, it is guaranteed that your product will IMMEDIATELY be labmaxed - followed by bloodwork and MS/HPLC. You're reputation will be instantly tarnished if your product is bunk or underdosed. Therefore, if you care at all about your business DO NOT come here with unproven product, or you will be exposed. Meso results will be at the top of every Google search.

2) If you are insistent on sourcing here, it is imperative you search for the SCOC thread and familiarize yourself with the types of questions that will be asked. These are basic concerns and recommendations that prove to our members you, at least, partially have your shit together.
**Meeting some or all of the requirements in the SCOC does NOT mean you are accepted or considered "G2G".

3) Meso members are not like many of the sheep you will find at other forums. We understand that the reason you are attempting to source here is because it is free. So understand, you are already at a disadvantage and our community will question you with extreme caution from day one.

4) If you are a beginning UGL or home brewer with a raw source you "think" is good, chances are you are selling underdosed gear (at best). You will be exposed. At Meso, we look for a 7X - 10X test level on blood tests. Anything less is unacceptable. See the "blood work protocol" thread in the lab testing section.

5) If you attempt to conduct business via private message, you will be exposed. Our community frowns on any business dealings attempted in private. Once you have been labeled for this offense, you might as well pack your bags.

6) No public UGL has survived this community to date. That is specifically due to each Labs failure to provide a consistent quality product, nothing else. We have been the downfall of many beginner UGLs, as well as some long-time sources. You should seriously consider if you're willing to put your name and hard work on the line in order to source here. If you fail, we fully expect you to change handles and labels and try again. Just remember, our members are experts on the details so you will be wasting your time once again.

7) Our testing protocol does not end with a few passed labmax tests or a few acceptable blood works. Testing Will be consistent for the remainder of your tenure here.

To close, I will repeat that this board is NOT a source board. You would be far better off pushing your gear at a paid board or elsewhere. We welcome any source to participate in discussions as a member. However, if you still want to enter the underground as a source after reading this, these are the expectations.
Yeh i deleted it because i didnt want to start something, but i read it again and just couldnt help myself
Because their words along with any other source's are suspect when commenting on other sources. How can you trust what they say about a public source when they have a conflict of interest? How do you know they aren't just trying to drum up business for themselves?

It's very important for members to be aware of what's going on, so they can make their own informed decisions.

Also, seriously I didn't say anything that isn't available on the first page of this section of the board. If you want to blast someone for being a snitch, go comment on paulie's thread.
I would just like to quote this one before you delete it like your last post.

This is a great example of what not to do when someone doesn't share your opinion.

Just for fun, I'd love to hear why the statements I posted are wrong and selfish.

selfish because you are not considering their welfare or consequences that may come by putting them out in the open if they were to be sourcing

wrong because we're not here to work against each other, because you've spotlighted people you don't even know, because you go off of heresay
Was it truly necessary to name two of our members? You just said yourself their comments were suspect, why not let other people take notice of that rather than claiming your own credibility to name them yourself; which you have none. Are you buying gear from these guys? Have they offered you gear? No. So who are you to say theyare sourcing?
selfish because you are not considering their welfare or consequences that may come by putting them out in the open if they were to be sourcing

wrong because we're not here to work against each other, because you've spotlighted people you don't even know, because you go off of heresay

I didn't put them out. nophat put himself out, he's not actually private. You can read any thread he's started to see that. Manwhore was put out by paulie, because paulie is an idiot.

How does what I said work against members of this board? We're here to share information about labs and sources, so members can make their own decisions.
I didn't put them out. nophat put himself out, he's not actually private. You can read any thread he's started to see that. Manwhore was put out by paulie, because paulie is an idiot.

How does what I said work against members of this board? We're here to share information about labs and sources, so members can make their own decisions.

the only thing i've seen of nophat is his little one time auction he had, that is not sourcing in my eyes...who's to say he justed didn't get rid of a personal stash he had left overs from, i don't see that as sourcing

As for paulie and manwhore i know nothing about and i just don't see anything okay with other members running around pointing fingers off of one persons thread.

I still think you were out of line putting their names out there, but i guess that is just me trying to hold up others to my own values. Guess we're just not built the same. You had your own opinion and that's fine, but that is not what i am contesting here. What i am contesting is the pointing of the finger on non stable grounds.
Last one before I head to the gym. Feel free to get the last word :)

I don't feel there was anything unstable about what I said. Manwhore was openly posting back and forth with paulie about an issue with an order. nophat has made a few 'auction' threads and members have posted labmax results of his gear. The only assumption I made was that they brew in their kitchen. I don't feel that was an unwarranted assumption.

There's this bad precedent here where if someone comes in a makes 1,000 posts before they start sourcing, they become exempt from all the pressures the members here normally put on sources.

It's unsettling how much of a disconnect there is between what the members ask of a brand new 0 post count source and a brand new source that starts off with 1,000 post count. This board asks the world of 0post source. We ask them to post pictures of their nonexistent million dollar facility. We ask them to do labmaxes and mass spec. Then when they provide these, we tell them it means nothing because it came from them. Meanwhile 1000post source, can open up shop, be declared g2g, and have an army of WKMs bashing anyone who even mentions their name in a less than positive manner without providing anything.

