Steroids are for Everone!


Well-known Member
With limited time on this earth, armed with the knowledge to use them intelligently, anchored by the knowledge that they are just a tool and that diet, exercise, rest and mental strength are still the keys to potential maximization, strengthened by communities such as Meso, and bolstered by the results they deliver, why would anyone not use steroids? I love you, anabolics! Thank you. Thanks you.
With limited time on this earth, armed with the knowledge to use them intelligently, anchored by the knowledge that they are just a tool and that diet, exercise, rest and mental strength are still the keys to potential maximization, strengthened by communities such as Meso, and bolstered by the results they deliver, why would anyone not use steroids? I love you, anabolics! Thank you. Thanks you.
One shouldn't really drink tequila on gear
I think the exact opposite and that too many people (ab)use steroids and waste away gains while sacrificing their health for nothing in turn.

I believe steroids should be not so mainstream, but a niche type of thing like it was 5 and more years ago.

But hey, I don't care anymore in this day we live everyone is supposedly very free to do what they want, so be it.
Totally agree, im guessing people will come and go on meso.
The non idiots stay for years.

I love going into achives searching for people who stopped responding. Dissapeared out of meso. We will never know why
Let's see, you've been here for about 6 months, does that make you one of the non-idiots?
I think the exact opposite and that too many people (ab)use steroids and waste away gains while sacrificing their health for nothing in turn.

I believe steroids should be not so mainstream, but a niche type of thing like it was 5 and more years ago.

But hey, I don't care anymore in this day we live everyone is supposedly very free to do what they want, so be it.
I’m with you on the recreational side, but for legitimate TRT (not the clown show it is now), that needs to spread and mature.

We are in this horrible middle ground where 20 year old kids are taking it because “they’re at their genetic potential” and 45 year olds have either not heard of it or are are afraid of it because they’ve heard horror stories from people who use Rich Piana-levels of gear. You can’t imagine a worse from a medical perspective: kids on a gram-plus of multiple drugs plus unresearched SARMs with no bloodwork or supervision, and ideal therapy candidates abstaining… fucking yikes.
not the clown show it is now
Literally bro.... when you actually find out what the kids are doing. Its actually pretty dark.
Transparency really is a double edge sword.

Steroid reputation will only get worse, its just about time when the feds come and push us to the darkweb
Quick question, when did you guys stop making it a big deal if teenagers consume alcohol or smoke cigarettes? Eat copious amount of pizza or ice cream.

Now, substitute aas to those. If society have accepted that it is ok to sell a scientifically proven carcinogen to adults because those companies who made bank had their lobbyists push for it, there would be a time when AAS is profitable enough to the powers that be; then legalization would be realized.
Quick question, when did you guys stop making it a big deal if teenagers consume alcohol or smoke cigarettes? Eat copious amount of pizza or ice cream.
If they do all of the above for 50 years is less dmg than blasting wrong.

If you are unaware of the real situation of this pandemic go read some roid discords, reddit posts, tiktok channels, youtube comments. Go see for urself the amount of people doing it wrong, its all public. Its absurd man.

Its too easy to get gear. For a kid, easier than cigs