Starting first HGH cycle tomorrow - some questions

I am currently on TRT test and Trestolone and have managed to get some TP blacktops 255iu. Batch 91. I have done research but still have a couple questions since I would like to hear people’s anecdotes and opinions.

so is it better to pin it at night or during the morning or any time? I don’t want to shut down my natural production too much and heard if you pin during the day you still get some pulses at night naturally? But that may not be true

would you go with 2 or 3 IU? I want it to help improve my sleep, feel better, improve recovery and muscle growth. I definitely want more than just a replacement dose but can’t find figures on what that is.

I know mixed vials need to be put in the fridge straight away but can I leave my unmixed ones room temperature for 3/4 months or do they need to be stored cold as well?

I have some BAC water, can that be stored room temp. And when I mix it since each vial is 15iu I would add 1.5ml water, then 0.1ml is 1 IU? Is that the best way to do it…..

when I pin, is it better to just go subQ in the stomach everyday? I use my VG and delts for my Trest and test 2 times a week.
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No right or wrong answer on when to pin, try both see if you notice a difference. Start with 1iu and work your way to 3 upping it 1iu every week or 2 see how you feel. I store my BA in the fridge just for convenance, and when I start a kit I leave the unmixed vials in the fridge also. But that’s up to you. Pin subq I do my stomach or sides.
I am currently on TRT test and Trestolone and have managed to get some TP blacktops 255iu. Batch 91. I have done research but still have a couple questions since I would like to hear people’s anecdotes and opinions.

so is it better to pin it at night or during the morning or any time? I don’t want to shut down my natural production too much and heard if you pin during the day you still get some pulses at night naturally? But that may not be true

would you go with 2 or 3 IU? I want it to help improve my sleep, feel better, improve recovery and muscle growth. I definitely want more than just a replacement dose but can’t find figures on what that is.

I know mixed vials need to be put in the fridge straight away but can I leave my unmixed ones room temperature for 3/4 months or do they need to be stored cold as well?

I have some BAC water, can that be stored room temp. And when I mix it since each vial is 15iu I would add 1.5ml water, then 0.1ml is 1 IU? Is that the best way to do it…..

when I pin, is it better to just go subQ in the stomach everyday? I use my VG and delts for my Trest and test 2 times a week.
I'm going to start hgh, but this time maybe 2iu. Tried 4iu and was bloated like fuck lol work your way up mate.
2-3 iu will give you what your looking for. I pin mine first thing in the morning on empty stomach. If I’m doing over 5 iu I will split pins and do the second one after training. Just start with pinning first thing in the morning. And once you mix it it will go bad very fast out of the fridge so no don’t leave it out once it’s mixed. Before mixing it can be a room temp for not long either just try to always have it refrigerated. Good luck you will love gh! Oh and be patient it can take some time to really notice results just make sure to be on it for min of 6 months.
I would try one bolus shot at night when you wake up to go to the bathroom. Could be you won't shut down your endogenous production with this approach.

Or you go with more frequent pins with less HGH throughout the day.

You do the bolus dose after assesment period!