During the early pandemic, lost access to a (legit pharma) med I critically needed. I had to drive to other states to maybe, pick up a 30 day supply. Eventually I just ran out, and really suffered as a result.
I've been determined to never again leave my fate in the hands of a fickle supply system Even now, GLP has been intermittently unavailable and only UGL allowed me to avoid a sudden interruption (which can have serious consequences).
So for me, this was really targeted to those on TRT and users of other compounds that weren't recreational, that could easily be lived without. It was for the ones who'd really suffer if they suddenly got cut off.
I also found myself trying to think of what I'd "like" to have, to keep my options open.
Good job with those raws. that's effectively years and years worth if you need to resort to it.
Those who prepared can relax, see how things play out, not pay extortionate prices if that happens.
Worst case scenario (the one I'd be happy to see), everything goes back to the way it was, and you bought a little sooner than necessary, otherwise, in every other case, you're ahead of the game and can pat yourself on the back for jumping on it while you could.