I get hounding a source, it makes this community a better place and Stan has things to improve, but god damn the man is in the hospital lol. Constructive criticism should be welcome but there's a fine line between that and being a total douche
I love how this dude is concerned about naming his mystery illness for opsec but there’s an entire thread of this retard doxing himself with pics of his guns and talking about being a felon and living in California lol. All the stan dick riders wishing him well HOPING to get a domestic pack within 4 weeks lol. Give that thread a good read the next time you think about ordering from this clown.
What a repulsive, despicable cunt you are.

The one thing mindless naysayer clowns like you can't seem to absorb into those walnut-brains of yours is that we who have been doing business with this guy are doing business because we've gotten what we paid for and have been very happy about it.

There's nothing that a loudmouth like you, who just parachutes in from nowhere to dig in your ass like a monkey and rub shit on the walls, can say that can argue against a successful track record of commerce with quality product being provided.

Yeah, I'm one of those who hopes to get a "pack" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to be) from Stanford, but that's because I've gotten product from him before and it's top of the line.

Considering that I very stupidly delayed making a recent order, it has made me quite sad as now it looks like I'm out of luck for the immediate future and must look for another source to hold me over. Sources of the quality of Stanford are not common at all. And I have to begin again with the whole dreary business of finding someone else. I'm downright vexed. But it's my own stupid procrastination that brought me to this point.
What a repulsive, despicable cunt you are.

The one thing mindless naysayer clowns like you can't seem to absorb into those walnut-brains of yours is that we who have been doing business with this guy are doing business because we've gotten what we paid for and have been very happy about it.

There's nothing that a loudmouth like you, who just parachutes in from nowhere to dig in your ass like a monkey and rub shit on the walls, can say that can argue against a successful track record of commerce with quality product being provided.

Yeah, I'm one of those who hopes to get a "pack" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to be) from Stanford, but that's because I've gotten product from him before and it's top of the line.

Considering that I very stupidly delayed making a recent order, it has made me quite sad as now it looks like I'm out of luck for the immediate future and must look for another source to hold me over. Sources of the quality of Stanford are not common at all. And I have to begin again with the whole dreary business of finding someone else. I'm downright vexed. But it's my own stupid procrastination that brought me to this point.
well said
I love how this dude is concerned about naming his mystery illness for opsec but there’s an entire thread of this retard doxing himself with pics of his guns and talking about being a felon and living in California lol. All the stan dick riders wishing him well HOPING to get a domestic pack within 4 weeks lol. Give that thread a good read the next time you think about ordering from this clown.
Talking about riding dicks while in some dudes thread riding his dick HARD . Snitching and gossiping like a twelve year old bitch. Damn you need to get out into the sunlight and breathe some air. Grandmas basement isn’t treating you too well is it?
About to get blood work completed soon:
Stan's @5 weeks of dosing
250 test e 2* week
300 tren e 2* week
300 mast e 2* week
I was on his superdrol 30mg daily, but stopped that like a week or so ago.
Without any test e in my system, my natural level last tested was like 160ish. So not good at all.
So we will see how much it brings my levels up.

Also I am getting blood work(igf-1) again for optis hgh. 4iu daily (last time it was like 527)

I'll will keep you guys posted as soon as I have the results.

Been feeling lethargy lately a lot.
Damn on 600mgs of tren e a week and 30mgs of superdrol Ed no wonder you're feeling lethargic.. have you been taking any tudca/nac to protect your liver?? I'd hope so..
aye man sorry I’m impatient that I sent hundreds of $ to someone I don’t know a month ago and haven’t gotten a single thing. Understand he’s been in the hospital this week but I placed my order 3 weeks ago so what was the dilemma the two weeks prior
aye man sorry I’m impatient that I sent hundreds of $ to someone I don’t know a month ago and haven’t gotten a single thing. Understand he’s been in the hospital this week but I placed my order 3 weeks ago so what was the dilemma the two weeks prior
did you not read the thread prior to placing an order? go back and start at page 200 - Management
Should be home this afternoon. I'll start packing tonight and them it should take me roughly 2 days to get remaining packs out. Then I'm taking a small break and working on some me time. FYI, in the many years I've been doing this I've never burned any body. I promise those of you that are first timers you can trust you will get your pack. Truly sorry everybody.
Anyone else try Stan’s Cialis?

I’m on day 2 and don’t feel anything. I’m not weilding Excalibur. Gonna give it one more day, then try the major Toms I have and see if there is a difference.

If still no difference I’ll use another UGL’s I got that I def know works.

I’d rather it be bunk then accidentally taking a mislabeled pack like aromasin lol.
Should be home this afternoon. I'll start packing tonight and them it should take me roughly 2 days to get remaining packs out. Then I'm taking a small break and working on some me time. FYI, in the many years I've been doing this I've never burned any body. I promise those of you that are first timers you can trust you will get your pack. Truly sorry everybody.
Check PM when you have a chance brother, glad you’re almost out and hopefully feeling a little better! @Stanfordpharma1
Anyone else try Stan’s Cialis?

