- Sciroxx - HG ..

fair enough. on a personal basis than I hope PI22 will understand I made the mistake of allowing my suspicion to come across as a personal attack which is unfair.

and while my tongue is still bit CBH the rather be a douche than a moron jab was unnecessary since you've personally helped me via PM so I gotta have some respect although my stance is still that of doubt as far as this discussion is concerned.

Don't take it as a jab. I was just fucking around while stating PI is a good dude. It was my pleasure to help you via PM. I agree that I would stay away from SF as well. The source I gave you is one of the best. I would stick with that!
thanks for the defense guys. im just a normal guy who one days wants to be a bb thats all im just trying diffrent brands i likes hercs and now trying out this brand then i will try bio. this whole stick to one brand is silly. its all about what brings me to my goal. i was offered a chance by sf to be a rep and take over the sf account. something i might think about. I did not get my stuff for free.
maybe in the future. i would rather try something before i would rep them and even if i do i still love other brands and will always be honest of what sucks and what does not. I have always been honest on this board and will still be or i would not be telling you all this so before. i get a blasted ask me first. and i will tell you.
Under dosing, untimely deliveries, they got too big too fast pretty much...
Not speaking from experience, just second hand...Could just be under filled, which is just as bad IMO...
ive gotten scrioxx vials from another supplier than SF which had around 8ml's in each, while being advertised as 10ml. effects was sort of as expected from the dose, but was running other compounds with them, and had no on cycle bloodwork done.
still doesnt change the fact that scrioxx is more expensive than alternatives, and underfilled.
Its my first time on tren but at 100 mg a day shouldn't I have night sweats or something?

Maybe you one of the lucky one like myself who won't get the nasty side effects. I've been using Tren E for about six years ; use only that and Test E and never had night sweats . My only side from it is minor insomnia ... I'll wake up for about 45 - 60 minutes each night then go back to sleep . Hey, the dogs haveto go out that time anyway [:o)] I only use Tren E , never used Tren A as it's Tren A that gives you the dreaded Tren Cough. That's a side you don't want to experience from what I hear ...:eek:

Anyway, I hope you have success with it . I see results in the second week. When you respond to it well, it's a miracle drug.
My strength is up nicely and I have had the cough so I know its legit. I'm just shocked to not have sides. And I agree its a wonderful drug
My strength is up nicely and I have had the cough so I know its legit. I'm just shocked to not have sides. And I agree its a wonderful drug

Well gee...

You'd almost think the color of the tren had NOTHING to do with potency then...DAMN, another good theory bites the dust. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

What a stupid conversation.