Steroid Cycle for Special Forces


New Member
Hello Everyone,

Are there any recommendations on cycle design for Special Forces?

Warrior Body:
I am not a bodybuilder and do not want to look like one. My goal is to recover faster, get stronger, and move faster. Most of my workouts revolve around a lot of volume of:

- pull-ups

My initial thoughts:
I was thinking of just running test at say 250 mg. Is that enough or is that to much? I am open to all suggestions and criticism. Maybe there is a better compound that I do not know about..

My main concern (which is everyone’s concern) is the PCT. If I do a 12 week cycle I don’t want to feel like total shit and lose all my gains during the post cycle.

Is there another substance I can take post cycle that will give my body another stimulus for growth that is not a steroid during this time?

Why not cruise:
I don’t want to shut my nuts down indefinitely. I don’t have kids yet.

Your help is much appreciated. Thanks guys.
