Stanford Pharmaceuticals

I do cialis to..
My friend gave me some citrulline before.. it was a tiny ass scoop
It doesn't take much to equal out six grams. I wouldn't expect much pump wise with much less than that. I've taken up to 8g before, and liked it. I wouldn't go higher but I'm not aware of any negative side effects associated, not to say there aren't any.
That seems kind of scary, aren’t you supposed to go to the ER if you have an erection more than four hours?

That’s what the commercials say, but I call bullshit. My junk doesn’t hurt next day and functions normal after I’ve had a 6-8 hour boner.

I asked my doc about it once a few months after going on TRT, she said the erection likely goes back down after you drift to sleep. Then rages again as you wake up. So it’s likely not a continuous 6-8 hour boner. But I call BS on that too so I don’t know o_O
I am a waking horny fucking messs I beat my shit with the doors open in my house.. I'll be sitting there and some girls butt pops up on instagram and I take my shit To pound town regardless of who's near by .. I'm reckless and i need help .. test prop will turn you into an ass junkie real fast it's almost repulsive
I don't even clear my browser on my girls MacBook.. she came up to me other week and says why is Latina ass videos popping up on my computer ..she knows I'm the juice daddy and I have my needs because of the test .. she rather me watch porn then destroy her. The poor girl runs away from me sometimes.. Haha I'm kidding.. or am I ? Find out on the next episode of sauceboss is a fucking junkie mess
If I use cialis I'm a walking tomato the veins in my damn skull come protruding out about a quarter inch I look like stan efferding
Take 5mg... I had a guy who cuts them in quarters cause he’s flushed or red when he takes 20mg.. I can take 20mg and not have a problem... now viagra gives me all those problems...If I sit still on viagra I pop a boner.. I was standing in church and boom it came back .. glad I was in the last row at church cause I couldn’t get it’s was more effective the day after I take a vigra. But won’t be takin it again