Steroids Half Life's Chart

@Ickyrica why must u talk so much shit can't u just stop being an internet tough guy and shut the fuck up! That goes to your boy too eman ficking prick not even worth the tag his bitch ass worthless prick mother fucking cock sucking mother got a good blow job on @EcpertRealistic

U boys can eat my shit! Fuck what every you prick are up to. I'm the man, bitch. Im out here getting mines. You little trolls live on this board.
Icky your a shill for a panda everyone knows that, u fucking fat porn jerking prick.

@Eman u bitch u been not doing anything with ur life, where urs pics all u do is prick up the place with useless garbage.

You mother fuckers wanna talk shit and gang up and shit. U boys r pussy. I'm here right now telling u, the vets on this forum the old wannabe bad asses with no worth can kiss my ass.
You downtalking bitches can catch me in log come March 2018. I will also probably challenge u boys to post pics as well or GTFO during that time. Say what u will pricks. What have u made for yourself. So far I've seen very few above average physiques on here and some great.

Catch me in march 2018, u non-contributing old mother fuckers fat ass wannabe internet bad ass thugs are gonna get put the fuck out. :D
See you then you little bitch:rolleyes:
@Ickyrica why must u talk so much shit can't u just stop being an internet tough guy and shut the fuck up! That goes to your boy too eman ficking prick not even worth the tag his bitch ass worthless prick mother fucking cock sucking mother got a good blow job on @EcpertRealistic

U boys can eat my shit! Fuck what every you prick are up to. I'm the man, bitch. Im out here getting mines. You little trolls live on this board.
Icky your a shill for a panda everyone knows that, u fucking fat porn jerking prick.

@Eman u bitch u been not doing anything with ur life, where urs pics all u do is prick up the place with useless garbage.

You mother fuckers wanna talk shit and gang up and shit. U boys r pussy. I'm here right now telling u, the vets on this forum the old wannabe bad asses with no worth can kiss my ass.
You downtalking bitches can catch me in log come March 2018. I will also probably challenge u boys to post pics as well or GTFO during that time. Say what u will pricks. What have u made for yourself. So far I've seen very few above average physiques on here and some great.

Catch me in march 2018, u non-contributing old mother fuckers fat ass wannabe internet bad ass thugs are gonna get put the fuck out. :D
I actually like this place. Lots of good info from experienced posters.
It's guys like you and that expertrealistic dude that clog up shit by your nonsense posts. Perhaps if you would listen and read these posts from first hand experiences, you might learn something.
Thank you for the charts fellas. Is on more accurate than the other?

I've been trying to see what I would have in my system with 200 test cyp every week. If I understand this correctly I would just add up what should be left of week one with what should be left of week two and so on.

My t levels were at 278 and my goal is anywhere in the high end of average. Hoping to get to between 850 to 1100 as my new normal.
I find the second chart is far more accurate.

It's not as simple as adding up the numbers to know your numbers, but it does give a parameter to go off of after you get bloods to see what you net. 200mg a week puts me at 1100 7 days later, but that number can be higher or lower for each individual and depending on what else is going on. It's also not a linear curve until higher doses are reached.
Check out my log
I have. It just wasn't cool to see you rag on someone's physique in this thread when you yourself, at the beginning of this year, was far from your goals.

Everyone is on their own physical journey here and it's more productive to be encouraging and supportive.

Despite the dosages being a little risky I hope you stay safe and wish you luck.

Let's not clutter this thread any further as it should be a sticky!
Terminal Half-lives
  • Testosterone Propionate: 0.8 days
  • Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 1.5 days
  • Testosterone Isocaproate: 4.0 days
  • Testosterone Enanthate: 4.5 days
  • Testosterone Cypionate: 5.0 days
  • Testosterone Decanoate: 7.5 days
  • Testosterone Undecanoate: 20.9 days
  • Trenbolone Acetate: 1.0 days
  • Trenbolone Enanthate: 4.5 days
  • Masteron Propionate: 0.8 days
  • Masteron Enanthate: 4.5 days
  • Nandrolone Phenylpropionate: 1.5 days
  • Nandrolone Decanoate: 7.5 days
  • Equipoise: 14.0 days
  • Primobolan Oral: 5 hours
  • Primobolan Injectable: 4.5 days
  • Halotestin: 7 hours
  • Anadrol: 14 hours
  • Dianabol: 5 hours
  • Turinabol: 16 hours
  • Winstrol Oral: 8 hours
  • Winstrol Injectable: 1.0 days
  • Anavar: 10 hours
  • Superdrol: 10 hours
These half-lives are approximations, and may vary slightly depending on injection site, carrier oil, and other factors.

