Strange sudden onset nausea with any whey protein supplements


New Member
Been in the game for a while and never had issues with whey supplements but I’m currently experiencing extreme nausea every time I consume whey protein. Only recently has this become a problem so I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ve switched brands, manufacturers and even tried some specialty blends. I get severely nauseous no matter what, it’s whey, and AGAIN, I’ve NEVER had this problem in the past! Any suggestions on protein supplementation? I’ve upped my protein intake through diet but still need some supplementation because I cannot get enough in diet alone. I’d be eating all day. Whey is by far the most productive (and processed) supplemental protein but I cannot continue feeling like shit every time. Any ideas, suggestions or advice from community is greatly appreciated.
Been in the game for a while and never had issues with whey supplements but I’m currently experiencing extreme nausea every time I consume whey protein. Only recently has this become a problem so I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ve switched brands, manufacturers and even tried some specialty blends. I get severely nauseous no matter what, it’s whey, and AGAIN, I’ve NEVER had this problem in the past! Any suggestions on protein supplementation? I’ve upped my protein intake through diet but still need some supplementation because I cannot get enough in diet alone. I’d be eating all day. Whey is by far the most productive (and processed) supplemental protein but I cannot continue feeling like shit every time. Any ideas, suggestions or advice from community is greatly appreciated.
do you find too hard to eat every two hours ?
Perhaps I should move this to nutrition/supplements….

yes every two hours is pushing it, I can do every 3-4, but really have to force myself.
Are you new in this world ? Because i had the same problem at the beginning, but trust me you Will get used to It soon, trust me, It Is a Life habit
Are you new in this world ? Because i had the same problem at the beginning, but trust me you Will get used to It soon, trust me, It Is a Life habit
Nope not a noob, never had this issue. My protein intake ratio is at 1.8-2g/lb. One of my training partners who is also a past Team Doctor seems to think this is related to a GI bug I had a couple months ago. Something about enzymes and gut biome. Idk…I guess it’s possible but man it is really difficult to push through. I did get some antiemetics but barely helps. Strangely mixing powder in with Peanut Butter and Banana seems to help a bit but still cringe at knowing nausea is coming.
Nope not a noob, never had this issue. My protein intake ratio is at 1.8-2g/lb. One of my training partners who is also a past Team Doctor seems to think this is related to a GI bug I had a couple months ago. Something about enzymes and gut biome. Idk…I guess it’s possible but man it is really difficult to push through. I did get some antiemetics but barely helps. Strangely mixing powder in with Peanut Butter and Banana seems to help a bit but still cringe at knowing nausea is coming.
I can advice you to diminish and get a 50/50, so If today you Will eat 100g of whey, tomorrow eat 50 of whey and push yourself with the ready food for the other 50
if it were me I would try a few different types of protein to see if it specific to whey. Whey is probably the best supplemental protein but there are others (egg, beef, etc).

Are you having any other unusual symptoms besides the nausea after taking whey?
is it the flavor. Whey is not Whey you have different whey products
Hydrolysed whey
Every brand have also different mix of product to flavor with, and sweeten like stevia.
Nope not a noob, never had this issue. My protein intake ratio is at 1.8-2g/lb. One of my training partners who is also a past Team Doctor seems to think this is related to a GI bug I had a couple months ago. Something about enzymes and gut biome. Idk…I guess it’s possible but man it is really difficult to push through. I did get some antiemetics but barely helps. Strangely mixing powder in with Peanut Butter and Banana seems to help a bit but still cringe at knowing nausea is coming.
I am pretty sure 1.8-2g/lb is overkill nowadays.

Have you tried isopure or truenutrition products?
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Why may be tops but the others aren't that far off. Egg, pea, etc...Just switch to one of these and focus on more protein from food.
I get intolerant to whey once or twice a year and get nausea from it. I found I have to have the protein shake with and least some whole food to not feel like crap and get it to absorb. If a 100g shakes makes me feel like crap one day, the next ill have some chicken, hard boiled egg, and a banana with 50g of shake and I will be fine. Maybe try half of your shake with whole food and see if you still have issues, gut biomes change, sometimes diet needs to also.
if it were me I would try a few different types of protein to see if it specific to whey. Whey is probably the best supplemental protein but there are others (egg, beef, etc).

Are you having any other unusual symptoms besides the nausea after taking whey?
Nope just the whey, I can down chicken tuna, beef no problem whatsoever. The only other variable I can think of is that around when this stated I began my regimen of GHRP-6. I haven’t found any concrete data or evidence this played a role. I’m grasping at straws anymore, who knows
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if it were me I would try a few different types of protein to see if it specific to whey. Whey is probably the best supplemental protein but there are others (egg, beef, etc).

Are you having any other unusual symptoms besides the nausea after taking whey?
I can advice you to diminish and get a 50/50, so If today you Will eat 100g of whey, tomorrow eat 50 of whey and push yourself with the ready food for the other 50
I’m going to try that.
I get intolerant to whey once or twice a year and get nausea from it. I found I have to have the protein shake with and least some whole food to not feel like crap and get it to absorb. If a 100g shakes makes me feel like crap one day, the next ill have some chicken, hard boiled egg, and a banana with 50g of shake and I will be fine. Maybe try half of your shake with whole food and see if you still have issues, gut biomes change, sometimes diet needs to also.
I tried that too. It’s like soon as it hits stomach it’s instant nausea. Has to be something in biome or related to the GHRP, I’m switching to other proteins for now, can’t stand it anymore. It’s like I woke up one day and all of a sudden my stomach refuses whey anymore.
Thanks for all the input! I just needed some advice because like I said I’ve been grasping straws. perplexed and frustrated.
english please, i don't understand
I think it means “pancreatin”. Has to do with commercial mixtures of amylase lipase and protease to treat malabsorption syndrome due to pancreatic issues. I wonder if US has anything similar to it. Would make sense actually.
Pharmacological actionAn enzyme agent. It contains pancreatic enzymes - amylase, lipase and proteases, which facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which contributes to their more complete absorption in the small intestine. In diseases of the pancreas, it compensates for the insufficiency of its external secretory function and helps to improve the digestive process.PharmacokineticsPancreatic enzymes are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which classical pharmacokinetic studies have not been conducted.Indications of the active substance PANCREATINInsufficiency of the external secretory function of the pancreas (including chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis).