Steroids & cramps - your experiences?


10+ Year Member
Seems some people experience very significant cramps, muscle spasms/tightness on some steroids. But not all.
I believe Charlie Francis was not a fan of Winny - due to the tightness.

What are your experiences? Calves seem to be often mentioned (as well as low back tightness). I know lots of water, electrolytes, taurine might help.

But in your experience: What AAS suck in terms of giving you cramps/tightness, and which are good?
I´ve only experienced it with tbol and var. If i do any stop and go sports on them like football(soccer), or Basketball i get dibilitating calf and lower back cramps to the point where i can´t continue. That occurs rather quickly after 20 minutes or so. Doesn´t matter if im 2 days on or 2 weeks. it doesn´t happen if im just lifting. Orals are not for me, if i want to continue any sport that involves sprinting.