Suck it, SHBG (feedback needed)


New Member
Alright amigos!
I need some advice on what I am planning on doing about this issue…

(side-by-side comparison image below)

Long story short…
l have been battling with the most frustrating spell of ED of my life. No morning wood. EVER. I can count on one hand how many times I have had a morning “visitor” in the past 4-5 months. I have said it before… This is HELL. Why? Because the libido and urge is there, but even a crazy dose of cialis ain’t enough to consistently perform beyond having a “soft erection” at best…

So… a little over a month ago, the labs revealed high SHBG (which had already been in the higher range of normal in the past) and high prolactin showing in my test results, so I got some caber and some proviron (and upped the test) to deal with these issues. As you will see below, the caber worked (too damn well) - and as a result, I am pulling back on the caber. The proviron, however - did not budge the needle, nor did the higher dose of test - when it came to the SHBG issue. I realize proviron only binds and would not necessarily drop the number.

BUT… My bedroom performance issues had only marginally improved for a brief period a couple weeks ago. And since relapsed…

With this current test result, I have no doubt that the SHBG is the big culprit.

And so you have the entire picture, let me bullet out what I know/don’t know (and likely reasons for the high SHBG):

  • Quick stats: I am 40 years old. 6’3" / 210lbs / 33" waist / no clue on BF% (I am not fat, not skinny, no bulging 6 pack either - probably in range of 14-17%)

  • Current gear: 210mg/week Test cyp (pinned daily)

  • Workout: 4 days a week (PPL/Full Body), and have been adding cardio to my regimen

  • Diet: Intermittent Fasting (20 hours per day)/Keto (helps with bullet point below)

  • As a child, I was given this wonderful gift called type 1 diabetes (I don’t recommend it - it ain’t as cool as you’d think)

  • Blood Glucose: Strictly controlled (avg BG range: 5-7) *on US measure = 80-125ish

  • Blood Pressure: Good - average 110/75 (thanks to cialis/amlodipine)

  • Meds (not supps): Lantus Insulin (24 units per day), Humalog Fast Acting Insulin (~10-15 units per day on average), Metformin (1000mg/day), cialis (20mg/day), Amlodipine (10mg/day)

  • Other health issues: November 2019 - kidney stones (blasted and passed)

  • Liver levels (as of May 2020) - all good

  • Kidney health (as of March 2020) - all good

  • Thyroid (as of June 2020) - all good

  • Lipids/Heart (as of March 2020) - all good

  • So… I am confident that the SHBG is NOT likely related to liver or thyroid problems

  • From research, it appears that elevated SHBG is one of the glorious special bonuses of being a Type 1 Diabetic (thanks Diabetes!)
    • In fact, there is an inverse relationship between how much insulin you take (for T1D) and the level of SHBG

    • In other words… lots of insulin shots = really fat with lower SHBG
Now the test results (the money shot):


LGCJULY2020-COMPARISON1375×1070 185 KB

So… What can I do about this SHBG issue?

  • I am already taking boron, vitamin D, and all the other usual suspects (before this test)…

  • Since it isn’t likely my liver/thyroid, there is no protocol option there…

  • I know large T levels can suppress/overcome SHBG but I really don’t want my TRT/cruise dose to go any higher if I don’t have to. In fact, I would prefer to titrate down from where I am…

  • Clearly proviron didn’t make much of an impact for me…

  • And while increased insulin lowers shbg…
    • I can’t take more insulin shots unless I want to deal with hypoglycemia and take a permanent vacation 6 feet under
    • Nor, do I wanna start binging on carbs and sugar just so I can take more insulin shots and live a hyperglycemic lifestyle of having feet amputated and being on dialysis down the road.
Do I just need to embrace some DHT compounds in my cruise/TRT?

These are the options I know of right now:

  • I do have a sh-t load of primobolan - it is DHT but I am not sure if that would suppress SHBG enough on its own
  • I also have a nice supply of Masteron P - again, if proviron didn’t make it work - would mast?
  • I was already considering going on HGH (2iu/day). Some research suggests that it can lower SHBG…
  • I have about 200 tablets of syn anavar (10mg) - I read a lot of evidence of 5mg of winny doing the trick - perhaps 10mg daily of var would be the way to go.
  • I clearly prefer using orals like this in blasts/cycles. But it appears that to solve this will require an ONGOING protocol
This is what I am now trying (but based on your feedback - I may adjust it)…

Starting today…

  • I am lowering my weekly Test down back to 175mg (25mg daily)
  • and adding 210mg/wk of Primo (30mg daily).
  • And, also starting today, for 4 weeks (just to kickstart things) I am gonna take 10mg daily of the var.
  • If I successfully reduce SHBG - I might free up more hormones and need an AI (have aromasin and adex on hand - just in case)
  • Considering I crushed prolactin - doesn’t mean it won’t come back in the current absence of caber - may need to take .25 E3D (was taking .5 EOD - which was WAY TOO MUCH)
  • I would re-test in about 4-6 weeks
I know I put a lot of info here and I truly thank you all so much for any input and feedback.
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I should note (for the sake of other people)...

