Do you think you’re breaking some new ground here? You and the other dude have made your positions very clear. You don’t like his TA. Ok. Now what? You and the dumber half of your little duet are going to keep complaining about a vendor that you don’t buy from? To what end? You’re fighting a war of attrition and accomplish nothing. Stan’s customers will shoot back and this will go on ad infinitum. Great. Very useful.
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@Stanfordpharma1 when you get the pill press what’s the plan for testing the new batches? Will you send out multiple of each pill to test for uniformity? Will anything change about how you mix the API with the filler or is it similar to the method you’re using when you cap? Will there be additional filler, like magnesium stearate for example, that you’ll use? Magnesium is sometimes used as a dry lubricant to keep a pill press moving smoothly; if not magnesium is there another filler that you’d use to serve the same purpose?