Note: A different list of half-lives is often copy and pasted on various sites, claiming that, for example, the half-life for the propionate ester is 4.5 days and that the half-life for the enanthate ester is 10.5 days. This list is incorrect, and is the result of flawed calculations many years ago. See the "References" section for more information.

from steroid calc

Oral steroids Drug Active half-life

Anadrol / Anapolan50 (oxymetholone) 8 to 9 hours
Anavar (oxandrolone) 9 hours
Dianabol (methandrostenolone, methandienone) 4.5 to 6 hours
Winstrol (stanozolol) (tablets or depot taken orally) 9 hours
Depot steroids Drug Active half-life
Deca-durabolin (Nandrolone decanate) 14 days
Equipoise 14 days
Finaject (trenbolone acetate) 3 days
Primobolan (methenolone enanthate) 10.5 days
Sustanon or Omnadren 15 to 18 days
Testosterone Cypionate 12 days
Testosterone Enanthate 10.5 days
Testosterone Propionate 4.5 days
Testosterone Suspension 1 day
Winstrol (stanozolol) 1 day

Steroid esters Drug Active half-life

Formate 1.5 days
Acetate 3 days
Propionate 2 days
Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
Butyrate 6 days
Valerate 7.5 days
Hexanoate 9 days
Caproate 9 days
Isocaproate 9 days
Heptanoate 10.5 days
Enanthate 10.5 days
Octanoate 12 days
Cypionate 12 days
Nonanoate 13.5 days
Decanoate 15 days
Undecanoate 16.5 days

Ancillaries Drug Active half-life

Arimidex 3 days
Clenbuterol 1.5 days
Clomid 5 days
Cytadren 6 hours
T3 10 hours

Active Life versus Half Life

The confusion comes from the 2 terms being used synonymously when they should not be. "Half-life is not a reference for the total time a drug will be found active in the body. It may take several half-lives before the drug is completely inactive."

Half-life: The period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced to exactly one-half of a given concentration or amount.

Example: The half-life of anavar is 9 hours+/- (9 hours after oral administration of 50 mg of anavar, 25mg is still present in the body).

Active life: Refers to the period in which the amount of a drug in the body is enough that it will still produce the desired effects for which it was administered. Or conversely, inhibit natural recovery of normal bodily function. It is dose dependent.

Example: The active life of 1,000mg of testosterone decanoate would be more than one month. At day 30 after injection, 250mg or more of this drug would still be present in the body.


I'm sure that if you have taken an interest in anabolic steroids you have noticed the similarities on the labeling of many drugs. Let's look at testosterone for example. One can find compounds like testosterone cypionate, enanthate, propionate, heptylate; caproate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, decanoate, acetate, the list goes on and on. In all such cases the parent hormone is testosterone, which had been modified by adding an ester (enanthate, propionate etc.) to its structure. The following question arises: What is the difference between the various esterified versions of testosterone in regards to their use in bodybuilding?

An ester is a chain composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen atoms. This chain is typically attached to the parent steroid hormone at the 17th carbon position (beta orientation), although some compounds do carry esters at position 3 (for the purposes of this article it is not crucial to understand the exact position of the ester). Esterification of an injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid basically accomplishes one thing, it slows the release of the parent steroid from the site of injection. This happens because the ester will notably lower the water solubility of the steroid, and increase its lipid (fat) solubility. This will cause the drug to form a deposit in the muscle tissue, from which it will slowly enter into circulation as it is picked up in small quantities by the blood. Generally, the longer the ester chain, the lower the water solubility of the compound, and the longer it will take to for the full dosage to reach general circulation.

Slowing the release of the parent steroid is a great benefit in steroid medicine, as free testosterone (or other steroid hormones) previously would remain active in the body for a very short period of time (typically hours). This would necessitate an unpleasant daily injection schedule if one wished to maintain a continuous elevation of testosterone. By adding an ester, injections can be as infrequent as once per week or longer, instead of having to constantly re-administer the drug to achieve the desried effect. Clearly without the use of an ester, maintaining constant blood levels with an injectable anabolic/androgen would be much more difficult.

Esterification temporarily deactivates the steroid molecule. With a chain blocking the 17th beta position, binding to the androgen receptor is not possible (it can exert no activity in the body). In order for the compound to become active the ester must therefore first be removed. This automatically occurs once the compound has filtered into blood circulation, where esterase enzymes quickly cleave off (hydrolyze) the ester chain. This will restore the necessary hydroxyl (OH) group at the 17th beta position, enabling the drug to attach to the appropriate receptor. Now and only now will the steroid be able to have an effect on skeletal muscle tissue.

You can start to see why considering testosterone cypionate much more potent than enanthate makes little sense, as your muscles are seeing only free testosterone no matter what ester was used to deploy it.


There are many different esters that are used with anabolic/androgenic steroids, but again, they all do basically the same thing. Esters vary only in their ability to reduce a steroid's water solubility. An ester like propionate for example will slow the release of a steroid for a few days, while the duration will be up to 15 days+/- with a decanoate ester. Esters have no effect on the tendency for the parent steroid to convert to estrogen or DHT (dihydrotestosterone: a more potent metabolite) nor will it effect the overall muscle-building potency of the compound. Any differences in results and side effects that may be noted by bodybuilders who have used various esterified versions of the same base steroid are just issues of timing.
Oral steroids Drug Active half-life

