I am grateful we were able to decouple the cloudiness issue from the bubbles. I have no data to disprove your >1% BA hypothesis on the cloudiness issue and appreciate you taking the time to share your observations and data.I disagree in the fact that their bac water may be over the .9% and that's what is causing the issues. There is a allowable variance and if their batch is 1% or more this can cause the cloudiness.
I found this by testing the issue a few years back. That's the only thing I may disagree with. This is why I new it was the issue before I reconstituted the vial yesterday. I don't mind the wasted product to determine this. As long as I get my flowers for discovering this. Maybe even by giving this a name like "the Stanford anomoly" or something, lol.
Here are your flowers for working so diligently to resolve these questions for members. My offer stands and appreciate you.
That being said, I Tested product and came back really good, I answered the cloudiness question and now the bubbles question. I gotta ask... what's next? The product is good.
Nothing next as far as I can tell. The idea that >=1% BA water can cause enough aggregation (or whatever is happening) to cause the cloudiness is an interesting one and just another experiment to add to the list for testing to see if Jano can pick up the cloudiness on his "dimer and related proteins" test.
I didn't plan on using product and was only answering the cloudiness question, so wasn't concerned with "slowly" adding bac water. Now the bubbles became an issue so I slowly added water. I'm doing my best to answer the questions, right?
You absolutely are and now members can be confident they should not be seeing bubbles when reconstituting properly. Thank you.
Happy to do so. I respect what you and ghoul do for the community and am happy to help if it's what's best for everyone.
Sorry if any of this comes as being forward or rude. Just typing fast and busy as heck so not putting a lot into what's being said or proof reading or anything.
Best wishes to you Stan and we can DM about the reimbursement. Thanks again for your time.