selfish because you are not considering their welfare or consequences that may come by putting them out in the open if they were to be sourcing

wrong because we're not here to work against each other, because you've spotlighted people you don't even know, because you go off of heresay

Was it truly necessary to name two of our members? You just said yourself their comments were suspect, why not let other people take notice of that rather than claiming your own credibility to name them yourself; which you have none. Are you buying gear from these guys? Have they offered you gear? No. So who are you to say theyare sourcing?

the only thing i've seen of nophat is his little one time auction he had, that is not sourcing in my eyes...who's to say he justed didn't get rid of a personal stash he had left overs from, i don't see that as sourcing

As for paulie and manwhore i know nothing about and i just don't see anything okay with other members running around pointing fingers off of one persons thread.

I still think you were out of line putting their names out there, but i guess that is just me trying to hold up others to my own values. Guess we're just not built the same. You had your own opinion and that's fine, but that is not what i am contesting here. What i am contesting is the pointing of the finger on non stable grounds.

Actually, according to CBS who is one of the more respected members here, it's perfectly fine to make that post. This is what he said to me when I mentioned we cannot post source info about private sources who wish to remain private on another board:

"Info posted on private sources should not be deleted because it's a direct indication of how seriously the source takes security. Even though the member screwed up by posting, the source is the one who is ultimately responsible because they should have never accepted a customer who doesn't know enough to keep his info private.

If the source accepts customers who put him at risk, then he is putting other customers at risk, and members have a right to know."

Going by this train of thought, it is the fault of the two members mentioned and not KGO's fault. Consider this also, I've only been here for maybe. 3months. After 1month here I already knew both those members sourced here through the PM system (which is supposedly highly discouraged). One member held auctions for his gear and was called out as a source by 3 other members and the other repeatedly makes reference to his business and brewing/selling gear. It's obvious that discretion isn't highly prized by these guys or else their names would not be out so often and from so many other people including their own selves.
Actually, according to CBS who is one of the more respected members here, it's perfectly fine to make that post. This is what he said to me when I mentioned we cannot post source info about private sources who wish to remain private on another board:

"Info posted on private sources should not be deleted because it's a direct indication of how seriously the source takes security. Even though the member screwed up by posting, the source is the one who is ultimately responsible because they should have never accepted a customer who doesn't know enough to keep his info private.

If the source accepts customers who put him at risk, then he is putting other customers at risk, and members have a right to know."

Going by this train of thought, it is the fault of the two members mentioned and not KGO's fault. Consider this also, I've only been here for maybe. 3months. After 1month here I already knew both those members sourced here through the PM system (which is supposedly highly discouraged). One member held auctions for his gear and was called out as a source by 3 other members and the other repeatedly makes reference to his business and brewing/selling gear. It's obvious that discretion isn't highly prized by these guys or else their names would not be out so often and from so many other people including their own selves.

CBS makes a very valid point. What happened completely goes against my personal values though and rubbed me the wrong way. I guess i should stop trying to hold people to these same values, but my opinion on the subject is known. I guess it's not my place to try and defend anyone, but its my nature.
I mean for fuck's sake, click on the new posts link at the top and right now the 2nd or 3rd thread from the top is titled "ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! MEMBER VS ME" and right in the very first post it talks about new customers, offering discounts, payment methods, giving away free gear, sourcing, etc.

Not trying to hate on anybody, especially you Tube, but there's a very big disconnect with some of the shit being said and some of the shit being done.
Actually, according to CBS who is one of the more respected members here, it's perfectly fine to make that post. This is what he said to me when I mentioned we cannot post source info about private sources who wish to remain private on another board:

"Info posted on private sources should not be deleted because it's a direct indication of how seriously the source takes security. Even though the member screwed up by posting, the source is the one who is ultimately responsible because they should have never accepted a customer who doesn't know enough to keep his info private.

If the source accepts customers who put him at risk, then he is putting other customers at risk, and members have a right to know."

Going by this train of thought, it is the fault of the two members mentioned and not KGO's fault. Consider this also, I've only been here for maybe. 3months. After 1month here I already knew both those members sourced here through the PM system (which is supposedly highly discouraged). One member held auctions for his gear and was called out as a source by 3 other members and the other repeatedly makes reference to his business and brewing/selling gear. It's obvious that discretion isn't highly prized by these guys or else their names would not be out so often and from so many other people including their own selves.

