That almost sounds exactly like what is happening with me. The general ache on the nuts and the fact it seems alittle harder to stay horny when your fkn junk hurts is probably why I'm not feeling quite as primed to go as usual. Seems like when I nut too it looks almost watered down and not normal so maybe the intestine is pressing down on the sperm cord. I used Stan's test prior to having the hernia issue and was horny af at that time so I'm almost positive it's the injury causing the issue. When he opens back up I'm ordering again and going to run a decent test/primo cycle and will get bloods done at that point.
Get a laproscopic repair. Was at work in three days. Lifting in 60 but probably could started sooner. Had sex 3 days later too. Haha. Sad thing it's a defect from birth when your balls drop as a baby. Usually you will need the other side done later. My other side already feels iffy but not like other side. Repair seems strong a hell. Get mesh...its not bad anymore.Cost me about $6500 total no insurance.$750 for Dr. $1500 for Anastasiaologist $3500 for sugery center. Then after it was paid a bill of $800 for a forgotten laposcpoic one use tool.
This is why I test all my raws. So when someone has a lousy "feels" report I can still be confident it's probably not the product. But I do encourage customers to get hplc tests done. I'll cover all cost.
If we go only on feels I'd say your good to go. Injected 150 mg yesterday.....Been on Stan's test a long time. Next day I was so horny and my girl was tired from work. Begged her to let me just fuck her tits. Haha at least she said ok.
If we go only on feels I'd say your good to go. Injected 150 mg yesterday.....Been on Stan's test a long time. Next day I was so horny and my girl was tired from work. Begged her to let me just fuck her tits. Haha at least she said ok.

Tired. This has got to be the dumbest excuse that women make. Just open up your legs bitch and let me cum in you. You don't have to do anything but lay there.
I've been trying the Cialis for over a month. It's my first experience with it so I didn't know what to expect. I've taken at least one capsule every day over the past month and up to 4 on some days. I haven't noticed anything at all from them tbh but I also didn't have any ED issues prior so I wasn't sure if I would experience anything noticeable.

Cialis isn't just about erections. It gives you better hang, fullness, and makes you feel sexy
Get a laproscopic repair. Was at work in three days. Lifting in 60 but probably could started sooner. Had sex 3 days later too. Haha. Sad thing it's a defect from birth when your balls drop as a baby. Usually you will need the other side done later. My other side already feels iffy but not like other side. Repair seems strong a hell. Get mesh...its not bad anymore.Cost me about $6500 total no insurance.$750 for Dr. $1500 for Anastasiaologist $3500 for sugery center. Then after it was paid a bill of $800 for a forgotten laposcpoic one use tool.
Alright I'll definitely talk to the doc about that when I meet with him, unfortunately the dude has me scheduled out until mid June but I'll survive. The ol nuts have actually been hurting alittle less since yesterday and I'm already feeling alittle better sex drive wise, weird how some aching balls can change your overall drive to wanna bang but it is what it is I guess.
Never tried Colonial. But I had one vial of Test-E from Stan that had a floater in it. It happens. :shrug:
Yes, just want to make sure ppl know, so they arent pinning it. Because i know for a fact 100’s of people are pinning floaters right now unaware.
Yes, just want to make sure ppl know, so they arent pinning it. Because i know for a fact 100’s of people are pinning floaters right now unaware.
It’s crazy to me because Colonial was having floaters, across multiple compounds, and multiple orders, last year back when I pointed it out. To think these issues are still happening, and people blindly just pinning gear without checking first is fucking scary.
It’s crazy to me because Colonial was having floaters, across multiple compounds, and multiple orders, last year back when I pointed it out. To think these issues are still happening, and people blindly just pinning gear without checking first is fucking scary.
Yes and nothing is being done, here i though he was a good source but in actually, hes really messing up bad. And he knows but is still selling it.
Yes and nothing is being done, here i though he was a good source but in actually, hes really messing up bad. And he knows but is still selling it.
That’s likely because over on SST there’s not even a single mention of a recent floater. They don’t care. The email complaints will get brushed under the rug and they’ll move on until someone else from meso catches a floater.
I've been trying the Cialis for over a month. It's my first experience with it so I didn't know what to expect. I've taken at least one capsule every day over the past month and up to 4 on some days. I haven't noticed anything at all from them tbh but I also didn't have any ED issues prior so I wasn't sure if I would experience anything noticeable.

Four 20mg cialsis and you don’t have ED? you should have had intense erections and flushed skin maybe even a headache at that dosage.
Yes, just want to make sure ppl know, so they arent pinning it. Because i know for a fact 100’s of people are pinning floaters right now unaware.
That’s likely because over on SST there’s not even a single mention of a recent floater. They don’t care. The email complaints will get brushed under the rug and they’ll move on until someone else from meso catches a floater.

And what happens when a floater is injected into the body?

I have had sources tell me that it’s from the stopper and sterile so it’s okay to use. I am assuming the floater also get sterilized from the BB/BA combo.

Not worth risk, but just curious.
And what happens when a floater is injected into the body?

I have had sources tell me that it’s from the stopper and sterile so it’s okay to use. I am assuming the floater also get sterilized from the BB/BA combo.

Not worth risk, but just curious.
There is a thread here showing 7-8 ppl have them in unopen vials. And i got 4-5 PMs saying they had the same issue

I would think the body eventually pushes it to the surface like a bullet or splinter.

Edit- thats if you dont get an infection.

They have needle filters, like individual needle filters built into the needle. I used then for amps because i was scared about glass
There is a thread here showing 7-8 ppl have them in unopen vials. And i got 4-5 PMs saying they had the same issue

I would think the body eventually pushes it to the surface like a bullet or splinter.

Edit- thats if you dont get an infection.

They have needle filters, like individual needle filters built into the needle. I used then for amps because i was scared about glass

When I say from stopper, I mean when the source goes to plug the vial the floater gets in. Not from Initial penetration caused by the client. I got one from a source unopened and had a floater.

I assumed you could just scoop it up with a needle while drawing and throw that syringe away as a loss. But like I said at my age I ain’t taking that risk no more. I have had “sterile” abscesses over the years and they hurt like a bitch.

I mean honestly I only recently started checking for floaters. It’s not as easy with sources that use labels.