Steroids Half Life's Chart

Get hungry. It's time

U ever gonna become the official rep for panda? Or are you just going to promote them for life?

You do a really good job bro, I'm impressed it's like ur a super shill. Even better that the old @SuperMaroid chap.

Anyway, your fat asf, that's known. Youve told your story at being 20+ BF you proud bro?

Where u proud when CDN made u his bitch in the place, and u crawled around like a pathetic bitch and begged him for forgiveness. He hurt ur feelings remember.

I think ur cute. u don't compete, niether you or @Eman and I haven't seen that you'll are planning too.

So u can blow ur load all over my pics in March 2018, sorry to keep you waiting but since u already mentioned ur on pornhub frequently in the what do u look at for 12 hrs a day thread u should have plenty of material.
U ever gonna become the official rep for panda? Or are you just going to promote them for life?

You do a really good job bro, I'm impressed it's like ur a super shill. Even better that the old @SuperMaroid chap.

Anyway, your fat asf, that's known. Youve told your story at being 20+ BF you proud bro?

Where u proud when CDN made u his bitch in the place, and u crawled around like a pathetic bitch and begged him for forgiveness. He hurt ur feelings remember.

I think ur cute. u don't compete, niether you or @Eman and I haven't seen that you'll are planning too.

So u can blow ur load all over my pics in March 2018, sorry to keep you waiting but since u already mentioned ur on pornhub frequently in the what do u look at for 12 hrs a day thread u should have plenty of material.

What was your last handle on Meso?

You'll be long forgotten by March... Hell, I'll have forgotten you in five minutes.
Great post, another thing to keep in mind from my understanding is that you have to calculate the half life of all of the shots you have taken. So by the end of a 10-12 week cycle of ethanate, pct shouldn't be started until 3-4 weeks from last pin. I see a lot of guys saying to start 2 weeks after last pin, which isn't right.
I read alot; U r fat and old, and now ur revealing you can't remember outside of 5 mins. Sorry about dementia bro it's a bitch. Like @Ickyrica was to CDN, and like u r for not competing and trolling this board as a stuck up prick ;)
Never been a rule stating you must compete to be a upstanding member here on Meso. I think you are mad because you have figured out that you have lost a huge support group for your competition endeavors because you are a young prick. Tons of knowledge here and all you are going to get is a big fat fuck you. Such a waste. Running a gram for 190 pounds says it all. Enjoy the few years you have in this game.
I read alot; U r fat and old, and now ur revealing you can't remember outside of 5 mins. Sorry about dementia bro it's a bitch. Like @Ickyrica was to CDN, and like u r for not competing and trolling this board as a stuck up prick ;)

You have no clue what I look like or how old I am so your insults really couldn't phase me less...

You on the other hand, you're a little beta bitch as evidenced by your posts... It's cool though, every herd needs someone like you. You're our little punching bag. Enjoy it.
Thank you for the charts fellas. Is on more accurate than the other?

I've been trying to see what I would have in my system with 200 test cyp every week. If I understand this correctly I would just add up what should be left of week one with what should be left of week two and so on.

My t levels were at 278 and my goal is anywhere in the high end of average. Hoping to get to between 850 to 1100 as my new normal.
U ever gonna become the official rep for panda? Or are you just going to promote them for life?

You do a really good job bro, I'm impressed it's like ur a super shill. Even better that the old @SuperMaroid chap.

Anyway, your fat asf, that's known. Youve told your story at being 20+ BF you proud bro?

Where u proud when CDN made u his bitch in the place, and u crawled around like a pathetic bitch and begged him for forgiveness. He hurt ur feelings remember.

I think ur cute. u don't compete, niether you or @Eman and I haven't seen that you'll are planning too.

So u can blow ur load all over my pics in March 2018, sorry to keep you waiting but since u already mentioned ur on pornhub frequently in the what do u look at for 12 hrs a day thread u should have plenty of material.
keep flapping your gloryhole brojob, what was your last handle?

