Steroid withdrawals?

A buddy of mine finished a 14 week cycle about 3 weeks ago. He started noticing he was having higher than normal blood pressure like immediately after stopping. During his cycle he was having mild blood pressure issues and was having a really hard time controlling his estrogen.

A couple of days ago his blood pressure got up to 190/110 and he went to the ER. The doctor told him that it was due to Steroid withdrawals.... is that a thing? As a recovering addict I am very familiar with withdrawals and I know the body can experience then from just about anything, but a lot of that is mental and as strong as the mind is I don't see it giving you 190/110 blood pressure.

Anyway, I'm just very interested to hear what everyone has to say about it. Thanks
A buddy of mine finished a 14 week cycle about 3 weeks ago. He started noticing he was having higher than normal blood pressure like immediately after stopping. During his cycle he was having mild blood pressure issues and was having a really hard time controlling his estrogen.

A couple of days ago his blood pressure got up to 190/110 and he went to the ER. The doctor told him that it was due to Steroid withdrawals.... is that a thing? As a recovering addict I am very familiar with withdrawals and I know the body can experience then from just about anything, but a lot of that is mental and as strong as the mind is I don't see it giving you 190/110 blood pressure.

Anyway, I'm just very interested to hear what everyone has to say about it. Thanks
I haven't heard of that being a thing. The withdrawals tend to be more psychological and emotional. I wonder if in his PCT if he is running one that there is something in there causing his BP issues.

Personally I never experienced anything physical other than some weight and strength loss and the emotional roller coaster. The first month or so off sometimes I would cry for no real reason. Pretty wild. Once I got past the first few months that ended. I don't really experience this anymore as I don't come off now and when I am going low dose I use 50 to 75 mg of test a week.


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