Wasn’t that the dude who got caught giving fake positive reviews to himself? Eh, maybe I’m thinking of a different dude.

Yep. This is one of many reasons why anyone with morals would never use those guys. You think Stan and Opti are successful here simply because they can brew well? Although that is an important factor it’s more so because they have been stand up dudes for many years and we’ve never seen anything shady or questionable from them.
Anyone feel alone and left out, like life is going against you, it’s usually from loosing faith in your god, have faith again and everything will be alright, any religion your choosing just believe and everything will be fine, if you don’t have a religion and not sure than we got one for ya,

**The Church of Gains – Stan, Our Savior**

Belief is simple:

Worship protein, lift hard, and follow the path of Stan, our Savior.

**Holy Trinity of Gains**

1. **Stan, Our Savior** – The eternal symbol of strength and gains.

2. Whey Protein – The sacred elixir. Drink it daily to fuel your body

3. Barbell – The Holy Iron. Lift it, crush it, and grow stronger with every rep.


1. Morning Protein Prayer – Start your day by drinking a protein shake. Say, “Praise Stan the man, bless my gains.”

2. Lift For Stan – Go to the gym, lift with intensity. Deadlifts, squats, and bench press are the holy trinity of exercises.

3. Post Lift Feast – After lifting, consume a protein shake. Your muscles need to be blessed with whey.

4. Respect Leg Day – Your bros say they would never skip leg day. Neither should you.

**The Bro Code**
- Always spot your bros.
- Never skip leg day.
- Share your protein shakes, but only with fellow bros.

1. Maximum Rep Day– Every year, max out on your lifts to honor Stan's for the strength.

2. Protein Day – First Monday of every month: Only protein and veggies. No carbs, No sugar. Just gains.


I swear to lift hard, eat protein, and never skip leg day. Stan, our Savior, bless my gains!

May the whey be with you, always.
Finally! A zealot at the door I want to talk to!
Only you can answer that. 7s kinda low but the longer you sit at 8-10% bodyfat after a while your body should recognize it as a new setpoint low and it should get easier. Of course ymmv
10-12% is a great spot to sit in my opinion. Always within striking distance of truly lean if you want/need to be, enough flexibilty where you don't feel like your physique is nuked by going off plan for a few days while traveling/etc.
10-12% is a great spot to sit in my opinion. Always within striking distance of truly lean if you want/need to be, enough flexibilty where you don't feel like your physique is nuked by going off plan for a few days while traveling/etc.
I agree, I prefer to be closer to 9-10% though. It seems to get easier the longer you sit there and if you cut from there then bulk the next time you get back down to 9-10 is much easier.

One consideration is where you hold your fat. Do you have a nice even distribution like an ifbb pro or are you rolling around with a beer belly and cut legs and arms at 10%.
I ordered through the website, but there’s also a US alternative, and one of their advantages is that they offer multiple syringe attachments for different syringe sizes. If you order from Europe, you only get the one attachment you choose.

Not trying to advertise, but here’s the link for the US auto-injector site: AutoInjector – Painless & Precise Injections Anytime

I think you can also sign up with your email for a 20% discount, which actually makes it cheaper than ordering from Europe.
Decided to give this a shot since I love messing around with new gadgets. It was delivered today, so I pinned my quad with a 25g 1-inch needle and didn’t feel a thing. I usually hit my delts, but I like the idea of rotating spots so I’m not hammering them with every injection. This will definitely come in handy when I’m running higher doses.
Decided to give this a shot since I love messing around with new gadgets. It was delivered today, so I pinned my quad with a 25g 1-inch needle and didn’t feel a thing. I usually hit my delts, but I like the idea of rotating spots so I’m not hammering them with every injection. This will definitely come in handy when I’m running higher doses.
Good gadget with multiple adapters for different syringe sizes, even for insulin ones - though using it for peptides/HGH might be overkill. Tip: BD syringes fit perfectly as they seem to be the intended size, but other brands work too.
I agree, I prefer to be closer to 9-10% though. It seems to get easier the longer you sit there and if you cut from there then bulk the next time you get back down to 9-10 is much easier.

One consideration is where you hold your fat. Do you have a nice even distribution like an ifbb pro or are you rolling around with a beer belly and cut legs and arms at 10%.
That’s a great point. I’m actually very lucky that I hold my fat like a woman (which is apparently healthier?). Every time I get a dexa they point it out and then I repeat the same joke “oh so I have lady legs??” like clockwork.

But seriously, all my fat is in my legs, it’s actually quite convenient. I have visible abs at 18% body fat. Have never even registered any visceral fat on DEXA or MRI.

So it’s pretty easy for me to live at even 14% if I want to because my upper body by DEXA will still be 10%, and my legs will be 18% (which who cares).
Decided to give this a shot since I love messing around with new gadgets. It was delivered today, so I pinned my quad with a 25g 1-inch needle and didn’t feel a thing. I usually hit my delts, but I like the idea of rotating spots so I’m not hammering them with every injection. This will definitely come in handy when I’m running higher doses.
I don’t use that thing but I use 25’s. You
Decided to give this a shot since I love messing around with new gadgets. It was delivered today, so I pinned my quad with a 25g 1-inch needle and didn’t feel a thing. I usually hit my delts, but I like the idea of rotating spots so I’m not hammering them with every injection. This will definitely come in handy when I’m running higher doses.
I don’t use that thing but I use 25’s. You don’t even feel them.
Decided to give this a shot since I love messing around with new gadgets. It was delivered today, so I pinned my quad with a 25g 1-inch needle and didn’t feel a thing. I usually hit my delts, but I like the idea of rotating spots so I’m not hammering them with every injection. This will definitely come in handy when I’m running higher doses.
the irony is I got mine for needle anxiety. Haven't used it yet because the speed at which it sticks you is giving me anxiety lol
All the times I’ve had to abort after hitting a nerve or something makes me think that slamming a needle in with force is a bad idea or I’m terrible at site selection
All the times I’ve had to abort after hitting a nerve or something makes me think that slamming a needle in with force is a bad idea or I’m terrible at site selection
I’ve hit a nerve doing a regular injection and it was not fun. Instant death for sure if I hit a nerve with this thing.