@Eman so I'd say we've had this supple little "soon to be pro card winning physique" shit stain whinning under a different name before. No convictions, no pride here with this turd. Deleting posts and changing handles... pussy.
keep flapping your gloryhole brojob, what was your last handle?

@Eman so I'd say we've had this supple little "soon to be pro card winning physique" shit stain whinning under a different name before. No convictions, no pride here with this turd. Deleting posts and changing handles... pussy.

He's either been here before or he's completely and totally infatuated with you, he'd have to be to know about CDN and you going back and forth... That was ages ago, he would have had to go back through tons of your posts to find that.
Been here before is my guess

@Ickyrica why must u talk so much shit can't u just stop being an internet tough guy and shut the fuck up! That goes to your boy too eman ficking prick not even worth the tag his bitch ass worthless prick mother fucking cock sucking mother got a good blow job on @EcpertRealistic

U boys can eat my shit! Fuck what every you prick are up to. I'm the man, bitch. Im out here getting mines. You little trolls live on this board.
Icky your a shill for a panda everyone knows that, u fucking fat porn jerking prick.

@Eman u bitch u been not doing anything with ur life, where urs pics all u do is prick up the place with useless garbage.

You mother fuckers wanna talk shit and gang up and shit. U boys r pussy. I'm here right now telling u, the vets on this forum the old wannabe bad asses with no worth can kiss my ass.
You downtalking bitches can catch me in log come March 2018. I will also probably challenge u boys to post pics as well or GTFO during that time. Say what u will pricks. What have u made for yourself. So far I've seen very few above average physiques on here and some great.

Catch me in march 2018, u non-contributing old mother fuckers fat ass wannabe internet bad ass thugs are gonna get put the fuck out. :D
@Ickyrica why must u talk so much shit can't u just stop being an internet tough guy and shut the fuck up! That goes to your boy too eman ficking prick not even worth the tag his bitch ass worthless prick mother fucking cock sucking mother got a good blow job on @EcpertRealistic

U boys can eat my shit! Fuck what every you prick are up to. I'm the man, bitch. Im out here getting mines. You little trolls live on this board.
Icky your a shill for a panda everyone knows that, u fucking fat porn jerking prick.

@Eman u bitch u been not doing anything with ur life, where urs pics all u do is prick up the place with useless garbage.

You mother fuckers wanna talk shit and gang up and shit. U boys r pussy. I'm here right now telling u, the vets on this forum the old wannabe bad asses with no worth can kiss my ass.
You downtalking bitches can catch me in log come March 2018. I will also probably challenge u boys to post pics as well or GTFO during that time. Say what u will pricks. What have u made for yourself. So far I've seen very few above average physiques on here and some great.

Catch me in march 2018, u non-contributing old mother fuckers fat ass wannabe internet bad ass thugs are gonna get put the fuck out. :D
Lol. You're wicked pissed, huh? I'll show you blah blah, bahahaha. Yeah, ok douche
@Ickyrica why must u talk so much shit can't u just stop being an internet tough guy and shut the fuck up! That goes to your boy too eman ficking prick not even worth the tag his bitch ass worthless prick mother fucking cock sucking mother got a good blow job on @EcpertRealistic

U boys can eat my shit! Fuck what every you prick are up to. I'm the man, bitch. Im out here getting mines. You little trolls live on this board.
Icky your a shill for a panda everyone knows that, u fucking fat porn jerking prick.

@Eman u bitch u been not doing anything with ur life, where urs pics all u do is prick up the place with useless garbage.

You mother fuckers wanna talk shit and gang up and shit. U boys r pussy. I'm here right now telling u, the vets on this forum the old wannabe bad asses with no worth can kiss my ass.
You downtalking bitches can catch me in log come March 2018. I will also probably challenge u boys to post pics as well or GTFO during that time. Say what u will pricks. What have u made for yourself. So far I've seen very few above average physiques on here and some great.

Catch me in march 2018, u non-contributing old mother fuckers fat ass wannabe internet bad ass thugs are gonna get put the fuck out. :D

Send me pics of your tears pussy...