I said the proviron didn't work. Actually, not true. The proviron DID work. As you can see in the bump in free androgen index. It just didn't work well enough for my needs.

So... if you are in the slightly elevated (not massively elevated) SHBG range, I would bet proviron would likely work well for you.


SHBG and total testosterone were higher in males with diabetes compared to male siblings. Elevated SHBG was associated with the absence of endogenous insulin independent of gender; elevated total testosterone was similarly associated with the absence of C-peptide but only for males. Diabetes type and treatment were unrelated. In those without diabetes, greater insulin resistance had a small, nonsignificant association with lower SHBG and higher free testosterone.
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and Testosterone in Individuals with Childhood Diabetes


SHBG and total testosterone were higher in males with diabetes compared to male siblings. Elevated SHBG was associated with the absence of endogenous insulin independent of gender; elevated total testosterone was similarly associated with the absence of C-peptide but only for males. Diabetes type and treatment were unrelated. In those without diabetes, greater insulin resistance had a small, nonsignificant association with lower SHBG and higher free testosterone.

I read that same article in my research as well. T1D sucks! LOL

My problem is that I strictly control my BG with a tight keto diet and do not require a lot of insulin (compared to most other type 1 diabetics) - which is the catch-22. To handle the issue with "lifestyle change" would require me to eat high carbs and go on a blood sugar roller coaster of highs and lows - just to have a reason to shoot more insulin in my body. I kind of like NOT being on dialysis with amputated feet. ;-)

Which is why I believe (and I certainly may be completely wrong) that I require an additional compound (or something exogenous) in my TRT/Cruise regimen.
Alot of SHBG issues are related to the liver. You should double check that. But seems your doing everything you can. The diet being the biggest but your on keto which in theory should help. But maybe try incorporating carbs and look at the numbers again? If you let your glucose levels rise a little It will lower SHBG. But probably not a good idea.

Doctors in Europe would prescribe proviron and doctors in the us would prescribe oxandrolone as a last resort. If the diet changes don’t work then I would lower test to 125mg and add in 10mg Anavar daily. Then retest after 6 weeks. I wouldn’t mess with your prolactin. I’m higher then you and it’s not a big deal.
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Alot of SHBG issues are related to the liver. You should double check that. But seems your doing everything you can. The diet being the biggest but your on keto which in theory should help. But maybe try incorporating carbs and look at the numbers again? If you let your glucose levels rise a little It will lower SHBG. But probably not a good idea.

Doctors in Europe would prescribe proviron and doctors in the us would prescribe oxandrolone as a last resort. If the diet changes don’t work then I would lower test to 125mg and add in 10mg Anavar daily. Then retest after 6 weeks. I wouldn’t mess with your prolactin. I’m higher then you and it’s not a big deal.

Yeah... I wanted to see if the prolactin was the root of my ED issues but it seems that it is the SHBG is the more likely problem.

I just ordered a new liver test as well and will see if there has been some change in the last couple months since the last one - just to rule it out 100%. I am still pretty confident there are no issues that have come to light in such a short time frame (at least I hope). But you are right - I'd rather rule out all the worst cases - even redundantly!
Yeah... I wanted to see if the prolactin was the root of my ED issues but it seems that it is the SHBG is the more likely problem.

I just ordered a new liver test as well and will see if there has been some change in the last couple months since the last one - just to rule it out 100%. I am still pretty confident there are no issues that have come to light in such a short time frame (at least I hope). But you are right - I'd rather rule out all the worst cases - even redundantly!

I might have missed it but do you indicate how much proviron you were taking?

And from the look of the jump in free androgen index - it seems it wasn't totally without benefit. Just not to the level I need to make a big enough impact for me...

You can try running the proviron a little higher. A lot of guys run it at 100 mg/day.

