JY Pharma

I tested Changlands sust 500 and it came back 335mg(TP-112mg, TPP-80mg, TI-35mg, TD-108mg)
Thanks buddy it is great that you did that. This guy should be testing his too because if jy pharma's tests that low then my very good friend who has been using it needs a huge refund.
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Thanks buddy it is great that you did that. This guy should be testing his too because if jy pharma's tests that low then my very good friend who has been using it needs a huge refund.
Is there a reason your friend thinks it will test low ? Most of JY testing I've seen looks on point so far
Is there a reason your friend thinks it will test low ? Most of JY testing I've seen looks on point so far

Jy is on point, I never said he wasn't. I said Jy pharma should be testing Sustanon 500 and his tren mast prop 300 blend because those are big numbers for those types of vials, but he ain't testing them which is not good. I don't see a test for anadrol 50 either.

Then USSteel posted a lab test that he paid for and showed that another guys sustanon 500 is low, so if jy pharm tests that low then my friend should get money back. I didn't say my friend thinks it'll test low.
Jy is on point, I never said he wasn't. I said Jy pharma should be testing Sustanon 500 and his tren mast prop 300 blend because those are big numbers for those types of vials, but he ain't testing them which is not good. I don't see a test for anadrol 50 either.

Then USSteel posted a lab test that he paid for and showed that another guys sustanon 500 is low, so if jy pharm tests that low then my friend should get money back. I didn't say my friend thinks it'll test low.
For sure. Just curious if there was any reasoning other than no current testing. I agree more testing on all products need to be done
our statement is not very objective. You seem to have placed four or five orders in three weeks. Do we have any orders that have not been shipped? Orders of more than 2,000 USD that have been deducted have also been re-shipped. Do you really think our reship service is empty talk?
No, I appreciate the reships. I will update this thread as soon as I receive them to let them know about your great customer service. I can confirm one of the 5 orders I placed was received, and hopefully, it all works out with the reships.
Jy is on point, I never said he wasn't. I said Jy pharma should be testing Sustanon 500 and his tren mast prop 300 blend because those are big numbers for those types of vials, but he ain't testing them which is not good. I don't see a test for anadrol 50 either.

Then USSteel posted a lab test that he paid for and showed that another guys sustanon 500 is low, so if jy pharm tests that low then my friend should get money back. I didn't say my friend thinks it'll test low.
Why are you guys cross referencing two different sources ? Go post this in changlangdangs forum …
Jy is on point, I never said he wasn't. I said Jy pharma should be testing Sustanon 500 and his tren mast prop 300 blend because those are big numbers for those types of vials, but he ain't testing them which is not good. I don't see a test for anadrol 50 either.

Then USSteel posted a lab test that he paid for and showed that another guys sustanon 500 is low, so if jy pharm tests that low then my friend should get money back. I didn't say my friend thinks it'll test low.
If you pin sustanon 500 and you have no pip then isn't 500 mg there.
I used once sustanon 500 from pharmacom and the pip and swollen area is very bad
Please send the email record of your cheated to the sales mailbox. After verification, we can only bear part of the loss. In the future, all your orders will be 30% off until you recover the amount of fraud. This is the company's decision.
I’m trying to place an order with you guys via WhatsApp, can you please honor the above agreement.
If you pin sustanon 500 and you have no pip then isn't 500 mg there.
I used once sustanon 500 from pharmacom and the pip and swollen area is very bad

This is just wrong. A test is the only way to tell what's in these things. I've gotten PIP from 250mg Test E and no pip from real 100mg Prop.PIP doesn't mean anything.This type of bs is spread by youtube "influencers" who never even trained with IFBB pros, been to IFBB pro shows or even take real stuff.
This is just wrong. A test is the only way to tell what's in these things. I've gotten PIP from 250mg Test E and no pip from real 100mg Prop.PIP doesn't mean anything.This type of bs is spread by youtube "influencers" who never even trained with IFBB pros, been to IFBB pro shows or even take real stuff.
You got the pip from test e because that's what test e does in the last few years.
Have you ever pin sustanon 500? Or deca 600? If you have ever done it you will see how nicely they are to you compared to sustanon 300.
Test p doesn't give pip to everyone. I have taken prop from Balkan pip less. It's something else than high mg/ml oils. In one instance is the ester and in other is the concentration.

