Anyone else try Stan’s Cialis?

I’m on day 2 and don’t feel anything. I’m not weilding Excalibur. Gonna give it one more day, then try the major Toms I have and see if there is a difference.

If still no difference I’ll use another UGL’s I got that I def know works.

I’d rather it be bunk then accidentally taking a mislabeled pack like aromasin lol.
I think I got some from him also not long ago. Haven't taken any yet. I'll check to see and I'll take one or so and let you know.
I can appreciate a nice foot. Tan, correct length toes in the right order, white nail polish, maybe an ankle bracelet. I have nothing more to add here, I've already said too much.
I think I got some from him also not long ago. Haven't taken any yet. I'll check to see and I'll take one or so and let you know.

Nice appreciate it. It’s not anything nefarious on Stan’s part, like I said probably a raws issue. I just know cialis and this ain’t it.

Why get UGL cialis when you can get pharma international at ~$1 pill, I bought about 400 recently pack came in about 3 weeks

PM me if they ship domestic
I have had 40 mg of in my system within last 48 hours. I should be able to build a house with my hammer at this point.

I’m pretty sure this is not cialis, it’s not even underdosed. It’s bunk.

As for the test e. Just run bloods. That much more difficult to tell. A few people have posted bloodwork within target range, so I’m not worried about that.

You are only as good as your raw supplier. And sometimes these raw suppliers cut corners or have a bad batch.

Is it the Cialis or the Major Tom's? Cialis is basically tasteless, but viagra has a nasty bitter taste. Open up the capsules and taste them. I've tasted the Major Tom's and I can instantly tell there is viagra in least.
@Stanfordpharma1 man you don’t need to reply to that dude and explain yourself.

Most people reading this thread have no idea who xkawn is, but I agree with your point and that was my main takeaway from the thread as well.

If stan is xkawn then that means you’re buying gear from a guy who probably taught your favorite source how to brew. Matter of fact on of my favorite sources learned how to brew under xkawn lol

If anyone wants to dig into some serious knowledge check out the home brew section and the xkawn brew bible.

If someone like that had a good ship time I would be a happy camper :)
Is it the Cialis or the Major Tom's? Cialis is basically tasteless, but viagra has a nasty bitter taste. Open up the capsules and taste them. I've tasted the Major Tom's and I can instantly tell there is viagra in least.

I have both. But Cialis is def placebo lol. Even if it was 5mg or 10mg instead of advertised 20mg after back to back days I should be feeling it.

I’ll try the Major Tom’s tonite.

Noexcuses cialis is pharma, $40 for 3ct. 20mg

Three 20mg pills for $40? Lol I go thru that in a blink of an eye.
I have both. But Cialis is def placebo lol. Even if it was 5mg or 10mg instead of advertised 20mg after back to back days I should be feeling it.

I’ll try the Major Tom’s tonite.

Three 20mg pills for $40? Lol I go thru that in a blink of an eye.
Lol, my bad, didn't have my old man reading glasses on. 30ct.
I got it for $10.00 for 30 and can split it. (Cheaper than last 3 sources in a row being bunk that I am out of pocket for)
Sooo...what if Stan is a felon with guns and sells other drugs as well? How many other sources are felons with guns that sell other drugs? You'd probably be surprised. If people are getting what they ordered, and it tests good and nobody's getting infections...then does anyone really care if it's coming from a felon with guns that sells other drugs? Probably not.
Sooo...what if Stan is a felon with guns and sells other drugs as well? How many other sources are felons with guns that sell other drugs? You'd probably be surprised. If people are getting what they ordered, and it tests good and nobody's getting infections...then does anyone really care if it's coming from a felon with guns that sells other drugs? Probably not.
In all reality, and I've yet to try Stan, what would it matter what else he provides? Say someone winds up in a divorce and needs something to calm the mind, or breaks a rib and needs a painkiller that the treating physician is hesitant to prescribe? I don't judge. I just suggest research and personal responsibility.