I’m on day 2 and don’t feel anything. I’m not weilding Excalibur. Gonna give it one more day, then try the major Toms I have and see if there is a difference.

If still no difference I’ll use another UGL’s I got that I def know works.

I’d rather it be bunk then accidentally taking a mislabeled pack like aromasin lol.
Tbh man I've been wondering the same thing. I've gotten cialis before from other UGLS and there seems to be a huge difference between the two. Recently though I have developed an ingenuial hernia so maybe that's why my shit isn't working as well with Stan's cialis as is did with the other guys. I've also tried his viagra and it seems to have a slight effect but no raging boners. I'm thinking the hernia might be the cause though because I've been running test e for about 4 years now and my horny levels are always high, I blast and cruise and even when cruising at 250mg a week I still stay pretty excited but that has not been the case at all lately on this current cruise. Weirdly enough I usually have a slight amount of gyno even when cruising but that has pretty completely vanished as well. Everyone on here seems to agree that stans test e is good shit but the lack of horniness and gyno has me concerned. Sorry for the book man lol
Tbh man I've been wondering the same thing. I've gotten cialis before from other UGLS and there seems to be a huge difference between the two. Recently though I have developed an ingenuial hernia so maybe that's why my shit isn't working as well with Stan's cialis as is did with the other guys. I've also tried his viagra and it seems to have a slight effect but no raging boners. I'm thinking the hernia might be the cause though because I've been running test e for about 4 years now and my horny levels are always high, I blast and cruise and even when cruising at 250mg a week I still stay pretty excited but that has not been the case at all lately on this current cruise. Weirdly enough I usually have a slight amount of gyno even when cruising but that has pretty completely vanished as well. Everyone on here seems to agree that stans test e is good shit but the lack of horniness and gyno has me concerned. Sorry for the book man lol

I have had 40 mg of in my system within last 48 hours. I should be able to build a house with my hammer at this point.

I’m pretty sure this is not cialis, it’s not even underdosed. It’s bunk.

As for the test e. Just run bloods. That much more difficult to tell. A few people have posted bloodwork within target range, so I’m not worried about that.

You are only as good as your raw supplier. And sometimes these raw suppliers cut corners or have a bad batch.
Tbh man I've been wondering the same thing. I've gotten cialis before from other UGLS and there seems to be a huge difference between the two. Recently though I have developed an ingenuial hernia so maybe that's why my shit isn't working as well with Stan's cialis as is did with the other guys. I've also tried his viagra and it seems to have a slight effect but no raging boners. I'm thinking the hernia might be the cause though because I've been running test e for about 4 years now and my horny levels are always high, I blast and cruise and even when cruising at 250mg a week I still stay pretty excited but that has not been the case at all lately on this current cruise. Weirdly enough I usually have a slight amount of gyno even when cruising but that has pretty completely vanished as well. Everyone on here seems to agree that stans test e is good shit but the lack of horniness and gyno has me concerned. Sorry for the book man lol
Never tried Stan’s. Unfortunately, I have never have gotten legit Cialsis from a ugl. Even my go to peptide company whose been solid for that for 7 or so years the last order was bunk. I finally went to my doc and convinced him to write a script because I was done dealing with the bs. I don’t remember where. But I know it was talked about a couple years ago on another board how the one product that seems to give even great ugll’s hell in keeping it legit is cialsis for some reason.
Never tried Stan’s. Unfortunately, I have never have gotten legit Cialsis from a ugl. Even my go to peptide company whose been solid for that for 7 or so years the last order was bunk. I finally went to my doc and convinced him to write a script because I was done dealing with the bs. I don’t remember where. But I know it was talked about a couple years ago on another board how the one product that seems to give even great ugll’s hell in keeping it legit is cialsis for some reason.

Meh haven’t really had problems until now. I think most cialis is underdosed and maybe has impurities.

Cialis ain’t expensive outside of the US. And pharmaceutical cialis is highway robbery at those prices. Handful of pills $100+ lol pass
I have had 40 mg of in my system within last 48 hours. I should be able to build a house with my hammer at this point.

I’m pretty sure this is not cialis, it’s not even underdosed. It’s bunk.

As for the test e. Just run bloods. That much more difficult to tell. A few people have posted bloodwork within target range, so I’m not worried about that.

You are only as good as your raw supplier. And sometimes these raw suppliers cut corners or have a bad batch.
Damn if you're not feeling anything off 40 thats definitely not a good sign. I used to get 25mgs from Nordaject labs and 12.5 would more than do the trick. I'm not super worried about the test as before the hernia (which is making my balls hurt) I used Stan's test and felt like I usually do. Do most of you guys just go to the doc to run regular bloods or is there a specific site used ? Full panels at my doc even with insurance are kinda expensive after your free yearly one.