Excellent post. ^^

I know where you're going with this tubesox but KGO didn't out these guys. Both are/were constantly bringing up sourcing themselves. If they wanted more discretion they would have it by keeping quiet. I doubt (or would hope) KGO wouldn't be putting them out there if it wasn't already public knowledge.
CBS makes a very valid point. What happened completely goes against my personal values though and rubbed me the wrong way. I guess i should stop trying to hold people to these same values, but my opinion on the subject is known. I guess it's not my place to try and defend anyone, but its my nature.

To be honest it also goes against mine as well but I still agree that if someone wishes to remain private then respect their wishes to remain private. The thing is that the two people in question have done nothing to show they wish to remain private and their own actions led to the security breach. I'm not talking about their customers fucking up and holding the source accountable for that as CBS mentioned (I'd be jumpin on the customer then not the source), I'm talking about the two members' own admissions in public and their own posts is what showcased their involvement in sourcing on more than one occasion.
I mean for fuck's sake, click on the new posts link at the top and right now the 2nd or 3rd thread from the top is titled "ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! MEMBER VS ME" and right in the very first post it talks about new customers, offering discounts, payment methods, giving away free gear, sourcing, etc.

Not trying to hate on anybody, especially you Tube, but there's a very big disconnect with some of the shit being said and some of the shit being done.

Excellent post. ^^

I know where you're going with this tubesox but KGO didn't out these guys. Both are/were constantly bringing up sourcing themselves. If they wanted more discretion they would have it by keeping quiet. I doubt (or would hope) KGO wouldn't be putting them out there if it wasn't already public knowledge.

To be honest it also goes against mine as well but I still agree that if someone wishes to remain private then respect their wishes to remain private. The thing is that the two people in question have done nothing to show they wish to remain private and their own actions led to the security breach. I'm not talking about their customers fucking up and holding the source accountable for that as CBS mentioned (I'd be jumpin on the customer then not the source), I'm talking about the two members' own admissions in public and their own posts is what showcased their involvement in sourcing on more than one occasion.

i was unaware of the blatant publicity by the members themselves tbh
Last one before I head to the gym. Feel free to get the last word :)

I don't feel there was anything unstable about what I said. Manwhore was openly posting back and forth with paulie about an issue with an order. nophat has made a few 'auction' threads and members have posted labmax results of his gear. The only assumption I made was that they brew in their kitchen. I don't feel that was an unwarranted assumption.

There's this bad precedent here where if someone comes in a makes 1,000 posts before they start sourcing, they become exempt from all the pressures the members here normally put on sources.

It's unsettling how much of a disconnect there is between what the members ask of a brand new 0 post count source and a brand new source that starts off with 1,000 post count. This board asks the world of 0post source. We ask them to post pictures of their nonexistent million dollar facility. We ask them to do labmaxes and mass spec. Then when they provide these, we tell them it means nothing because it came from them. Meanwhile 1000post source, can open up shop, be declared g2g, and have an army of WKMs bashing anyone who even mentions their name in a less than positive manner without providing anything.

You think they are different because one has talked to you, and you feel you know him, but you don't know him. You don't know his intentions or his true character. They are the same. They are both here to make money off the members of this board. That is their primary concern. All I ask is that they are treated the same.

I'll say one more name. Everyone knows this name, no one mentions it anymore... Stretch.

No asshole i am not a source!!!
I helped a few people out that i had extra off and you say i know tubsox!!
I have never even had a conversation with him.
You have no fkn clue what you are saying putting me out their
I have helped a handfull of men!witch you are not!!
And ya you are snitching!!!
You come hear and post bull shit and im happy people lab max what they have gotten from me.
Thats what members with RESPECT do for each other.
But thanks to you having DIARRHEA OF THE MOUTH and running you bitch mouth have ruined it for all members with self respect and good standings to be put in the open as a source.
You need the school of hard knocks to show you how to respect!!!
so is this the SCOC #1...the SCOC#2.....THE "SOURCES OR NO SOURCES", the REVISTED SCOC? i think this is like the 5 or 6th thread like how this forum is UN-MODERATED....but theres a group of guys that insist on moderating it,lol.
fck-nuts posts its not a source board...then he tells them how to become a source here.
me being a past multiple board owner...maybe millard has this forum as un-moderated so he can have type of plausible deniability. then you go and under mind that.

