If you are always tired you could be experiencing adrenal fatigue. And adding dragons blood to remedy this would be a bad idea.
In today’s world, most take in too much caffeine from energy drinks, pre workouts etc. this taxes your adrenals heavy and then people have to take in more and more just to stay awake. Caffeine is a drug that taxes the body... especially adrenal glands and depletes your body of vital vitamins and minerals. Especially your b vitamins.
If you take in lots of caffeine I would highly suggest a good b-complex vitamin. Or injectable b-12 weekly
You will also need to ensure an upswing in potassium and magnesium since caffeine depleted these minerals hard core.
B vitamins, potassium and magnesium are all energy components in the body. Being depleted henders your energy.
Have you had a vitamin and mineral test?
Oh wow I had no idea. I only drink coffee on workout 5 times a week. I’m guessing I am ingesting about 300 mg of caffeine per workout day.
Would b12 or other b vitamins increase hematocrit/hemoglobin?
I’m definitely going to get a vitamin and mineral test done. I’m guessing that’s obviously through blood?
Thank you