Struggling to heal from hip injury


New Member
Had a hip injury about 6 months ago and struggling to identify what happened and how to move forward.

  • 37-year-old male with 5 years of weight training experience.
  • For a month before the injury, experienced left hip tightness and shin pain post-back workouts. Increased stretching and used Theragun, which provided temporary relief. Continued training normally with progressive overload.
Injury Event:
  • Achieved a personal record in deadlifts, felt no pain during the lift.
  • Reduced intensity for accessory exercises post-PR. During the last exercise, seated cable rows, felt a crunching or pulling sensation in the left outer hip and sharp pain radiating down the leg.
  • Post-workout, experienced intense sciatic pain and hip muscle pain, worsening with sitting or lying down. Initial self-care with ice, heat, and ibuprofen provided minimal relief.
Initial Management and Recovery:
  • Self-Care: Engaged in hip rehab exercises, core strengthening, and used TB500 which seemed to aid in recovery.
  • Recovery Progress: After about a month, the ability to sit normally returned, and most pain diminished.
Reinjury and Current Condition:
  • After a 12-day break (vacation), resumed training cautiously the first few weeks. Felt similar pulling sensation and sciatic pain while picking up dumbbells, resulting in a worsened condition.
  • Sciatic pain became more severe this time, with initial treatments less effective. Primary care physician diagnosed a hip strain and ruled out disc issues. Advised high-dose ibuprofen and topical capsicum along with existing rehab work and stretching.
Current Status and Concerns:
  • Ongoing issues with hip hinge movements, significant weakness in squats and deadlifts. Almost all lifts are back to where they were prior to injury inluding leg accessories, other than anything with hip hinge which feel unstable and very weak. Squat and deadlift struggling to get 5 reps at a weight I could rep for 10 four years ago. Even the light warmup weight on those compounds doesn't feel right, the hip just doesn't feel the same. Wanting to slowly add back in those lifts but worried about reinjury. Aware it will take time for those lifts to come back and nerve injuries take forever to heal, just wanted to hear from anyone else who dealt with this before, what the prognosis was and what you did that helped.
Had a hip injury about 6 months ago and struggling to identify what happened and how to move forward.

  • 37-year-old male with 5 years of weight training experience.
  • For a month before the injury, experienced left hip tightness and shin pain post-back workouts. Increased stretching and used Theragun, which provided temporary relief. Continued training normally with progressive overload.
Injury Event:
  • Achieved a personal record in deadlifts, felt no pain during the lift.
  • Reduced intensity for accessory exercises post-PR. During the last exercise, seated cable rows, felt a crunching or pulling sensation in the left outer hip and sharp pain radiating down the leg.
  • Post-workout, experienced intense sciatic pain and hip muscle pain, worsening with sitting or lying down. Initial self-care with ice, heat, and ibuprofen provided minimal relief.
Initial Management and Recovery:
  • Self-Care: Engaged in hip rehab exercises, core strengthening, and used TB500 which seemed to aid in recovery.
  • Recovery Progress: After about a month, the ability to sit normally returned, and most pain diminished.
Reinjury and Current Condition:
  • After a 12-day break (vacation), resumed training cautiously the first few weeks. Felt similar pulling sensation and sciatic pain while picking up dumbbells, resulting in a worsened condition.
  • Sciatic pain became more severe this time, with initial treatments less effective. Primary care physician diagnosed a hip strain and ruled out disc issues. Advised high-dose ibuprofen and topical capsicum along with existing rehab work and stretching.
Current Status and Concerns:
  • Ongoing issues with hip hinge movements, significant weakness in squats and deadlifts. Almost all lifts are back to where they were prior to injury inluding leg accessories, other than anything with hip hinge which feel unstable and very weak. Squat and deadlift struggling to get 5 reps at a weight I could rep for 10 four years ago. Even the light warmup weight on those compounds doesn't feel right, the hip just doesn't feel the same. Wanting to slowly add back in those lifts but worried about reinjury. Aware it will take time for those lifts to come back and nerve injuries take forever to heal, just wanted to hear from anyone else who dealt with this before, what the prognosis was and what you did that helped.

I see you referenced your PGP (good!) but further studies were not advised. Like an MRI or EMG.

Maybe consider seeing a specialist.
I havent had a hip injury, Ive only had a wrist/hand injury and in my instance I completely stopped the gym to let it heal the fastest

If I was in your shoes, not knowing exactly what the cause is I would jump on hgh/bpc/tb500, get an xray and MRI. Go to a sports clinic.