Maybe if it is defined better for you, then you will get it. Probably not though.
It is unmoderated by the owner or appointed Mods, the members have the right to express there opinions in an unmoderated way, other members can and do express differing views.
A few inforcers who blast sources is not moderation, there is a method to there inquisition type tactics.
Often it exposes inconsistancies in a sources operation or sales pitch if you will.
Each member is responsible for making his own decision on a source if you are a follower and will only buy from a source if everyone raves about it then go to a moderated board where there are many sources for you with stellar reps.

well there lays the problem....if ya want an unmoderated forum..ok...dont moderate the freedom of speech...views..opinions etc....but.i`m sorry....if a source is allowed to post/sell/source on a is the board owners responsibility to watch and converse and keep an eye on the source and not turn a BLIND EYE as in the loop hole of the "un-moderated forum" here.

So what is your postion exactly? You want Millard to moderate the underground?
It is not turning a BLIND EYE to allow grown men to handle there own issues.
If as you say "it is the board owners responsibility to watch and converse and keep an eye on the source"
then by default the board owner is responsible for any shit the source sends out and is liable for the quality of there products, and a co conspirator if he does not expose a source prior to that ship sinking.
That is why you see so many board owners covering for shit sources, because if they are moderating and accepting money from a source they become the source.

I would predict that there will be no more meso in 2 years if it keeps going that way, any forum needs new members. Most people join a forum with an underground looking for a source or advice about a source. Sources get flamed out of here immediately so you can forget that angle. Next is the advice about at source, since they say every single source from every single forum is a scammer with little or no evidence. the credibility of this place is just gone and will be as long as these kids continue to run amok. What motivation is anyone going to have to join this forum if there is no aas to be found and no advice on the acquisition of aas to be found? It is definetly a nobe experiment but when you give to much freedom inevitably degenerates and bullies will eventually take advantage of it and horde all of the freedom for themselves by taking it from everyone else.

Yet you are still here? why if that is the way you feel? Who have I flamed?
Do you realize that 90% of Meso-Rx is outside of the underground?
There is enough info outside of the underground for anyone to gain a decent understanding of AAS and its proper use. The precautions to take, both in there usage (cycles, side effects, blood work and PCT) and procurement, that anyone with an average IQ and the willingness to learn can make an informed choice, without ever setting foot in the underground.

As Millard has said many times one of the goals of this board is " help members navigate the world of the steroid underground, protect themselves and minimize harm." Obviously sources are a factor in this equation but only one of many.

In other words damage control through education, It is my opinion that if someone wants to pop in and score some steroids without educating themselves first, then we have a moral obligation to make it as hard as possible for them to hurt themselves.
@Fckit After more consideration and reading the other threads on the current culture of Meso, I believe this approach of focusing attention on sources is not the best way.

IMO, the focus should be solely directed on empowering the Meso community through education, active uncensored dialog, and lab testing . I believe this approach will not only strengthen Meso as a whole but also each member as an individual, capable and accountable for their own actions.

For example, a thread titled: 'Source Evaluation, Q/A'

To me, the above thread title is a welcome invitation for Meso members to voice their concerns and get questions answered regarding a source they're considering. It will promote an active dialog with focus on member concerns, not the source issues or potential pitfalls.

I think the list you created should be adapted or fused with another to focus on member education rather than a source primer for doing business here. Yes, sources will still come due to the unmoderated format but I believe this list may be viewed as an invitation to set up shop, rather than a warning.

In closing:

I believe focusing on the member education and empowerment approach combined with heavy emphasis on lab testing, will help reinforce what Meso should be - a place for uncensored discussion, facts, science, and education.
We no longer need to worrie about being a source or any help to anyone.
I no longer can help or have any info for anyone.
You guys have tought me a lesson
No asshole i am not a source!!!
I helped a few people out that i had extra off and you say i know tubsox!!
I have never even had a conversation with him.
You have no fkn clue what you are saying putting me out their
I have helped a handfull of men!witch you are not!!
And ya you are snitching!!!
You come hear and post bull shit and im happy people lab max what they have gotten from me.
Thats what members with RESPECT do for each other.
But thanks to you having DIARRHEA OF THE MOUTH and running you bitch mouth have ruined it for all members with self respect and good standings to be put in the open as a source.
You need the school of hard knocks to show you how to respect!!!

