Strange sudden onset nausea with any whey protein supplements

Been in the game for a while and never had issues with whey supplements but I’m currently experiencing extreme nausea every time I consume whey protein. Only recently has this become a problem so I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ve switched brands, manufacturers and even tried some specialty blends. I get severely nauseous no matter what, it’s whey, and AGAIN, I’ve NEVER had this problem in the past! Any suggestions on protein supplementation? I’ve upped my protein intake through diet but still need some supplementation because I cannot get enough in diet alone. I’d be eating all day. Whey is by far the most productive (and processed) supplemental protein but I cannot continue feeling like shit every time. Any ideas, suggestions or advice from community is greatly appreciated.
I get the same, i now only have one scoop of powder with 10 egg whites and skimmed milk as a protein drink. Sometimes still get pukey. Eat more solid meat helps.
Anything Pure Protein kills my stomach. It’s the only brand so far that does it.
I'm drinking 4 litres of pure pineapple juice a day to test my digestion and im feeling slightly better and bowel movements are moving more frequently since tren A usage. (some kind of intolerance or constipation) I never got this in the 90's
I get the same, i now only have one scoop of powder with 10 egg whites and skimmed milk as a protein drink. Sometimes still get pukey. Eat more solid meat helps.
I'm drinking 4 litres of pure pineapple juice a day to test my digestion and im feeling slightly better and bowel movements are moving more frequently since tren A usage. (some kind of intolerance or constipation) I never got this in the 90's
Holy shit @Aly180366 4 liters of PINEAPPLE juice?? And it’s helping?? I understand the need for the enzymes but pina juice is a very powerful natural tenderizer, 4 liter’s every day would be like battery acid to my stomach lining!

I never had this problem back in the day either, I always had an iron stomach up until this but perhaps this is my body’s way of flashing warning signs as I am getting/feeling older. My concern is my body is like “F-this, it’s too much and he’s not listening so let’s make sure we make it miserable”.
A quick update all, thanks to suggestions from several of you I’ve found that decreasing number of scoops and increasing the solids, especially with my protein shake has substantially minimized the nausea. It’s still slightly there, but not nearly as bad and completely manageable. Thanks my friends for the great advice as always
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I'm drinking 4 litres of pure pineapple juice a day to test my digestion and im feeling slightly better and bowel movements are moving more frequently since tren A usage. (some kind of intolerance or constipation) I never got this in the 90's
Say hello to diabetes
I'm drinking 4 litres of pure pineapple juice a day to test my digestion and im feeling slightly better and bowel movements are moving more frequently since tren A usage. (some kind of intolerance or constipation) I never got this in the 90's
That's 500 grams of sugar a day!!! Surely you're trolling.
Holy shit @Aly180366 4 liters of PINEAPPLE juice?? And it’s helping?? I understand the need for the enzymes but pina juice is a very powerful natural tenderizer, 4 liter’s every day would be like battery acid to my stomach lining!

I never had this problem back in the day either, I always had an iron stomach up until this but perhaps this is my body’s way of flashing warning signs as I am getting/feeling older. My concern is my body is like “F-this, it’s too much and he’s not listening so let’s make sure we make it miserable”.
Same kinda thing if you attend a Wedding and decide to have a few drinks. Feel like roadkill for a couple of days
I've heard this alot actually, quite common. Need something that metabolizes easier. Whey is pretty rough on me anyways.
Short term son, I don't remember you on the world circuit. I'm 21yrs in my picture and 55yrs now. Our bodies change "a lot"
Well, grandpa, first, take a step back and literally fuck your own face!


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Short term son, I don't remember you on the world circuit. I'm 21yrs in my picture and 55yrs now. Our bodies change "a lot"
That would have veen helpful information in the post. Some dumbfuck kid is going to come along, look at your avatar, and give himself diabetes. That was very irresponsible on a harm reduction forum
Well, grandpa, first, take a step back and literally fuck your own face!
I heard the microphone stand beat you when you were at your best "shartking" Keep training son but realise you are going nowhere especially if i see you behind a lamppost. 55yrs old and barbell curling heavier than you can squat "prick"
I heard the microphone stand beat you when you were at your best "shartking" Keep training son but realise you are going nowhere especially if i see you behind a lamppost. 55yrs old and barbell curling heavier than you can squat "prick"
I know it bro. I'm ashamed. My gf beats on me. I don't know what to do. Please help me.
Are you allergic to protein? You can go to the doctor to check it out
No, not allergic… However since my original post I have now tried two dozen brands and only one I found that doesn’t make me nauseous is the Sixstar Fruit Loops and Frosted Flakes flavors. Childish I know but it works. It’s the strangest freaking thing, I get my protein shake back and flashbacks to my bowl of cereal before school so win win
Used to take all protein powders with no problem. Now every time i take it i have diarrhoea.

I only eat solid food now. Hard to reach the macros but i prefer to not have my stomach hurt