I'll check it out now. And yeah man, my blood pressure is 155/89 right now. Haha. So I got to do something and fast.
I’m on telmisartan now, but Revive has a product called blood pressure, which was excellent and kept me in the high 120s/low 130s while on blast.

Or you could check out “carditone” on Amazon. That actually has some studies backing and I believe Dante SWEARS by it.
I’m on telmisartan now, but Revive has a product called blood pressure, which was excellent and kept me in the high 120s/low 130s while on blast.

Or you could check out “carditone” on Amazon. That actually has some studies backing and I believe Dante SWEARS by it.
Yeah I bought one of the most rated products on there and I'll try it out and see what happens. If it doesn't work, I'll try to see if there's something better, such as something you recommended
If money isn't an issue, buy 100x25mg vials of MOTS-C from either of the Chinese sources on here and run that as a cycle for 100 days alongside a TRT or cruise dose of Test, nothing more, and then see a) if you are a non-responder to drugs (the answer is you aren't, you just aren't eating or training enough) and b) if you ever want to use any other drug in your life ever again (hint: you won't).
100x25mg would be a starter level. You can't take too much of the stuff (MOTS). 100mg a day better, but like I said it'll be $$$.

now, will you put on oodles of size? depends on your training and calories. but the health & lifestyle difference? lol. there is zero comparison.
100x25mg would be a starter level. You can't take too much of the stuff (MOTS). 100mg a day better, but like I said it'll be $$$.

