When I say from stopper, I mean when the source goes to plug the vial the floater gets in. Not from Initial penetration caused by the client. I got one from a source unopened and had a floater.

I assumed you could just scoop it up with a needle while drawing and throw that syringe away as a loss. But like I said at my age I ain’t taking that risk no more. I have had “sterile” abscesses over the years and they hurt like a bitch.

I mean honestly I only recently started checking for floaters. It’s not as easy with sources that use labels.
Yes luckily colonials come off soooo easy
And what happens when a floater is injected into the body?
The body sees it as a foreign invader and walls it off. That’s what you call an abscess. Now they can be sterile (meaning what’s in there isn’t an infection), but they’re still not something you want to have.
When I say from stopper, I mean when the source goes to plug the vial the floater gets in. Not from Initial penetration caused by the client. I got one from a source unopened and had a floater.

I assumed you could just scoop it up with a needle while drawing and throw that syringe away as a loss. But like I said at my age I ain’t taking that risk no more. I have had “sterile” abscesses over the years and they hurt like a bitch.

I mean honestly I only recently started checking for floaters. It’s not as easy with sources that use labels.
When I spotted the floater in Stan's Test-E, I took the labels off of every vial that I had ordered and inspected them thoroughly. I haven't been that tedious about checking for floaters in the past, but no matter who the source is, I will do so with any future orders.
Guys , has anyone tried his recent orals ? I’m running a cycle of orals before the deca kicks in and even having the anadrol dosed at 100 mg, I’m really feeling barely anything. It could be in my head and I know it’s not bonerz and feels only, but 100 mg of anadrol with 50 mg dbol used to literally light me up and by day 6 I was flying, I’m on day 8 and haven’t noticed much. This was my 7th order from him so I know his products were def good before.
Guys , has anyone tried his recent orals ? I’m running a cycle of orals before the deca kicks in and even having the anadrol dosed at 100 mg, I’m really feeling barely anything. It could be in my head and I know it’s not bonerz and feels only, but 100 mg of anadrol with 50 mg dbol used to literally light me up and by day 6 I was flying, I’m on day 8 and haven’t noticed much. This was my 7th order from him so I know his products were def good before.
Day 8? That's kinda pushing it on the ole' feels report.
For an oral …. ? Should have something by now and any response to those that are not having good results from the cialis @Stanfordpharma1 ? I had a legit good source like yourself who actually had some bad raws and he had to adjust the dosing in each pill.
The cialis I have a new batch (not in production yet) which I'm sending for testing Monday. As for a oral aas I usually didn't start seeing strength gains until about 2 weeks. But let's say it started working at 7 days I don't think I'd start posting I'm not seeing gains on day 8. Don't get me wrong. I would never try and censor and I would always take care of someone with an issue. I just think to give it a few more days would have been more appropriate.
Got my labs back boys. Not looking good a few different areas. Lol.
As for my igf-1 levels, it's weird because last year I took a test on the same exact amount(2iu am 2iu pm) . And I was mid 500s. So a little weird.
500 test e
500 tren e
500 mast e
4iu hgh(optis)
5 weeks in.

I was on 30 mg of superdrol(stans) for a few weeks, but I've been off of that for about 3 weeks before blood work.

5'4 175lbs (dropped 4 lbs in 3 weeks)
Body fat% I don't know.

2680 cal, 202g protein, 88g fats, 263g carbs.

Any help with this blood work would be great.


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Honestly these feelz reports are fucking stupid.

If you think the gear is bunk, send it for testing.

I personally can run orals and not feel jack shit, I just have to stay on the for a few weeks to notice any effects and again I don’t feel shit …. the compound is just slowly doing what it’s supposed to do over time.

Feelz reports are especially useless because most guys don’t have their training and diet dialed in. I’m being generous here also, most people are fucking idiots.

You’re not gonna wake up on day 8 of your oral cycle and look like the hulk and perform like him too.
Got my labs back boys. Not looking good a few different areas. Lol.
As for my igf-1 levels, it's weird because last year I took a test on the same exact amount(2iu am 2iu pm) . And I was mid 500s. So a little weird.
500 test e
500 tren e
500 mast e
4iu hgh(optis)
5 weeks in.

