Stopping Cycle after 1st week - PcT required?


New Member
Hey guys,

First time poster long time reader,

I have really learned a lot about pct through this website and have used the Dr. Scally power pct (even though I'm aware he doesn't like it being called that) to great success after being on a really misinformed year long blast & cruise. So I just want to thank this forum and it's members for it's diligent work in helping others. I'm trying to expand my knowledge and I admit I am still learning.

My question today is regarding my current situation.

Plan was to run 500mg test e for 12 weeks and test p 150 eod just for two weeks to kick start.

I have taken one shot of 250mg test e, & one shot 150mg test p on Monday, and one shot 150mg test p on Weds.

However due to medical reasons, I have to stop the cycle immediately.

My pre cycle bloodwork showed a baseline of almost 600 ng/dl.

I'm just wondering if a pct is required in this situation or if I might be able to get away with not running one. Have I used enough to shut down?

Hey guys,

First time poster long time reader,

I have really learned a lot about pct through this website and have used the Dr. Scally power pct (even though I'm aware he doesn't like it being called that) to great success after being on a really misinformed year long blast & cruise. So I just want to thank this forum and it's members for it's diligent work in helping others. I'm trying to expand my knowledge and I admit I am still learning.

My question today is regarding my current situation.

Plan was to run 500mg test e for 12 weeks and test p 150 eod just for two weeks to kick start.

I have taken one shot of 250mg test e, & one shot 150mg test p on Monday, and one shot 150mg test p on Weds.

However due to medical reasons, I have to stop the cycle immediately.

My pre cycle bloodwork showed a baseline of almost 600 ng/dl.

I'm just wondering if a pct is required in this situation or if I might be able to get away with not running one. Have I used enough to shut down?
Props for actually getting pre cycle
Bloods unlike myself for my first cycle..My opinion is your fine no need to do anything just stop and go about fixing whatever medical problem you have. I'm sure one of these more experienced members will chime in.
The answer to your question is although even low dosages of AAS can
markedly reduce gonadotropin secretion, PCT will NOT hasten recovery.
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In my opinion you don't need pct if you stop in the first 3 weeks with test, And good on you for getting blood work!!! Unlike my dumb ass lmao :,)