Anyone feel alone and left out, like life is going against you, it’s usually from loosing faith in your god, have faith again and everything will be alright, any religion your choosing just believe and everything will be fine, if you don’t have a religion and not sure than we got one for ya,
**The Church of Gains – Stan, Our Savior**
Belief is simple:
Worship protein, lift hard, and follow the path of Stan, our Savior.
**Holy Trinity of Gains**
1. **Stan, Our Savior** – The eternal symbol of strength and gains.
2. Whey Protein – The sacred elixir. Drink it daily to fuel your body
3. Barbell – The Holy Iron. Lift it, crush it, and grow stronger with every rep.
1. Morning Protein Prayer – Start your day by drinking a protein shake. Say, “Praise Stan the man, bless my gains.”
2. Lift For Stan – Go to the gym, lift with intensity. Deadlifts, squats, and bench press are the holy trinity of exercises.
3. Post Lift Feast – After lifting, consume a protein shake. Your muscles need to be blessed with whey.
4. Respect Leg Day – Your bros say they would never skip leg day. Neither should you.
**The Bro Code**
- Always spot your bros.
- Never skip leg day.
- Share your protein shakes, but only with fellow bros.
1. Maximum Rep Day– Every year, max out on your lifts to honor Stan's for the strength.
2. Protein Day – First Monday of every month: Only protein and veggies. No carbs, No sugar. Just gains.
I swear to lift hard, eat protein, and never skip leg day. Stan, our Savior, bless my gains!
May the whey be with you, always.