Blood work from Stan’s test cyp. 4 weeks in on 500 a week. Pin 250 Monday and Thursday. Labs were taken on Wednesday around noon. Not fasted.
Test levels look good for what I'd expect at that dose. The other items are just barely out of range, and I mean barely. I'd keep an eye on red blood cell. Prob a good idea to go donate and it'll likely be in range rest of cycle.
Blood work from Stan’s test cyp. 4 weeks in on 500 a week. Pin 250 Monday and Thursday. Labs were taken on Wednesday around noon. Not fasted.
Super interesting. Thanks for sharing this. It is fascinating how differently these compounds hit each of us.

Those are pretty solid results for half a gram of Cyp per week. Last blood test I had I was running 3300+ ng/dL on 750 mgs of test cyp, 400 mgs Masteron and 200 mgs of Deca per week. I would be very happy to back off of those levels of gear if I could get your results with half a gram of test per week.

It’s gets exponentially harder as we age.
Also I would normally do 5 weeks or 6 weeks before drawing blood but got a lot of work trips over the coming weeks so just had to go ahead and get it while I could. Also if anything unhealthy stands out besides just the ole test report, feel free to comment and educate me. Thanks.
What are you using for E2 control ? Dosage ?
Been on stan's Test C since DEC 2023. Dose for this bloodwork was test- 160/week and Mast P-100/week. This is my TRT dose year round. I know the mast doesn't do anything.. i use it as a "feel good" add on.. Every other health marker is normal.

I'm definitely interested in how all this plays out. Not gonna lie, though. Taking this with a grain of salt. A lot of inconsistencies in your posts. For instance, you say 7 weeks in on 150mg every 3 days, but on the 5th (3 weeks ago) you said you were bumping it up to 150mg that day. Good luck.

10 seconds of review shows this must be the most unlucky AAS user in history. Gotten almost nothing but "bunk" from half a dozen labs over 7 years. Many samples "sent" for analysis. Many rounds of "bloodwork". Seems to always forget to post results.

This could likely be the uncertainty almost everyone feels with UGL products, rising to a unique form of attention seeking psychosis.

Like those weird chicks who go from celebrity to celebrity insisting they got her pregnant.
Can you keep primo at 150? For some reason it’s less PIP

You could probably negotiate a custom order for a fee, as primo PIP seems to be very individualized.

Gotta find a balance between how much you love primo and how much you want to pay for a specific mg/mL preparation. There are guys here who pay 3-4x markups for primo that doesn't cause them PIP.

How much you willing to spend or you just want cheap primo?