I was on 30 mg of superdrol(stans) for a few weeks, but I've been off of that for about 3 weeks before blood work.

5'4 175lbs (dropped 4 lbs in 3 weeks)
Body fat% I don't know.

2680 cal, 202g protein, 88g fats, 263g carbs.

Any help with this blood work would be great.
Jesus Christ man. If it were me I would drop the cycle. Those cholesterol levels are fucking awful. A ratio of almost 13……

500mgof tren and 500 mast and 30mg of superdrol will most definitely reek havoc on blood work man. I don’t know why regular guys who wanna go to the gym feel the need to run cycles like that.

You’re 5 weeks into a cycle and your labs are throwing up signs that you should abandon ship already.

Don’t you think choosing compounds that are less toxic would be more productive so that you can train hard and eat hard and sleep wel and run the gear for long enough to make it work….?

I’m not even trying to be a dick here but I’m genuinely curious as to why you think that was a good cycle for you at 175 lbs

As far as your igf they’re probably a lot lower because you’re on a harsh cycle. When I’m on cycle my igf downrrgulates compared to when on a cruise.

All I know is if my blood work looked like that I would be re evaluating what I’m doing and also question myself as to why I got myself into this position in the first place
Jesus Christ man. If it were me I would drop the cycle. Those cholesterol levels are fucking awful. A ratio of almost 13……

500mgof tren and 500 mast and 30mg of superdrol will most definitely reek havoc on blood work man. I don’t know why regular guys who wanna go to the gym feel the need to run cycles like that.

You’re 5 weeks into a cycle and your labs are throwing up signs that you should abandon ship already.

Don’t you think choosing compounds that are less toxic would be more productive so that you can train hard and eat hard and sleep wel and run the gear for long enough to make it work….?

I’m not even trying to be a dick here but I’m genuinely curious as to why you think that was a good cycle for you at 175 lbs

As far as your igf they’re probably a lot lower because you’re on a harsh cycle. When I’m on cycle my igf downrrgulates compared to when on a cruise.

All I know is if my blood work looked like that I would be re evaluating what I’m doing and also question myself as to why I got myself into this position in the first place
Honestly bro, I just literally started taking blood work. My first time was last year and I was not on cycle. It was only for the igf-1 from the HGH I was taking. My test levels were like 156 at that time. I was on no test at all.
This is why I'm actually taking bloodeork now so I can see what's going on with my body. I've always been hard-headed and never cared. But I've been feeling really tired a lot lately, especially in the morning times.
I cannot get over 184 lb. Been trying all my life. Not possible. Genetics will not allow me, I don't think. LOL.
Honestly bro, I just literally started taking blood work. My first time was last year and I was not on cycle. It was only for the igf-1 from the HGH I was taking. My test levels were like 156 at that time. I was on no test at all.
This is why I'm actually taking bloodeork now so I can see what's going on with my body. I've always been hard-headed and never cared. But I've been feeling really tired a lot lately, especially in the morning times.
That explains why your igf was so much higher on the same dose, that’s pretty normal for a lot of guys.

Well all I can say is that I’m glad you’re starting to get on top of doing labs, better late than never. That shit is super important man. That cholesterol ratio puts you at a very high risk for cardiac issues brother, I would seriously re evaluate this cycle.
That explains why your igf was so much higher on the same dose, that’s pretty normal for a lot of guys.

Well all I can say is that I’m glad you’re starting to get on top of doing labs, better late than never. That shit is super important man. That cholesterol ratio puts you at a very high risk for cardiac issues brother, I would seriously re evaluate this cycle.
From your experience, what do you think is causing it? Do you think I'm on too high of a dosage on a certain thing or do you think it's the combination of all of them?
And yeah when I was on just the HGH and nothing else at all, pretty much everything to look good other than blood and people were recommending me going to go donate blood. Cholesterol was good and everything
My hopes is it was the superdrol being so toxic.
Because I've always felt good on those three combinations of drugs and pretty much the same dosage. Normally I have my dosage at 250 test when I take the other dosages. But I've never felt tired waking up in the morning or anything until now.