Steroids & cramps - your experiences?


10+ Year Member
Seems some people experience very significant cramps, muscle spasms/tightness on some steroids. But not all.
I believe Charlie Francis was not a fan of Winny - due to the tightness.

What are your experiences? Calves seem to be often mentioned (as well as low back tightness). I know lots of water, electrolytes, taurine might help.

But in your experience: What AAS suck in terms of giving you cramps/tightness, and which are good?
I´ve only experienced it with tbol and var. If i do any stop and go sports on them like football(soccer), or Basketball i get dibilitating calf and lower back cramps to the point where i can´t continue. That occurs rather quickly after 20 minutes or so. Doesn´t matter if im 2 days on or 2 weeks. it doesn´t happen if im just lifting. Orals are not for me, if i want to continue any sport that involves sprinting.
The shin and calf pumps were too much for me on even a modest dose of var at 30mg per day. Mind you this was with supplementing 5g+ taurine every day. I almost missed my flight because I had to park in the park and walk lot at the airport due to the garage being full. I was having to take breaks every 100 yards towards the end, my shins felt like they were going to explode and the pain was 10/10 sweat dripping down my face hobbling as they were about to close the gate. Barely made it.

Also I couldn’t even dumbbell bunch because the forearm pumps…they would lock up and I’d have to drop the dumbbells long before my chest was fatigued.
I’ve had intense cramping issues. Given I live in a hot and humid state, and do HVAC. So my water/sodium expenditure is exceptional. I will get anywhere from light for arm and bicep cramping, to full leg cramping can’t walk/ move at all cramps.

What I do to remedy this is, trying to be as regimented with my electrolytes as possible. Every morning first thing is an LMNT (1g sodium) and magnesium pills. Pre gym with my pre I have another LMNT pack. (I’ll increase sodium depending on how many jobs are In attics, and salt all food) water is always a gallon a day by the jug like a bro. Then un counter water bottles.

One thing to consider if you’re cramping. Is any meds that modulate aldosterone will increase sodium expenditure; meaning most ARB’s such as telmisartan.

Any large swings in hydration can change blood volume fluid dynamics and make us more susceptible to stroking out.
Everyone always mentions back & calf cramps (pump) but that has never happened to me. What I get is unbearable ab cramps if I ever work abs on cycle. I have a fucked up back w/ bulging discs and nerve issues so I’m assuming that has something to do with why I get it in my abs and not the back area.

It happens no matter what I’ve taken other than just Test alone. Deca, Var, Primo all have given me this issue. And it’s so bad I don’t really even train abs anymore.

One time I was on the the ab crunch machine and completely locked up in painful spasms and this smoking hot chick was just staring at me in shock lol. I looked like a complete idiot who was having a seizure while cursing loudly.
While they aren't technically AAS, clenbuterol and ephedrine in high enough doses can cause significant cramping. Supplementing with taurine daily can help alleviate the cramping to a degree (as well as adequate hydration, of course), but from personal experience nothing works to completely eliminate them once you're past a certain dosage.
Everyone always mentions back & calf cramps (pump) but that has never happened to me. What I get is unbearable ab cramps if I ever work abs on cycle. I have a fucked up back w/ bulging discs and nerve issues so I’m assuming that has something to do with why I get it in my abs and not the back area.

It happens no matter what I’ve taken other than just Test alone. Deca, Var, Primo all have given me this issue. And it’s so bad I don’t really even train abs anymore.

One time I was on the the ab crunch machine and completely locked up in painful spasms and this smoking hot chick was just staring at me in shock lol. I looked like a complete idiot who was having a seizure while cursing loudly.
Abdominal cramps are among the most brutal I've personally experienced. That feeling of a tight knot in your abs is so damn uncomfortable. I'll randomly get those while I'm doing something that involves trunk flexion, like putting on socks after working abs the day before. Such a terrible feeling, lol. The only area that I think is more painful to get cramps in would be hip adductor muscles. The experience of an adductor magnus cramp is like a pair of vice grips on the origin and insertion of the muscle ripping apart your inner thigh from both ends.
It's an interesting topic, actually, since some androgens do affect elecytolytes, including Ca²⁺ that is particularly involved in muscle contraction and that Taurine acts on by modulating intra- and trans- cellular K⁺/Ca²⁺ activity in skeletal muscle, reducing cramping ("back pumps").

I have found oxymetholone (Anadrol) to particularly cause cramping along with, actually, testosterone. A lot of people note oxandrolone (Anavar) as a particular culprit.

Nothing that reaches the point of reduced performance; but significant.
It's an interesting topic, actually, since some androgens do affect elecytolytes, including Ca²⁺ that is particularly involved in muscle contraction and that Taurine acts on by modulating intra- and trans- cellular K⁺/Ca²⁺ activity in skeletal muscle, reducing cramping ("back pumps").

I have found oxymetholone (Anadrol) to particularly cause cramping along with, actually, testosterone. A lot of people note oxandrolone (Anavar) as a particular culprit.

Nothing that reaches the point of reduced performance; but significant.

Last year I did a cycle of a bit of test and 200mg primo and 200mg mast per week. It was a disaster.
I got cramps everywhere, doing nothing. Everything became weak. Got strains doing nothing - got a handful of minor strains and an actual triceps injury. It was crazy.

Have done AAS previously, no issue. Including test, oxy, primo, boldenone, masterone, Tbol.

The particular cocktail I did last year must be to blame. I figure the primo and mast dosage and combo was just too much - and maybe too little test with them too..not sure. But primo, mast...just too "dry", hardening, causing me to cramp.

It resolved some weeks after stopping.

Lesson learned. Now doing some test, gh, and a bit of primo - maybe! - and lots more fluids, electtrolytes and taurine.
No cramps on aas alone but when I add clen and yohimbine in summer particularly it gets annoying. chest days, and arm days I can have my pecs and biceps/triceps cramp up. Abdominal cramping after heavy squat variations is pretty normal pushing the intensity though. This happened naturally for me too though.