All that being said ........ let us know how you're getting on with opti's gh fuckstik , we're all dying to know!Bahaha.... Simmer down, pumpkin. You're gonna be alright. You can keep buying shitty GH and continue to tell yourself it's doing everything you hope it's doing. I'm also going to continue to tell everyone I know that SSA, SRY, HYB HGH is absolute rubbish and a waste of time and money. I realize that poor, young lads such as yourself can't come off the additional $50 per kit and thus have little outbursts like this but don't worry young man, one day you'll be a grown up, too. Hopefully you won't be a poor little deluded cunt forever.
In the meantime, I'm going to double down on my praise of good GH suppliers like Opti, Stan and Lobster. Just as I'm going to double down on blasting weak, limp wristed kids like you.
In the mean time us little poor oliver twists will buy any cn shite we can get our hands on!
Well done , well done you.