Test d at 500 mg is pip less but without test d everything I have taken gave a moderate to a intolerable pip. Eq is fine also.

Being a pro has nothing to do with anything. Here we talk about what a high mg oil do to you. And not only bodybuilders take steroids. It basic things from experience.

I have taken high dosage mg/ml and you can barely walk after the pin and everyone who has taken such high mg/ml dosage can tell you the same thing.

And even if it's tested how do you know that it's the same batch that you have in your hands?But let's give the benefits of the doubt.
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I’ve ordered from every single one of them.
Some tabs are completely different. Some are coloured. JY packaging/tops/orals are completely different than QSC. Sigma Audley and QSC are almost identical but JY is much different
Jy/ sry/ changeland are dropshippers from same manufacturer . Qsc is not a dropshipper they make their own products.Generic asia makes their own. Pretty sure Sigma does as well.
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You got the pip from test e because that's what test e does in the last few years.
Have you ever pin sustanon 500? Or deca 600? If you have ever done it you will see how nicely they are to you compared to sustanon 300.
Test p doesn't give pip to everyone. I have taken prop from Balkan pip less. It's something else than high mg/ml oils. In one instance is the ester and in other is the concentration.

Test d at 500 mg is pip less but without test d everything I have taken gave a moderate to a intolerable pip. Eq is fine also.

Being a pro has nothing to do with anything. Here we talk about what a high mg oil do to you. And not only bodybuilders take steroids. It basic things from experience.

I have taken high dosage mg/ml and you can barely walk after the pin and everyone who has taken such high mg/ml dosage can tell you the same thing.

And even if it's tested how do you know that it's the same batch that you have in your hands?But let's give the benefits of the doubt.
Your post is still wrong. Yes, being a pro has alot to do with it lol, I've been around names you looked at in magazines in the past and why you started taken juice and have taken pharma shit with them and underground shit buddy. Most underground shit in the past has pain while pharma did not. PIP has nothing to do with what is in the vial, only tests can show that. Move on bud, you're wrong. Unless you have a test to post up or talk about about JY pharma stuff start a thread somewhere else.
Your post is still wrong. Yes, being a pro has alot to do with it lol, I've been around names you looked at in magazines in the past and why you started taken juice and have taken pharma shit with them and underground shit buddy. Most underground shit in the past has pain while pharma did not. PIP has nothing to do with what is in the vial, only tests can show that. Move on bud, you're wrong. Unless you have a test to post up or talk about about JY pharma stuff start a thread somewhere else.
Ok. Cool story bro

So being a pro automatically makes you immune to high dosage pip or pip in general? Everything works the same for every (or most) persons doesn't matter if you are a ifbb pro or the president.

Pip has a lot to do with what is in the vial. Do a simple search on this forum and see that there are topics open that complain about pip with high mg/ml products. Well too many coincidence that next to pip word is a high mg/ml don't you think so? A guy pin 1 ml of susta 500 and next day his ass double in size and then open a topic wonder what is the problem or if he got a infection.
Or you find people complain about test/tren/mast blend that makes them handicapped for a few days. It's a coincidence also that a high mg short ester blend gives you pip. Maybe or more than likely not

Guys that are into homebrew can say why they don't brew at ridiculous concentration or why do you think ugl don't offer those kinds of products. Because you can't use them. You must dilute with other aas to make them usable.
Or use lidocaine and guaiacol to numb the pain.

Is nothing new that a high mg/ml product have a high chance to makes your ass swollen and limp for a few days. There are many many examples and guys who have taken those kind of oils can say the same thing but they must be all wrong because you are the cool guy who has friends in ifbb pro like it does matter a bit your friends in the face of facts.

Also if I or jy or other guy show you a test of any product it doesn't mean that you have the same batch. Until the batch is tested and the results are available that batch is sold. So test what do you have to know what you actually have.

It's basic stuff. If you have been around for so long you should have know that.
If a ugl it's give you pip chance the ugl. Ugl isn't better than pharma if they have the same active substance in it. Or use a normal concentration product.

But 99% of people must be wrong and you are right because you do shots of steroids with your ifbb friends since the beginning of the time.
Ok man you are right if that makes you happy. I have nothing to win over this . I just point out the facts. Have a nice day!
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