Steroids & cramps - your experiences?


10+ Year Member
Seems some people experience very significant cramps, muscle spasms/tightness on some steroids. But not all.
I believe Charlie Francis was not a fan of Winny - due to the tightness.

What are your experiences? Calves seem to be often mentioned (as well as low back tightness). I know lots of water, electrolytes, taurine might help.

But in your experience: What AAS suck in terms of giving you cramps/tightness, and which are good?
I´ve only experienced it with tbol and var. If i do any stop and go sports on them like football(soccer), or Basketball i get dibilitating calf and lower back cramps to the point where i can´t continue. That occurs rather quickly after 20 minutes or so. Doesn´t matter if im 2 days on or 2 weeks. it doesn´t happen if im just lifting. Orals are not for me, if i want to continue any sport that involves sprinting.
The shin and calf pumps were too much for me on even a modest dose of var at 30mg per day. Mind you this was with supplementing 5g+ taurine every day. I almost missed my flight because I had to park in the park and walk lot at the airport due to the garage being full. I was having to take breaks every 100 yards towards the end, my shins felt like they were going to explode and the pain was 10/10 sweat dripping down my face hobbling as they were about to close the gate. Barely made it.

Also I couldn’t even dumbbell bunch because the forearm pumps…they would lock up and I’d have to drop the dumbbells long before my chest was fatigued.
I’ve had intense cramping issues. Given I live in a hot and humid state, and do HVAC. So my water/sodium expenditure is exceptional. I will get anywhere from light for arm and bicep cramping, to full leg cramping can’t walk/ move at all cramps.

What I do to remedy this is, trying to be as regimented with my electrolytes as possible. Every morning first thing is an LMNT (1g sodium) and magnesium pills. Pre gym with my pre I have another LMNT pack. (I’ll increase sodium depending on how many jobs are In attics, and salt all food) water is always a gallon a day by the jug like a bro. Then un counter water bottles.

One thing to consider if you’re cramping. Is any meds that modulate aldosterone will increase sodium expenditure; meaning most ARB’s such as telmisartan.

Any large swings in hydration can change blood volume fluid dynamics and make us more susceptible to stroking out.