Proviron binds to the SHBG which in turn allows more free test. It would still show up as higher SHBG but it’s not grabbing testosterone. It’s got more to do with that than the androgen benefit.

How are you pinning your 210 mg/week of TestCyp daily though? That’s just barely over a tick. That’s crazy.
You can try running the proviron a little higher. A lot of guys run it at 100 mg/day.

Proviron binds to the SHBG which in turn allows more free test. It would still show up as higher SHBG but it’s not grabbing testosterone. It’s got more to do with that than the androgen benefit.

How are you pinning your 210 mg/week of TestCyp daily though? That’s just barely over a tick. That’s crazy.

Oh. Sorry for the confusion on that. I am not pinning 210mg daily. I am pinning 210 weekly - split over 30mg per day pins. LOL
Europe PMC

i found some studies that spoke about oral Stanozolol administration decreases SHBG levels.. at circa 15mg ED

Interesting. While I am not a big fan of winny - due to the hepatoxic nature of it, it makes me wonder if it is the DHT aspect that gets this done. If so, I would assume a "safer" oral route would be Anavar.

Maybe I am "bro sciencing" this a little much...
Interesting. While I am not a big fan of winny - due to the hepatoxic nature of it, it makes me wonder if it is the DHT aspect that gets this done. If so, I would assume a "safer" oral route would be Anavar.

Maybe I am "bro sciencing" this a little much...

I read somewhere (maybe in Llewellyn’s book) that the oral route administration of Winstrol brought the liver to produce less SHBG... I would go for the 15mg ED route of Oral Winstrol and watch out SHBG.. and liver enzymes too, but i dont think it should be such a concern with just 15mg ED
So many people that are on cycle and had no libido used hcg and boom their libido got back. You however have libido but soft dick. Dick tissue has estrogen and dht receptors. More e2 means soft dick and more dht means the opposite.

Now, the way you can tell if you have high e2 and low dht is actually by looking at your dick, hehe. If it's small (in a non erect state), smaller then usual, and kinda rubbery and wrinkled, then your dht is way low. This kinda goes hand in hand with high shbg.

You can lower shbg with lot's of supps, aas ... maybe your proviron is bunk, at 50mg it should lower shbg, or it's underdosed. In any case, you can just use 150 to 200mg's, supposedly. Or get any other DHT oral: var, winny, SD, ... all will effectively lower shbg.

Test boosters that contain ai's like arimistane also effectively lower shbg. But do also try hcg.
So many people that are on cycle and had no libido used hcg and boom their libido got back. You however have libido but soft dick. Dick tissue has estrogen and dht receptors. More e2 means soft dick and more dht means the opposite.

Now, the way you can tell if you have high e2 and low dht is actually by looking at your dick, hehe. If it's small (in a non erect state), smaller then usual, and kinda rubbery and wrinkled, then your dht is way low. This kinda goes hand in hand with high shbg.

You can lower shbg with lot's of supps, aas ... maybe your proviron is bunk, at 50mg it should lower shbg, or it's underdosed. In any case, you can just use 150 to 200mg's, supposedly. Or get any other DHT oral: var, winny, SD, ... all will effectively lower shbg.

Test boosters that contain ai's like arimistane also effectively lower shbg. But do also try hcg.

interesting stuff... where did you read about estrogens/dht erections ?
interesting stuff... where did you read about estrogens/dht erections ?

Can't remember now from the top of my head, I mean, I don't have any studies at hand. But yeah, low T means soft dick, and the dht/e2 ballance is what determines this. What I didn't know for a long time is; how you can gauge androgen levels, from looking at the non erect state of the dick ...
I've also noticed that with low dht levels, I don't have much sensation. It's like it's partially numb to feeling, he-he.
Can't remember now from the top of my head, I mean, I don't have any studies at hand. But yeah, low T means soft dick, and the dht/e2 ballance is what determines this. What I didn't know for a long time is; how you can gauge androgen levels, from looking at the non erect state of the dick ...

I can’t tell from looking at my own dick whether my E2 ratio is ok. I’m gonna PM you some dick pics for you to consult on. Send your dick pics to Dr Dick Looker, MD here!

C’mon.... you’re really gonna continue this nonsense?

There’s a lot more to erectile dysfunction than DHT/E2. Most of it is psychological. Then the next has to do with blood flow. That’s why cialis and viagra work. Taking PEDs fucks with your blood pressure and that in itself can cause ED.

Don’t be a witch doctor with flaccid rubbery dicks!