Start of PCT after cycle of Test Prop

42 year old guy 6' 240 BF mid to upper teens First cycle 100mg Test prop ED for 8 weeks and Aromasin 10 mg EOD. Put a good 20 lbs on during cycle with waist size staying the same. Last shot of Prop was Sat and last dose of Aro was Sunday. Was planning on starting my PCT (clomid and nolva) tomorrow (Wed) however as of today am still horny as hell. Pretty sure gear was prop and not a longer ester based upon on how quickly started to feel effects. If I am still feeling this good libido wise on Wed should I wait a day or two more to start?? Thoughts??
4 days after last pin is too soon to start PCT. 10-14 days is more appropriate but it doesn't really anything to do with libido. My libido is pretty strong through PCT... Not 6000ng/dl strong but strong.
4 days after last pin is too soon to start PCT. 10-14 days is more appropriate but it doesn't really anything to do with libido. My libido is pretty strong through PCT... Not 6000ng/dl strong but strong.
Thanks for the response. Even with Prop?? Most places I see say 3 to 5 days after last shot??
Most places I see 3 to 5 days after last shot??

It's common to see the 3 to 5 day thing.

The only way to actually know for certain is to take a blood test to know where your levels are at.

Steroidcalc used to be a good way to show it but they changed how the graph is set up and doesn't show things as well for this.
It's common to see the 3 to 5 day thing.

The only way to actually know for certain is to take a blood test to know where your levels are at.

Steroidcalc used to be a good way to show it but they changed how the graph is set up and doesn't show things as well for this.
Ok thanks. I just didn't want to wait too long. I was planning on getting bloods a month or so after PCT ended but will try and get some in the next few days.
Ok thanks. I just didn't want to wait too long. I was planning on getting bloods a month or so after PCT ended but will try and get some in the next few days.

You don't really need to get them in the next few days IMO. I was just mentioning it because it's the truest way of determining when to start by its not ideal for most. If you want to and have the means then go for it... If I were you, I'd start around day 10 and get bloods after PCT like you were going to and confirm recovery.
You don't really need to get them in the next few days IMO. I was just mentioning it because it's the truest way of determining when to start by its not ideal for most. If you want to and have the means then go for it... If I were you, I'd start around day 10 and get bloods after PCT like you were going to and confirm recovery.
Thank you.