If it means getting to the bottom of this then it is worth it.
I'll happily reimburse you for the kit.
No reason someone should be getting bubbles or a cloudy solution if they are carefully reconstituting the GH as per pharma recommendations with the wall irrigation method and 0.9% Hospira bac water. There should be no other plausible mechanism other than improper reconstitution by "jetting" the water directly onto the puck. Agreed?
I also got this new batch of HGH and you may have missed my post from above but I used the pregnyl solvent at .9 BA for the first vial and had the same problems as the poster. Perhaps the small amount of sodium chloride there? Floaters and cloudy. I used your water at .8 BA and it was magically different and clear which seems really bizarre it can be that different. Like night and day. I still haven't pinned it yet so I do not know. The poster above used Hospira assumingly at .9 so it shouldn't have caused the cloudiness?
Just seen. Had this issue quite a while back. I ran a...
0.8 vs 0.9% BA bac water? No difference for reconstition if your technique is proper. Come on guys. If there is, let's clearly get to the bottom of this so it's
clear for readers later. Get it? Ahem,