Starting my first cycle ever using test E


New Member
Height: 6'2
Weight: 218
Cycle: 12 week cycle of 500mg/test e every week
This is my first ever cycle and hoping to see some killer resluts. I just pinned for the first time today, was a little nervous but all in all went well. My main goal is to cut body fat and put on some muscle. Was going to cycle test and tren but figured I'd go with the smart move and see how my body reacts to just the test first. I still have the tren but don't plan on using it yet. I think I could have got my BF down more before I started but why the fuck wait when I got it right now I plan on posting every chance I get and keeping everyone updated on my results. Wish me luck and I'll answer any questions you guys got :)
It makes it way more complicated when you try and gain muscle and drop fat, its your first cycle injoy it and eat lots of food if you gaining to much add in some cardio and your Ai if to much water retention all im saying, save the tren for later down the road for when you want to cut.
How long have you been lifting?

What are your lifts like?

HCG, AI? Diet?

I had similar body stats to you when I first started - currently on week 9 of 15. Up from 220ish to 240ish - goal is 250. Then maintain for a bit. Make sure my bloods recover. Then do another one early next year lol

Keep in mind test is not a miracle drug - you will have to put in a lot of work to see the kinds of gains you want/expect.
A little young but atleast you dropped the tren. Lol I think you wasted a decent amount of money not reaching your natty potential but neither did I before my first. You will realize how important it is after a few months off cycle.