What do you mean? Pinning with 23g is smoother and easier than with 25g, especially with larger volumes. Unless I read it wrong you're saying 23g is harder than 25g which seems opposite.
You read it wrong or I wasn’t clear lol. I use 23g when using a 3ml syringe and a 25g when using a 1ml syringe.
You have to use a 1ml syringe, anything higher wont work.
When I need like say 2ML test c I just pin morning then night.
My problem is I only use delts and glutes. Only running 400 tren e, 200 mast e, and 250 cyp. Guess I could split the doses I to 4 pins instead of 3. Splitting mast and test in delts. Scar tissue is getting pretty bad in glutes and I used to run short eaters and 3ml a pin with 23 gauge sucked lol. Yall use coffee cup warmers to heat oil?
You read it wrong or I wasn’t clear lol. I use 23g when using a 3ml syringe and a 25g when using a 1ml syringe.

My problem is I only use delts and glutes. Only running 400 tren e, 200 mast e, and 250 cyp. Guess I could split the doses I to 4 pins instead of 3. Splitting mast and test in delts. Scar tissue is getting pretty bad in glutes and I used to run short eaters and 3ml a pin with 23 gauge sucked lol. Yall use coffee cup warmers to heat oil?
I do 4 pins three times a week and 2 daily all in my delts.
I just heat it up under hot water in the sink
2 daily, same delt? How's the PIP after that? (never injected twice in the same spot on the same day)
Sometimes I do same delt, sometimes I do other side.
I only get pip when I dont pin deep enough and it leaks subq, only had that happen like once or twice in the last year, its never test with pip only ever tren a, never get pip with npp either.