now, will you put on oodles of size? depends on your training and calories. but the health & lifestyle difference? lol. there is zero comparison.
Calories right now are at around 3000, as I just changed up a few things. I changed my lunch and dinner with chicken breast instead of ground turkey and steak. Probably like 250g of protein total with all my meals
QSC & Changzhou both have it. I can't speak to the former's, but I have a 2nd order of the stuff on the way from Changzhou. I posted about my experience with my micro 5 day cycle of MOTS in their thread. Basically I did that to make sure I was right about what it would do (I was) based on all the literature. I am going to replicate that same cycle to make double sure it wasn't a fluke and if so then I'm ordering enough to make me look like a worldwide distributor lol.
Calories right now are at around 3000, as I just changed up a few things. I changed my lunch and dinner with chicken breast instead of ground turkey and steak. Probably like 250g of protein total with all my meals
Do what shiva says and come off or down to a trt dose a real trt dose mind you. 100-200 mg a week. Then get bloods in a couple months. If your shit is back in check after all the ancillaries and supps then consider another cycle. Since money isn’t a problem get yourself some primo and test and run it at what keeps your test / e2 ratio in check and have a good time and not blow your lipids up. Also keep away from the orals bro there’s literally no need. I bet you can’t find a single ifbb pro running SuperDrol lol. I don’t know why people use that shit, toxic as fuck. Just use compounds that are known to be well tolerated in humans. I mention no orals the only exception I see is small doses and timing of anavar if you are trying to get ready for a target date or push through a plateau maybe. That’s it. Small doses of test primo and rhgh will keep you looking and feeling right. Get yourself some telmisartan and keep that blood pressure in check my man it cascades into all sorts of things.
Do what shiva says and come off or down to a trt dose a real trt dose mind you. 100-200 mg a week. Then get bloods in a couple months. If your shit is back in check after all the ancillaries and supps then consider another cycle. Since money isn’t a problem get yourself some primo and test and run it at what keeps your test / e2 ratio in check and have a good time and not blow your lipids up. Also keep away from the orals bro there’s literally no need. I bet you can’t find a single ifbb pro running SuperDrol lol. I don’t know why people use that shit, toxic as fuck. Just use compounds that are known to be well tolerated in humans. I mention no orals the only exception I see is small doses and timing of anavar if you are trying to get ready for a target date or push through a plateau maybe. That’s it. Small doses of test primo and rhgh will keep you looking and feeling right. Get yourself some telmisartan and keep that blood pressure in check my man it cascades into all sorts of things.
The way my test/e2 looks right now is way off? I know my test levels are pretty high, from what it seems.
The way my test/e2 looks right now is way off? I know my test levels are pretty high, from what it seems.
No actually the ratio right now looks completely fine and expected with 2000 test. Nothing wrong with it . What I mean is that when running primo 1/1 with test some guys can get low e2 sides. When my test was around yours on 1/1 primo my e2 was 32. So I’m just giving a heads up on something to look out for if you are going to run test and primo and I can see you like your dosages 1/1. 500test 500 primo isn’t going to be like 500 tren but your going to have a much better time controlling your bloodwork brother.
No actually the ratio right now looks completely fine and expected with 2000 test. Nothing wrong with it . What I mean is that when running primo 1/1 with test some guys can get low e2 sides. When my test was around yours on 1/1 primo my e2 was 32. So I’m just giving a heads up on something to look out for if you are going to run test and primo and I can see you like your dosages 1/1. 500test 500 primo isn’t going to be like 500 tren but your going to have a much better time controlling your bloodwork brother.
I never did primo, but I do have a bunch on the way. 100mg/ml. I was gonna try it on next cycle. I will keep monitoring everything. And get some more bloodwork in a month or so.
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I never did primo, but I do have a bunch on the way. 100mg/ml. I was gonna try it on next cycle.
Ya if you like your mast better you can run that too in my opinion. Not as mild on bloodwork as primo will be but it’s probably a decent compound to run along side your test. Really dude cut the tren out of the cycles. Again this is my opinion and it has its place but unless your getting ready for something , contest or photo shoot -something like that then tren just doesn’t belong. Whether it is actually directly kidney toxic or if it’s from the redlined blood pressure all the time i feel you can confidently say it’s not good for your organs. I mean at the end of the day none of this shit at high dosages is going to be good for ya but I think the mitigation of what you can is worth it. lots of guys have run very small dosages of tren and gotten very nice results also. What is trens main attribute? Increasing feed efficiency and reducing muscle protein can achieve that with 100-150 mgs. Cut out the sides also. All this to say you do not need 500mgs . That’s a fact bro.
Ya if you like your mast better you can run that too in my opinion. Not as mild on bloodwork as primo will be but it’s probably a decent compound to run along side your test. Really dude cut the tren out of the cycles. Again this is my opinion and it has its place but unless your getting ready for something , contest or photo shoot -something like that then tren just doesn’t belong. Whether it is actually directly kidney toxic or if it’s from the redlined blood pressure all the time i feel you can confidently say it’s not good for your organs. I mean at the end of the day none of this shit at high dosages is going to be good for ya but I think the mitigation of what you can is worth it. lots of guys have run very small dosages of tren and gotten very nice results also. What is trens main attribute? Increasing feed efficiency and reducing muscle protein can achieve that with 100-150 mgs. Cut out the sides also. All this to say you do not need 500mgs . That’s a fact bro.
I mean everything you're saying is true. No doubt. I do see a lot of people gaining very nicely on half of the amount of everything I do.
My training is on point. 1,000%. I'm very OCD when it comes with my training. As for my diet, that just literally started getting serious the last 2 years. I looked the best in my life last August and I was very satisfied, but then covid knocked me on my ass. I got lazy. Stopped eating properly, etc.
Guys , has anyone tried his recent orals ? I’m running a cycle of orals before the deca kicks in and even having the anadrol dosed at 100 mg, I’m really feeling barely anything. It could be in my head and I know it’s not bonerz and feels only, but 100 mg of anadrol with 50 mg dbol used to literally light me up and by day 6 I was flying, I’m on day 8 and haven’t noticed much. This was my 7th order from him so I know his products were def good before.
I have to split the anavar 50 tabs in half because they're so strong. Great results.
From your experience, what do you think is causing it? Do you think I'm on too high of a dosage on a certain thing or do you think it's the combination of all of them?

Yeah I bought one of the most rated products on there and I'll try it out and see what happens. If it doesn't work, I'll try to see if there's something better, such as something you recommended
carditone is legit, dropped me from 129/72 to 109/62 in a couple weeks.
Jesus Christ man. If it were me I would drop the cycle. Those cholesterol levels are fucking awful. A ratio of almost 13……

500mgof tren and 500 mast and 30mg of superdrol will most definitely reek havoc on blood work man. I don’t know why regular guys who wanna go to the gym feel the need to run cycles like that.

You’re 5 weeks into a cycle and your labs are throwing up signs that you should abandon ship already.

Don’t you think choosing compounds that are less toxic would be more productive so that you can train hard and eat hard and sleep wel and run the gear for long enough to make it work….?

I’m not even trying to be a dick here but I’m genuinely curious as to why you think that was a good cycle for you at 175 lbs

As far as your igf they’re probably a lot lower because you’re on a harsh cycle. When I’m on cycle my igf downrrgulates compared to when on a cruise.

All I know is if my blood work looked like that I would be re evaluating what I’m doing and also question myself as to why I got myself into this position in the first place
Well what do u think of my bloodwork


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