You think they are different because one has talked to you, and you feel you know him, but you don't know him. You don't know his intentions or his true character. They are the same. They are both here to make money off the members of this board. That is their primary concern. All I ask is that they are treated the same.

I'll say one more name. Everyone knows this name, no one mentions it anymore... Stretch.
wow! you made some sense and didn't get flamed that bad, how bout that. I said that the other day, it's an unmoderated forum but it's voluntarily moderated more heavily than any other forum i've seen. At least the mods can't remove posts here, i'm sure they will be along to fully flame you eventually though. IT's a hell of a mod team too, I've been reading alot and i got it figured out. They are like a hybrid between the little rascals and a late 90's boyband. cbs tryin to be the smart one, johnny ballz trying to be the cool one, big ben is the tough one grrrr and brutus is the rape obsessed one. Just like new kids on the block. I hear all the time that there are several thousand members on the board but it's the same 10 or so guys who post every day so the #'s seem inflated to me. Maybe that's how many have joined but just until they come in and realize how restricted they will be or they get their first flaming for answering a question.

I would predict that there will be no more meso in 2 years if it keeps going that way, any forum needs new members. Most people join a forum with an underground looking for a source or advice about a source. Sources get flamed out of here immediately so you can forget that angle. Next is the advice about at source, since they say every single source from every single forum is a scammer with little or no evidence. the credibility of this place is just gone and will be as long as these kids continue to run amok. What motivation is anyone going to have to join this forum if there is no aas to be found and no advice on the acquisition of aas to be found? It is definetly a nobe experiment but when you give to much freedom inevitably degenerates and bullies will eventually take advantage of it and horde all of the freedom for themselves by taking it from everyone else.
Rape obsessed? Hmmmmm... I will have to discuss that with my psychiatrist. I do like to choke a bitch- but they like it, so it's not rape?

I'm just trying to help you clamz... obviously you have a childhood history of abuse- why else would you keep coming back to belittle a group of people you supposedly have no respect for? Do you like the confrontation? The safety of your computer? Or do you just have a family reunion coming up that HE will be at and you are trying to distract your mind from the horrors of the past? We are here to help brother... your butthole shouldnt clench in fear every time you see a family photo album- that's not life.
Last one before I head to the gym. Feel free to get the last word :)

I don't feel there was anything unstable about what I said. Manwhore was openly posting back and forth with paulie about an issue with an order. nophat has made a few 'auction' threads and members have posted labmax results of his gear. The only assumption I made was that they brew in their kitchen. I don't feel that was an unwarranted assumption.

There's this bad precedent here where if someone comes in a makes 1,000 posts before they start sourcing, they become exempt from all the pressures the members here normally put on sources.

It's unsettling how much of a disconnect there is between what the members ask of a brand new 0 post count source and a brand new source that starts off with 1,000 post count. This board asks the world of 0post source. We ask them to post pictures of their nonexistent million dollar facility. We ask them to do labmaxes and mass spec. Then when they provide these, we tell them it means nothing because it came from them. Meanwhile 1000post source, can open up shop, be declared g2g, and have an army of WKMs bashing anyone who even mentions their name in a less than positive manner without providing anything.

You think they are different because one has talked to you, and you feel you know him, but you don't know him. You don't know his intentions or his true character. They are the same. They are both here to make money off the members of this board. That is their primary concern. All I ask is that they are treated the same.

I'll say one more name. Everyone knows this name, no one mentions it anymore... Stretch.

precedent? you've been here three months. Stretch? stretch was long gone before you showed up, do you have another name on this forum? Are you saying that a 0 post person trying to source is no less conspicuouse than a veteran that actually has something to lose? Do you have any idea how many scammers we have ran off because "we ask the world" of them...? If these guys are sourcing do you not think that members will test it and get bloodwork done? Because if these guys are sourcing they won't be selling to members like you, only to the ones who they know...and these members get bloodwork and test their gear because they are not new to this world and want only the best of their gear and bodies. The scrutiny is just the same if you ask me.
Quick correction. You misread my join date. It's a few weeks before yours. No harm, just want to clear that up.
precedent? you've been here three months. Stretch? stretch was long gone before you showed up, do you have another name on this forum? Are you saying that a 0 post person trying to source is no less conspicuouse than a veteran that actually has something to lose? Do you have any idea how many scammers we have ran off because "we ask the world" of them...? If these guys are sourcing do you not think that members will test it and get bloodwork done? Because if these guys are sourcing they won't be selling to members like you, only to the ones who they know...and these members get bloodwork and test their gear because they are not new to this world and want only the best of their gear and bodies. The scrutiny is just the same if you ask me.
Just a member who doesn't have the sack to post this under his real handle tsox... fuck him.
Fair enough, but in all honesty man these guys would be under more stringent guide lines the the open sources getting business from the new guys. And if you think that they wouldnt speak up and and let people know they had bad gear, then i would have to say you would be wrong