Steroid Cycle for Special Forces


New Member
Hello Everyone,

Are there any recommendations on cycle design for Special Forces?

Warrior Body:
I am not a bodybuilder and do not want to look like one. My goal is to recover faster, get stronger, and move faster. Most of my workouts revolve around a lot of volume of:

- pull-ups

My initial thoughts:
I was thinking of just running test at say 250 mg. Is that enough or is that to much? I am open to all suggestions and criticism. Maybe there is a better compound that I do not know about..

My main concern (which is everyone’s concern) is the PCT. If I do a 12 week cycle I don’t want to feel like total shit and lose all my gains during the post cycle.

Is there another substance I can take post cycle that will give my body another stimulus for growth that is not a steroid during this time?

Why not cruise:
I don’t want to shut my nuts down indefinitely. I don’t have kids yet.

Your help is much appreciated. Thanks guys.

What a shame this thread didn't go further. I would assume the OP was asking a type of Hybrid athlete cycle design. As someone who was a "combat specialist" I would suggest you need to cruise while you are filling that role. Since you said:
My goal is to recover faster, get stronger, and move faster.
However, It dose seem you have done 0 research, or even try and use the search function. When the whole planet is walking around with the whole worlds knowledge in their pocket, not even trying is just lazy. I would hate to see your workout ethic.
What a shame this thread didn't go further. I would assume the OP was asking a type of Hybrid athlete cycle design. As someone who was a "combat specialist" I would suggest you need to cruise while you are filling that role. Since you said:

However, It dose seem you have done 0 research, or even try and use the search function. When the whole planet is walking around with the whole worlds knowledge in their pocket, not even trying is just lazy. I would hate to see your workout ethic.
I’ve done plenty of research but came here because I wanted opinions from other people who take stuff. Instead I got nothing besides don’t do it.

Also there is not a lot of hybrid athlete info on this form besides like 1 guy.

But thank you cocksucker.
Why does everyone put such an emphasis on having kids? Deprioritize this and worry about it in your 40’s Be your best self while you can and have kids when ya start going downhill
I got 2 you can have.
I don’t ever see them anyways.
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