Dude you have people making threads about labmaxing YOUR GEAR. KGO is simply saying what's already been said by others. You say he put you out in the open as a source well you're the one doing auctions of gear you brew, you're the one who let people labmax your gear and make posts in the open about it, you even replied to those threads with thank yous and shit. You and your buddies had diarrhea of the mouth months before this guy did yet you pat yourself on the back and talk shit about him. You're nothing more than a hypocrite. You even say yourself:

"We no longer need to worrie about being a source or any help to anyone.
I no longer can help or have any info for anyone.
You guys have tought me a lesson"

Basically the only one who snitched on you was.....well your own fucking self lol.
I didn't put them out. nophat put himself out, he's not actually private. You can read any thread he's started to see that. Manwhore was put out by paulie, because paulie is an idiot.

How does what I said work against members of this board? We're here to share information about labs and sources, so members can make their own decisions.

Wow?! Serious? Come on man
All I ask is that anyone who is sourcing on this board goes through the same consistent testing and reviews as every other source. I don't care if you've been a source for 20 years or 2 weeks, it means nothing until there's real data like bloodwork and labmaxes posted by an unbiased 3rd party on MESO.

Anyone selling gear is a source and should be treated as such. I don't care if you do it publicly or privately. Members like MANWHORE and nophat are selling gear here that is no doubt brewed in their kitchen, but somehow they are above the scrutiny of the board. Publicly we know nothing about their brewing and testing processes. They are not better than any other source here. They are the same.

Anyone attempting to say a source is above this boards scrutiny is a shill. I don't care what fancy words you have next to your name. I don't care how long you say you've been around. You're welcome to share your experiences and annecdotes, but you may not harass members who choose to share a differing experience. No one should ever be discouraged from sharing information about any source they have used.

Is this real? Be smart my man?
Wow, too much to read.. :)

I don't care if people know about me.. It's obvious..
I just don't see why anyone who never deals with me
or hears anything bad about me, has to post as if they have..

Let me quote what I didn't like..
@Fckit After more consideration and reading the other threads on the current culture of Meso, I believe this approach of focusing attention on sources is not the best way.

IMO, the focus should be solely directed on empowering the Meso community through education, active uncensored dialog, and lab testing . I believe this approach will not only strengthen Meso as a whole but also each member as an individual, capable and accountable for their own actions.

For example, a thread titled: 'Source Evaluation, Q/A'

To me, the above thread title is a welcome invitation for Meso members to voice their concerns and get questions answered regarding a source they're considering. It will promote an active dialog with focus on member concerns, not the source issues or potential pitfalls.

I think the list you created should be adapted or fused with another to focus on member education rather than a source primer for doing business here. Yes, sources will still come due to the unmoderated format but I believe this list may be viewed as an invitation to set up shop, rather than a warning.

In closing:

I believe focusing on the member education and empowerment approach combined with heavy emphasis on lab testing, will help reinforce what Meso should be - a place for uncensored discussion, facts, science, and education.
Agreed. Perhaps the title is a little misleading. That is why is said this:

I hope everyone realizes the purpose of this thread is simply a warning to sources who are going to attempt and set up shop here. It's also a good educational tool for new members on what to expect from a source and how our community operates regarding testing, etc. These statements are a collection of what I feel we all want to say to these guys, but instead we typically flame the shit out of them when they show up. That's why I was hoping someone would take it and run with it. Regardless, don't misconstrue it as an attempt at another SCOC or anything, simply a few statements every source should know before coming here.

I do feel sources should be wary of sourcing here, which is another reason I posted this. Since we can't stop them, I would at least like to make them think twice before sourcing here. I think this post is simply another step towards changing the culture. It's not meant to be a 'main focus' of the new culture by any means. However, to say it is not yet another tool for fixing our culture (which you did not) would be a mistake. Perhaps I can start a dialogue aiming these statements towards members that we could build on. Thanks for the feedback