Stacking of Dbol and Anadrol

Never done the Anadrol dbol. I have done the Anadrol 100mg and 50mg of anavar. Unbelieveble pumps in the gym and liver values were on point
I have thought about that stack as well. Interesting stack a class 1 and class 2. What types of strength gains or gains in general did you see from that stack?
I have thought about that stack as well. Interesting stack a class 1 and class 2. What types of strength gains or gains in general did you see from that stack?
Strength was very solid and vascularity was poppin hard. I loved it bro and when I saw my liver was on point made it even better. Not so much on cholesterol but that's a given
Strength was very solid and vascularity was poppin hard. I loved it bro and when I saw my liver was on point made it even better. Not so much on cholesterol but that's a given
I will give that a try next summer. I have lots if Var.

But I don't see a problem with 50mg anadrol and 25mg dbol.
I don't either. I have used 100mg of anadrol and 150mg dbol.this way back in the day I just don't see any benefit with one over the other or stacking the 2, but if anyone does I want to know:)
I have read contradicting articles on this topic. I would like to hear from people who have used this stack and what were your results and doses.
100 mg EACH x 5 weeks
massive gains, zero sides
the dangerous thing is that Dbol converts to a different Estrogen than Dbol that can't be spotted by bloods, and not properly lowered by AI, so some Nolva is a must IMO.
Even 5 or 10 mg Nolva ED can prevent gyno from Dbol. Please note that Dbol is about the only aromatizing roid I use. Injectables often include Mast E, Eq, Deca, some Tren,
I don't either. I have used 100mg of anadrol and 150mg dbol.this way back in the day I just don't see any benefit with one over the other or stacking the 2, but if anyone does I want to know:)
I agree not a huge benefit to stacking both. But everything goes better with dianabol.
Seems like this is popping up more and more. I actually have been wanting to try this stack maybe 25mg dbol 25mg adrol for 6 weeks with 600mg test to go along
Anyone here actually prefer it over using one or the other ? Also saw some guys mention sdrol really wanna try that shit but seems like it instantly destroys the liver. How exaggerated is this ?
Seems like this is popping up more and more. I actually have been wanting to try this stack maybe 25mg dbol 25mg adrol for 6 weeks with 600mg test to go along
Anyone here actually prefer it over using one or the other ? Also saw some guys mention sdrol really wanna try that shit but seems like it instantly destroys the liver. How exaggerated is this ?

2 wks after ending Superdrol cycle at 30 to 40mg a day, my liver values were normal.
I think some of the talk around superdrol is folk lore, so to speak. It's not good for you per se, but it's probably not much worse than other oral steroids. That being said, I once ran a superdrol cycle to test it out. By the third week I was so lethargic I had to stop. Gains were crazy but sides awful.
I think some of the talk around superdrol is folk lore, so to speak. It's not good for you per se, but it's probably not much worse than other oral steroids. That being said, I once ran a superdrol cycle to test it out. By the third week I was so lethargic I had to stop. Gains were crazy but sides awful.
Damn the gains I have heard are pretty bad ass
Is it actual muscle mass that you gained ? Like keepable or just temp like anadrol
You think running a lower dose ie 10mg for 4 weeks would combat the lethargy
I'm surprised none of the "vets" have sounded off about the dangers and lunacy of stacking Adrol and Dbol LOL!!
Don't really see any danger in it, I would rather stack them as to not. The sides are not as bad "for me that is" if I stack them, I can run 50mg of each and get amazing gains plus you get the best of both. I get almost no water bloat stacking them and at 50mg of each my tox levels are pretty much normal.

I'm not saying everyone should run it, but it's nothing new and you can make better gains than just running one or the other.
Damn the gains I have heard are pretty bad ass
Is it actual muscle mass that you gained ? Like keepable or just temp like anadrol
You think running a lower dose ie 10mg for 4 weeks would combat the lethargy
No gains are permanent with AAS. I did retain some of the mass. No water retention with Sdrol. This compound is not conducive to running low dose for a longer period. Run 20-30mg daily for 3 weeks to kickstart a long ester test cycle.