Sry Lab (Peptides, SARMS,Steroids)-International & Domestic Shipping

Bahaha.... Simmer down, pumpkin. You're gonna be alright. You can keep buying shitty GH and continue to tell yourself it's doing everything you hope it's doing. I'm also going to continue to tell everyone I know that SSA, SRY, HYB HGH is absolute rubbish and a waste of time and money. I realize that poor, young lads such as yourself can't come off the additional $50 per kit and thus have little outbursts like this but don't worry young man, one day you'll be a grown up, too. Hopefully you won't be a poor little deluded cunt forever.

In the meantime, I'm going to double down on my praise of good GH suppliers like Opti, Stan and Lobster. Just as I'm going to double down on blasting weak, limp wristed kids like you.
All that being said ........ let us know how you're getting on with opti's gh fuckstik , we're all dying to know!
In the mean time us little poor oliver twists will buy any cn shite we can get our hands on!
Well done , well done you.
where do you think the domestic gh comes from moron?

I’m starting to think he’s a shill. Calling someone broke is a pretty common sign of both insecurity and ulterior motives

Adding denial is just a bonus.

I’ll say it again - GENERIC GH COMES FROM CHINA. Always has. Always will. Domestic only means how they’re shipping it. It’s the same factories pushing the same stuff to middle men.

It used to be factory - reseller - local reseller - customer (on the boards). Now they just cut out the local reseller and drove prices down. Same thing China did with Temu or wayfair or whatever. Cut out the resellers as much as they can and keep more profit.

Anyone who comes on a board and says “this generic was produced in America/europe/russia/whatever is lying. They Slap a label and fancy box on it and charge 2.00/iu.

Also, most pharma out there is fake. Unless it’s coming with security codes or direct from the pharmacy or aids patient like we used to get, it’s probably counterfeit.

And anyone who sells jintropin or hygetropin I don’t trust either. I can’t believe people still think it’s pharmacy. Even in China it’s difficult to get jintropin otc. Two of the most counterfeited products of all time.
This is crazy, a broke guy calling someone poor because he didn’t buy the right generics. How about you buy pharma or stfu. You’re both poor. And that’s okay.
Ha- This is a gay discussion but for the record I'm FAR from broke my friend. Oh, and I've planned on buying pharma in the past and discussed it on Meso the other day. I've decided sources like Opti, Stan and Lobster make GH that is about as close to pharma as you can get and it's guaranteed to not be faked. I'd argue that Stan and Opti also make oils that are equivalent to pharma oils.

I'm simply blasting that kid for whining and white knighting Chinese sources, whom we all know are in major decline since everything went down in China. This is a community forum and telling ppl where they can find a better source for a specific product is helpful to newbs who still think GA, SSA, SRY, HYB, etc. are the next QSC. It's also one of the purposes of having a source board. I'll continue to hold sources in decline accountable for their fuck ups and I'll continue to praise sources that live up to the standards Meso.members have come to expect from sources.
where do you think the domestic gh comes from moron?
Riddle me this... why is the GH sold by the sources I named make GH that is not only routinely tested with much higher purity rates and bloods showing IGF levels raised higher but is also reported to be better by the vast majority of experienced users?

You can continue to get your GH from places like SRY. It's no skin off my balls. I'm just explaining my personal experiences with different sources and if you pay attention you'll see there are plenty of experienced dudes who would agree.

Also, do you think there's an international law that prohibits GH from being manufactured anywhere other than China and that drug dealers are abiding by said law?
Buncha peasants in here. Ew.
Haha... making some mighty large assumptions there, kid.
All that being said ........ let us know how you're getting on with opti's gh fuckstik , we're all dying to know!
In the mean time us little poor oliver twists will buy any cn shite we can get our hands on!
Well done , well done you

All that being said ........ let us know how you're getting on with opti's gh fuckstik , we're all dying to know!
In the mean time us little poor oliver twists will buy any cn shite we can get our hands on!
Well done , well done you.
Thank you, brotha! I absolutely will. I have 10 kits of his new gold tops arriving within a couple days and I plan to bathe myself in a few of the 32iu vials.

Btw, I have no issue with you buying shit from the SRY's and SSA's of the world. It's your choice and doesn't bother me in the least. White knighting for them and then whining about someone praising sources with better GH is a different story. Honestly, being offended by me praising sources I consider better, on a source board all places, is a bit much. If I offended you and the friendly China man you email every few weeks for your drugs than I apologize.
I’m starting to think he’s a shill. Calling someone broke is a pretty common sign of both insecurity and ulterior motives

Adding denial is just a bonus.

I’ll say it again - GENERIC GH COMES FROM CHINA. Always has. Always will. Domestic only means how they’re shipping it. It’s the same factories pushing the same stuff to middle men.

It used to be factory - reseller - local reseller - customer (on the boards). Now they just cut out the local reseller and drove prices down. Same thing China did with Temu or wayfair or whatever. Cut out the resellers as much as they can and keep more profit.

Anyone who comes on a board and says “this generic was produced in America/europe/russia/whatever is lying. They Slap a label and fancy box on it and charge 2.00/iu.

Also, most pharma out there is fake. Unless it’s coming with security codes or direct from the pharmacy or aids patient like we used to get, it’s probably counterfeit.

And anyone who sells jintropin or hygetropin I don’t trust either. I can’t believe people still think it’s pharmacy. Even in China it’s difficult to get jintropin otc. Two of the most counterfeited products of all time.
That's hilarious and far too much to read the entire thing atm. That's the first time I've been called a shill. I don't even know how to respond because it's so silly. Same with the "insecurity" nonsense. Pure silliness.
Haha... making some mighty large assumptions there, kid.

Thank you, brotha! I absolutely will. I have 10 kits of his new gold tops arriving within a couple days and I plan to bathe myself in a few of the 32iu vials.

Btw, I have no issue with you buying shit from the SRY's and SSA's of the world. It's your choice and doesn't bother me in the least. White knighting for them and then whining about someone praising sources with better GH is a different story. Honestly, being offended by me praising sources I consider better, on a source board all places, is a bit much. If I offended you and the friendly China man you email every few weeks for your drugs than I apologize.
Did i once say i use any of these sources!? Ha , you assumed you numpty cos i blasted you about your constant opti pedestal climbing!

I care neither way but say it once not five fucking times in every cn thread like we're all dumb as fuck & didn't hear you first time around!

White knighting sounds like you projecting my friend i've not mentioned any preferable source you toby!

Just to ease your peanut brain though i'm happy with my stash of tp's black tops & qsc's 36's. So yeah me & my china man will continue to get it on......

Crack on squire, this "kid" needs his rest, too much wrestle time in the soft play area.....