Steroids are for Everone!

If they do all of the above for 50 years is less dmg than blasting wrong.

If you are unaware of the real situation of this pandemic go read some roid discords, reddit posts, tiktok channels, youtube comments. Go see for urself the amount of people doing it wrong, its all public. Its absurd man.

Its too easy to get gear. For a kid, easier than cigs
Look at it objectively, don’t let your bias influence you. Look at gear like any other legal vice, even if it’s not since it has medical uses.

Would you really care if it becomes the new alcohol or cigarette? What’s the death toll of alcohol or cigarettes now?

You’re young so you might relate; what if based upon your observations with what’s going on, steroids will be replace cigarettes or alcohol in the future, would that be good or bad?
You’re young so you might relate; what if based upon your observations with what’s going on, steroids will be replace cigarettes or alcohol in the future, would that be good or bad?
Its a hard topic agree. Not smart enought to go that deep.

All I know its scary man, my kid better not be running tren for newbie gains :mad:
Its a hard topic agree. Not smart enought to go that deep.

All I know its scary man, my kid better not be running tren for newbie gains :mad:
However, there would also be the possibility that he will be 7 foot if you put him on gh just after birth, just kidding lol.
Look at it objectively, don’t let your bias influence you. Look at gear like any other legal vice, even if it’s not since it has medical uses.

Would you really care if it becomes the new alcohol or cigarette? What’s the death toll of alcohol or cigarettes now?

You’re young so you might relate; what if based upon your observations with what’s going on, steroids will be replace cigarettes or alcohol in the future, would that be good or bad?

For now, you have this:

Declan, I can see what you mean, but it’s not as simple as that, is it?
Are your legalised anabolics going to come with a "how to", government approved handbook?
Cigarettes and alcohol are bad for you, but they don't call this a "lifestyle" for no reason.

This is stuff that affects the body in many ways. Having to take medications that offset potential damage to heart, liver, kidneys, have regular blood tests, have a life that is somewhat centred around this.
For many, the day revolves around if and when taking stuff.
They don't just pop out for a smoke.
Yes, everyone here is doing all this, already, and happily so, right?
Not worrying about customs and making it all safer, with regards to what you use, especially, is positive, obviously.
What do you want out of legalisation?
You want it to be a mainstream thing, like going to get a vape, or would it be tied to certain conditions/restrictions?

One thing is giving men access to trt because they need it.
Another one is overdosing on it because you want more biceps.
Would you be OK with your 18 year old wanting to get into this just because now it's right there and sanctioned by the state?
I don't know if comparing it to the decriminalisation of cannabis is fair.
I imagine you agree with it, since you are asking for steroids to be decriminalised.
But how do you think that is going, where it has been implemented? How has it affected users and potential users?
For now, you have this:

Declan, I can see what you mean, but it’s not as simple as that, is it?
Are your legalised anabolics going to come with a "how to", government approved handbook?
Cigarettes and alcohol are bad for you, but they don't call this a "lifestyle" for no reason.

This is stuff that affects the body in many ways. Having to take medications that offset potential damage to heart, liver, kidneys, have regular blood tests, have a life that is somewhat centred around this.
For many, the day revolves around if and when taking stuff.
They don't just pop out for a smoke.
Yes, everyone here is doing all this, already, and happily so, right?
Not worrying about customs and making it all safer, with regards to what you use, especially, is positive, obviously.
What do you want out of legalisation?
You want it to be a mainstream thing, like going to get a vape, or would it be tied to certain conditions/restrictions?

One thing is giving men access to trt because they need it.
Another one is overdosing on it because you want more biceps.
Would you be OK with your 18 year old wanting to get into this just because now it's right there and sanctioned by the state?
I don't know if comparing it to the decriminalisation of cannabis is fair.
I imagine you agree with it, since you are asking for steroids to be decriminalised.
But how do you think that is going, where it has been implemented? How has it affected users and potential users?
I am just basing it with what is currently happening now. Steroids is already being abused yet there is no pandemic of young kids or even bodybuilders clogging the health care system, we don’t even have ailments directly related to it even if years of abuse among the gym population.

You compare this to smoking alone, check out the packaging alone on how many cancers it caused being displayed.

I have my biases for sure, but I would rather my teenage kid do anabolics rather than smoke cigarettes. There are three generations in ky family who used peds since the 80s, my cousins and I are still using yet the only ones who died prematurely is my grandma from cancer from second hand smoke, grandpa from lung failure and aunt from throat cancer. Sure, maybe peds exacerbated the high blood pressure issues but nothing major can be attributed to use and abuse yet.

However, what I am advocating is responsible and appropriate use not reckless abuse.