Anadrol / Anapolan50 (oxymetholone) 8 to 9 hours
Anavar (oxandrolone) 9 hours
Dianabol (methandrostenolone, methandienone) 4.5 to 6 hours
Winstrol (stanozolol) (tablets or depot taken orally) 9 hours
Depot steroids Drug Active half-life
Deca-durabolin (Nandrolone decanate) 14 days
Equipoise 14 days
Finaject (trenbolone acetate) 3 days
Primobolan (methenolone enanthate) 10.5 days
Sustanon or Omnadren 15 to 18 days
Testosterone Cypionate 12 days
Testosterone Enanthate 10.5 days
Testosterone Propionate 4.5 days
Testosterone Suspension 1 day
Winstrol (stanozolol) 1 day

Steroid esters Drug Active half-life

Formate 1.5 days
Acetate 3 days
Propionate 2 days
Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
Butyrate 6 days
Valerate 7.5 days
Hexanoate 9 days
Caproate 9 days
Isocaproate 9 days
Heptanoate 10.5 days
Enanthate 10.5 days
Octanoate 12 days
Cypionate 12 days
Nonanoate 13.5 days
Decanoate 15 days
Undecanoate 16.5 days

Ancillaries Drug Active half-life

Arimidex 3 days
Clenbuterol 1.5 days
Clomid 5 days
Cytadren 6 hours
T3 10 hours

Active Life versus Half Life

The confusion comes from the 2 terms being used synonymously when they should not be. "Half-life is not a reference for the total time a drug will be found active in the body. It may take several half-lives before the drug is completely inactive."

Half-life: The period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced to exactly one-half of a given concentration or amount.

Example: The half-life of anavar is 9 hours+/- (9 hours after oral administration of 50 mg of anavar, 25mg is still present in the body).

Active life: Refers to the period in which the amount of a drug in the body is enough that it will still produce the desired effects for which it was administered. Or conversely, inhibit natural recovery of normal bodily function. It is dose dependent.

Example: The active life of 1,000mg of testosterone decanoate would be more than one month. At day 30 after injection, 250mg or more of this drug would still be present in the body.


I'm sure that if you have taken an interest in anabolic steroids you have noticed the similarities on the labeling of many drugs. Let's look at testosterone for example. One can find compounds like testosterone cypionate, enanthate, propionate, heptylate; caproate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, decanoate, acetate, the list goes on and on. In all such cases the parent hormone is testosterone, which had been modified by adding an ester (enanthate, propionate etc.) to its structure. The following question arises: What is the difference between the various esterified versions of testosterone in regards to their use in bodybuilding?

An ester is a chain composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen atoms. This chain is typically attached to the parent steroid hormone at the 17th carbon position (beta orientation), although some compounds do carry esters at position 3 (for the purposes of this article it is not crucial to understand the exact position of the ester). Esterification of an injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid basically accomplishes one thing, it slows the release of the parent steroid from the site of injection. This happens because the ester will notably lower the water solubility of the steroid, and increase its lipid (fat) solubility. This will cause the drug to form a deposit in the muscle tissue, from which it will slowly enter into circulation as it is picked up in small quantities by the blood. Generally, the longer the ester chain, the lower the water solubility of the compound, and the longer it will take to for the full dosage to reach general circulation.

Slowing the release of the parent steroid is a great benefit in steroid medicine, as free testosterone (or other steroid hormones) previously would remain active in the body for a very short period of time (typically hours). This would necessitate an unpleasant daily injection schedule if one wished to maintain a continuous elevation of testosterone. By adding an ester, injections can be as infrequent as once per week or longer, instead of having to constantly re-administer the drug to achieve the desried effect. Clearly without the use of an ester, maintaining constant blood levels with an injectable anabolic/androgen would be much more difficult.

Esterification temporarily deactivates the steroid molecule. With a chain blocking the 17th beta position, binding to the androgen receptor is not possible (it can exert no activity in the body). In order for the compound to become active the ester must therefore first be removed. This automatically occurs once the compound has filtered into blood circulation, where esterase enzymes quickly cleave off (hydrolyze) the ester chain. This will restore the necessary hydroxyl (OH) group at the 17th beta position, enabling the drug to attach to the appropriate receptor. Now and only now will the steroid be able to have an effect on skeletal muscle tissue.

You can start to see why considering testosterone cypionate much more potent than enanthate makes little sense, as your muscles are seeing only free testosterone no matter what ester was used to deploy it.


There are many different esters that are used with anabolic/androgenic steroids, but again, they all do basically the same thing. Esters vary only in their ability to reduce a steroid's water solubility. An ester like propionate for example will slow the release of a steroid for a few days, while the duration will be up to 15 days+/- with a decanoate ester. Esters have no effect on the tendency for the parent steroid to convert to estrogen or DHT (dihydrotestosterone: a more potent metabolite) nor will it effect the overall muscle-building potency of the compound. Any differences in results and side effects that may be noted by bodybuilders who have used various esterified versions of the same base steroid are just issues of timing.

There's a few glaring fuck ups on this list at least Skully. Not you're fault but whomever the author is/was needs more work on this.
Good info here (after you get past the drama).

Is the data here what was used in the old website? It is gone, but I know of 2 functional backups:

Both are eye-opening to see how long the gear lasts in your system.